Once again Carenne Special School turns to the Western Advocate, Bathurst's local newspaper to try and counter the effect of this blog.
On Tuesday, an article, written presumably by Neil Moon appeared in the "Update from the Principal" section on page 12 appeared in the newspaper. The article goes on to discuss how much the school has benefited from the Building the Education Revolution funding (or Gillard School Building debacle) which has paid for a new library, connector classroom, high support needs student classroom, toilet renovations and a roof over the centre quadrangle of the school. Mention is also made of the new senior classrooms which opened last year, full of problems which the saviours blamed on Michael Auld having the rooms allocated differently to how they would be used in an attempt to get more from the education department.
Mr Moon fails to mention that only the cover over the quadrangle is part of the BER funding and that the other upgrades have been planned since Terry Mahony was principal and will be funded by the state government, as were the four senior classrooms. Once again, Carenne Special School is attempting to prop up the Labor Party and counter the effect on the blog.
After the new building opened last year, Terry Neal, principal at the time was on the local news saying how the school needed to replace the demountable buildings the school had. Almost immediately, the Carenne Saviours came out swinging saying that the school now has nowhere to build new facilities because Michael Auld had arranged for the land at the rear of the school to be leased to Riding for the Disabled, an organisation he is on the committee of. While Carenne will be receiving a new library and high support needs classroom, these are being built in the school's connected classroom and home economics room. It is a refit not a completely new building program. The high support needs classroom is currently a demountable building which leaks and is full of mould. This refit is being funded by the state government, not the BER program. Neil Moon obviously has no idea what is going on or he is just plain out lying.
The article then goes on to praise the Riding for the Disabled program, claiming that it is "traveling along wonderfully", despite claims that certain students are excluded and it being postponed while Melinda Gavin took a holiday. Mr Moon then says about how the school has a therapy farm behind it, despite this being operated by RDA and is presently on hold as the school had been wrongfully funding it. At the staff meeting on 31 May 2010, staff were told that funding was being investigated and that there could be a fee for each student who attends the farm. Once again, Neil Moon is trying to mislead the Bathurst community.
The article ends by mentioning that the school looks forward to working with Denison College on the Trade Training Centre next year. The centre was originally supposed to have been completed much earlier, but the Carenne TTC committee, comprising of Lyn Duncan and Michael Auld managed to have part of the funding allocated to RDA. It is unknown how much RDA received out of the $3.7 million when it was entitled to nothing. This appeared to be just another desperate attempt by Neil Moon to counter what is already on the blog for all to see.
What a joke, after saying on here that we don't see pictures with Martin & Firth at Carenne now Neil Moon has to put one in the paper. WELL DONE NEIL!
Piss off back to Cowra Neil, you have stuffed Carenne. It wasn't that great when Terry was principal, it went downhill when Lynn became principal, it steadied with Terry N was principal and now with you at the helm it has plummeted. You are incompetent, useless and from what your staff tell me have done nothing other than make an arse groove in the principal's chair. You are useless, step aside and let someone who knows what they are doing run the place. Even I could do better than you.
I loved the newsletter too Neil, I liked reading how Carenne Support isn't part of the school but does therapy for not even 1/4 of the school yet Chris when she came and threatened me at my house told me all students get therapy. You are all a joke. Richard was telling me this morning how much you get paid from your bus "grant". You are a pack of con artists and need to be in prison not at a school.
July 1, 2010 2:30 PM
The parents hate Neil, he is a smug, arrogant bastard who thinks his shit doesn't stink. At least you could approach Terry M and Terry N, even Lynn if you had to but this guy, he is infuriating. Face it Neil, you won't be at Carenne much longer. If Churches/Auld don't fuck you the parents will force you out because you are HATED! Go back to Cowra Mr Smirk.
Neil Moon Allows A 9 Year Old Student To Smoke And On School Grounds ,That Will Tell You What Control Neil Moon Has Of The School.He Is A Puppett To Auld And Churches.
Everyone write to the Western Advocate and ask the Edior is he the same Neil Moon who has been listed on the Bathurst Court criminal lists?
How was the meeting with Kate White and Peter Seligman this afternoon?
July 1, 2010 5:45 PM
The meeting was about the blog. Neil Moon wanted the staff to go and bullshit about how this blog is affecting us and they told us that DET is doing stuff all about it and to make a big fuss.
Anonymous 5:45 PM
Who had Meeting With Kate White And Peter Seligman.
How about DET stop Lee Churches posting on here and do something about fixing the problems at the school! Instead of bitching about a blog how about you fix the very real problems being complained about.
nedkelly 5:48 PM
Who went to meeting to lie for moon.
July 1, 2010 5:50 PM
All Carenne staff. You should of heard the fuckwhits I work with complaining about how DET has to do something about this blog and how they all think its external people and not coming from inside Carenne. HELLO, I work inside Carenne you fuckwhits!
Boo Who a blog ruined my life, you fucking sooks. Of course you had Ros Luther there saying about how she has done nothing and is being persecuted. What a fuckwhit! Why have you changed how you deal with the student in your class fuckwhit.
and Lee is on fucking stress leave over it. How about you stop fucking us over you fuckwhits!
Anonymous 5:50 PM
This is so true and the DET know its Churches posting on here and deframing students,parents and staff and innocent people who dare to question her disgusting behaviour.Now her drop kick son has come in on her filthy act as well.
When Terry was principal we didn't need to have meetings with the big OHS man from Orange, we dealt with our problems ourselves. Terry could manage staff, Neil can't.
We miss Terry Mahony.
July 1, 2010 5:56 PM
This fuckwhit was saying how it was all people outside of Carenne today. I couldn't fucking believe it. How do people outside know things? Except when Michael the cunt leaks it.
Fuck off Terry you little cunt, you made this fucking mess and ran away like a dog. You are a weak little fucking cunt.
nedkelly 5:52 PM
And The Deputy Principal "LEE CHURCHES" is the one posting on here "MR MOON" Was The Wombat At The Meeting Too Lieing Through Her Ass.
Lee Churches has made the mess and runs away when the heat is on, she is nothing but a cunt.
nedkelly 6:06 PM
Churches won't run too far she will be held accountable for what heartache she has caused,That is" A PROMISE"
July 1, 2010 6:10 PM
She thinks she is invincible and that she can say things about parents and students and get away with it.
nedkelly 6:20PM
When does churches face the beak in sydney court.
The meeting was great. All the people doing the wrong thing has a whinge! Saying that they are sick of Carenne not being supported!
Neil Moon Would Be shiting himself,Parents are pulling their children out of carenne school and there will be question wanting too know why.Their little game is nearly over.
July 1, 2010 6:59 PM
That is his major concern. He was crapping on about how parents have come across the site and are talking about it.
nedkelly 7:13 PM
Parents has named LEE CHURCHES told him she is posting on the blog ,Who is he trying to kid ,does he think the parents are dumb ,What a "IDIOT" moon is.
Neil Moon is nothing more than a complete fuckwhit. He is worried about his and the school's reputation. Maybe if it wasn't for the fuckwhits at the school there wouldn't be a problem.
There is a big problem at carenne school, And Lee Churches,Michael Auld and Carenne Support and the klan have caused all the problems.
July 1, 2010 7:43 PM
Including Margaret Rowe "nedkelly". She continues to claim that she is attacked on an almost daily basis in the street. She is a liar who can not be trusted.
Hannibal Smith 8:18 PM
For Sure She Is One Of The Klan.
Neil you say you don't read the blog but you have to reply to it. You are a complete and utter tosser. I loved the meeting today, DET is still working on taking this blog down and has the best and brightest working on it. YEAH RIGHT!
THE therapy farm is on hold until next term. It will cost participants $15 a term to go there, another of Auld's great ideas. It's not worth $1 per term, it's a joke.
Who gets paid to do RDA?
The therapy farm is owned and operated by RDA. Both Auld and Gavin are on the committee. Auld was having the school fund most of the things at the farm.
It just shows that Neil Moon is a liar who's word is worth nothing.
Michael Auld And Lee Churches Need To Be Sacked ,Peter Harvey And Carol Mcdimad Know These Two Are Behind The Abuse Of These Innocent Students The Fraud And The Bullying Going On At Carenne School And Have Covered It Up.
July 2, 2010 11:52 AM
My son actually learns when Michael Auld is away, he isn't out doing slave labor for RDA.
Don't mention in the newspaper how we discussed at Monday's staff meeting charging $15 per term for kids to go to the therapy farm!
Barracus 9:15 PM
Thats a lot of money a year to feed a few animals,When auld gets the feed for nothing.
July 2, 2010 9:28 PM
Auld told us all he paid for the feed and was financing the farm but we found out after the review that he was lying.
Barracus 9:28PM
Auld is a liar thats why he is good friends with churches tar with the one brush,He gets the feed for nothing.
Get back in your borrow wombat.No he doesn't you Liar.
who pays jasmine ryan?
Anonymous 10:03 pm
Carenne support pays jasmine ryan
July 2, 2010 10:05 PM
Keep spreading more lies Jenny you idiot. You wouldn't know who pays who.
Seymour 10:05 PM
Guess again dear
July 2, 2010 10:08 PM
Jenny is the only idiot who says she knows things she doesn't. I wonder how her friend Trudy feels about her saying on the blog that she took her son out of Carenne.
Seymour 10:07 PM "LEE CHURCHES"
Fancy you accusing anyone for lieing,"YOU" are the QUEEN" of "LIARS"
Seymour 10:10 PM
Lee Churches that wasn't jenny who said that it was you deputy principal.Just another lie from yourself lee.
July 2, 2010 10:14 PM
Have you asked parents to make false complaints about the bus Jenny? You got caught doing that before didn't you ex-bus driver. You go down the same path as the infamous Brian Carter, you are both idiots who will get nowhere. You both broke the child protection rules and employment guidelines and deserved to be sacked.
Do you support RDA being so closely entwined with Carenne that Melinda Gavin works there and is relieved at school Lee?
How about if you want to work at RDA Melinda you resign from Carenne. You wouldn't be missed all you do is hang around the staff room with Michael all day now he is on non-teaching duties.
Seymour "LEE CHURCHES" 10:16 pm
Your the one who is going somewhere too "JAIL" And Broke.
Seymour "LEE CHURCHES" 10:16PM
Brian Carter And Jenny O'neill are not the idiots "CARENNE SUPPORT"board members are the idiots they are liars and cheats and bullys and will be beaten in the unfair dismissal courts on both acoounts.
July 2, 2010 10:30 PM
Everyone is commenting on Melinda and Michael's behavious at the moment. Every chance she gets she is in the release office talking to him.
July 3, 2010 8:39 PM
She would be asking what Matt Casey has to do next. He is an incompetent teacher that man.
Ivan Borowski July 3,2010 11:06 Pm
LEE CHURCHES what doesn't
Matt Casey Crawl up the KLAN ASS.
I speak the truth Mrs Snitch
Ivan Borowski July 4,2010 11:41 PM
Yes laurie she is a chip of the old block all tared to the one brush .
Laurie O'Neill you are an idiot who is married to a stupid woman who couldn't do the right thing
Seymour July 6,2010 10:57 PM
LEE CHURCHES that is why your not married no one would have a bully and a liar for there wife and thats what you are MISS LEE CHURCHES.
Laurie and Lee looks like a bush pig and acts like one.
July 7, 2010 7:38 AM
Jenny got married and she looks like an orangutan
July 7, 2010 6:52 AM
You were on the alcohol early this morning weren't you Laurie? Has your wife told you that you can't work for anyone lately?
LEE CHURCHES POSTED UNDER ALIAS OF Anonymous and The concerned tax payer AT times
10:06pm july 7,2010
10:07Pm july7,2010.
Barracus 9:28PM
Auld is a liar thats why he is good friends with churches tar with the one brush,He gets the feed for nothing.
Don't mention in the newspaper how we discussed at Monday's staff meeting charging $15 per term for kids to go to the therapy farm!
The therapy farm is owned and operated by RDA. Both Auld and Gavin are on the committee. Auld was having the school fund most of the things at the farm.
It just shows that Neil Moon is a liar who's word is worth nothing.
Who gets paid to do RDA?
THE therapy farm is on hold until next term. It will cost participants $15 a term to go there, another of Auld's great ideas. It's not worth $1 per term, it's a joke.
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