Carennetruth, the Internet identity of Carenne Special School assistant principal Lee Churches, as proven through IP address records in emails she has sent has named people she considers "snitches" on her blog and has now retracted it.
These are similar tactics to those she used on Sydney Indymedia when posting under various names. Fortunately the Google Cache has them stored.
those people not snitches
Where is it now Julie Bitch. I never wrote this I am being set up.
people have printed it of your blog carennetruth do you want a copy.
You are are beginning to understand how politics works carennestrewth, many of us are surprised you have not started spewing green bile. Are you scared of holywater?
You have to love carennetruth and her vocabulary. Doesn't say much for a woman who is employed as a teacher does it?
As soon as she can't get her own way she resorts to petty name calling and abuse. Sounds just like the allegations against her in the classroom doesn't it?
At least on the Internet it is here for all to see the character of the person. You have someone who intimidates whistleblowers, calls parent's names, leaks medical information and uses vulgar language towards anyone who disagrees with her.
The question is - why has she not been referred to HealthQuest?
Unfortunately HealthQuest is only used by the N.S.W. government to attack those who are NOT mentally sick. Those who are friends of the Regional Director, the one who was awarded the Public Service Medal in the Australia Day Honours in 2009, will never be 'punished' by HealthQuest. In face, my guess is that since 'Carennestrewth' is a friend of the Regional Director, she will be well rewarded for her 'efforts' in covering up the happenings at Carenne. No doubt she will also be nominated for an Australia Day Award in the future - or at least, promoted to Principal. What a bully of a principal she will be, too.
what about snitch who at carenne 8.30pm tonight by himself going through people thing - michael auld the fraud. the one who is responsible for most of what happen at carenne. the one who set people up, hack email, shred document ect
Michael Auld and his klan seem to be just like the NSW Labor party from which he hails. They will do anything to maintain their power and undermine the boss.
The parents know Carenne is stuffed, while ever the Klan remain at Carenne there is no hope. A new principal will make no difference while ever Plod, Shepherd, Dumpling, Carennestrewth and her aide remain there.
It doesn't matter who is the principal of Carenne they will be undermined and stabbed by the Klan. The Klan will continue to hold the power at the school and if they do not they will simply undermine the principal.
The parents want everyone in the Klan gone.
Plod doesn't work at the school you idiot.
When I have spoken to the parents they tell me how much they love the people you have mentioned. Stop the rot.
carennetruth aka Lee Churches is a snitch. The parents hate the klan, I have not heard them say anything positive about you, your aide or shepherd. Parents know if their child gets placed in shepherd's class they are scraping the bottom of the barrel.
Anyhow, you need to add Lee Churches name to that snitch list carennetruth and remove the last two. You and Lucy Thornton are the snitches at Carenne.
lucy is not a snitch she dedicated she put so much time in at carenne and get nothing for it a snitch wouldnt do that.
there is another snitch you not mention
Lee the snitches are in your own Klan. Michael Fraud was ratting on you today while he was at the school.
What the hell is an "Internet Identity"?
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