Friday, March 30, 2012

Manager of Assisted School Travel ignores serious complaints

Catherine Naismith, the manager of the department's Assisted School Travel Unit has ignored serious complaints about issues involving the travel program at Carenne Special School. This week, departmental whistleblower Save Carenne informed Naismith of a number of issues involving the program at Carenne to be told:

I also note that you claim to be an employee of the Department which therefore places obligations on you in regard to your employer and how you notify the Department of complaints. I strongly recommend that you familiarise yourself with the complaints handling processes of the Department and the Code of Conduct. If you believe that your complaints are of such a nature that the Department ought to take them seriously, then please provide them in the appropriate manner.

If you hold concerns regarding identifying yourself in making a complaint, please familiarise yourself with the Department’s policy Public Interest Disclosures - Internal Reporting Policy
Obviously, Naismith is not aware of the culture that exists within the department in Western NSW from Carole McDiarmid down. Those who complain and speak up routinely face harassment, intimidation and other reprisals. For Naismith to refuse to investigate what are serious issues against a number of people is frightening.

Savecarenne alleged that unapproved escorts had been used by Cheryl Chaplin, Capebase, Carenne Support, Dick Spears and Peter Williams and that the only vehicles meeting department standards were operated by Carenne Support.

Of particular concern was the unapproved use of medically retired assistant principal Lee Churches on Capebase's run given that she was retired due to cognitive and mental health problems. She was subsequently approved despite being a person on the department's Not To Be Employed list.

Savecarenne's complaint raised both safety and child protection issues and has been flatly rejected by the manager of the Assisted School Travel Unit who presided over the unit when 700 students were left stranded at the beginning of the year. It's time the department take action and sack Naismith for gross incompetence.