Sunday, March 6, 2011

Carenne fundraiser shows community support has dropped: nedkelly

Carenne Special School klansmen turned whistleblower, nedkelly has contacted Carenne Gate with a report on the school fundraiser held at the Waratah last night.

According to nedkelly, the turnout was the lowest she has ever seen at a school fundraiser, claiming there were less people in attendance than were at the Carenne Support fundraiser (where staff took a sex toy) last year.

nedkelly told Carenne Gate-
"You can really see that the support Carenne once had is gone, there were hardly any people there last night, far less than the RSL club, less than the Zoe Gavin benefit and far far less than at the bus dinner dance. Carenne is on the f------ nose."
nedkelly said she believed that corrupt principal, Neil Moon would lie to the community and make it sound as though the target was exceeded and that the venue was full. "That isn't the case, there would have been 30 or 40 people there at the most. That is probably being generous, the whole night was a joke," said nedkelly.

nedkelly said that the night was fairly uneventful, although she is concerned about the excess alcohol consumption of some of her colleagues. nedkelly alleges that two-thirds of the staff that attended were extremely drunk and made allegations that one of them drove home in that state, despite nedkelly trying to convince them otherwise and calling the police on them.

nedkelly was also concerned about most of the items at the fundraiser being alcohol. "You can tell that two-thirds of Carenne staff are alcoholics, most of the auction items or prizes were alcoholic."

"It's time that another review takes place at Carenne, this time looking at the social problems among the staff and the fact that most of them have a f------ alcohol problem."