Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Unofficial Carenne Support spokeswoman received transport she wasn't entitled to

A Carenne Special School whistleblower has reported that the woman who appears to have become the unofficial blog spokeswoman for Carenne Support, Mary Housler received transport under the Special Needs Transport Service which she wasn't entitled to.

The whistleblower alleges that Mrs Housler's son was transported to and from the school by a taxi under the SNTS, despite her being able to do it herself. According to DET, the SNTS is available to students who have parents who are unable to take the child to school themselves.

"Mary was going to university next to the school yet she couldn't bring him herself, she is another Janelle Kemp, just sponging off the public purse,"
said the whistleblower.

The whistleblower claims that Jock Roxborough would have made the recommendation for Mrs Housler's son to receive transport under the SNTS by lying to the department. "He would have said that she couldn't take the child herself," the whistleblower said.

Even after Mrs Housler became an employee of Carenne Support, which runs buses under the SNTS, her son continued to receive transport from the department.

With continued fraud among operators, unapproved arrangements with parents and operators and the transport of students who are ineligible for the service because of lies by school principals the SNTS needs a radical overhaul.