Monday, March 14, 2011

Carenne Support forces parent to pick up student

The corrupt organisation at the core of the Carenne Gate Affair, Carenne Support Limited has made a parent drive 120 Km return in order to pick up her son after driver Dave Graham said he wouldn't transport the student if he was the same in the afternoon.

After spending most of the day locked in Ros Luther's storeroom known as the "torture room", the student was highly agitated by the afternoon so Mrs Luther called his parents and demanded that they take him home because the bus driver refused to transport him.

Parents have a right to know how many students are being locked in this torture room and for how long. It is despicable for Carenne to terrorise a student in this way and then claim it is too hard to deal with the student and demand that his parents pick him up instead of being transported by the organisation paid to do it.