A concerned parent has contacted Carenne Gate about their concerns surrounding corrupt Carenne Support therapist, Christine Porter teaching his son in Michael Auld's class on Tuesdays. The parent says he was contacted by his son from the school today, who told him that Mrs Porter was again teaching the class and that Mr Auld and his aide Melinda Gavin were not in the classroom.
As usual with Michael Auld and his newsletter pieces where he talks up his allies, Mr Auld mentioned in the school newsletter that Christine Porter had been doing a communication program with his class as well as also working with a small group of the class' students. Mr Auld mentions that "Class A is privileged to have a speech therapist working with us."
In the past, Mrs Porter has been accused of incorrectly leading people to think that she is employed by the school, defrauding DADHC, obtaining emails leaked from the special transport unit to supply to a hacker and covered up the neglect of a student.
According to a whistleblower at the school, Mrs Porter is trying to expand her influence at the school and her program has been part of her studies. "I believe she is trying to become a teacher, what a joke that is," said the whistleblower.
How Neil Moon can allow someone like Christine Porter to remain at Carenne Special School is of serious concern. It's time that this woman, who has been involved in a number of serious issues is sacked and shown the door.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Corrupt therapist teaching at Carenne
christine porter,
melinda gavin,
michael auld
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1 – 200 of 301 Newer› Newest»Has ANYONE EVER seen this Porter's qualifications? It's said she isn't even a properly post-grad qualified Speech Pathologist so what is she doing in ANY position at a school? Speech Path./Therapists are trained at Uni. of Sydney and it is indeed a gruelling course. Anything less than a degree from there is not worth the paper it's written on and still no-one has even seen any qualifications from this ' person' WHY?
why was auld alone at CPSB tonight at 7:30
Simonee Russell has been charged with perverting the course of justice. It is alleged that she approched Melissa Harris and offered her a mobile phone if she withdraw allegations against her son Jermey Russell. Ms Russell has been released on bail and she has a condition that she not enter Carenne School. She is due to face Bathurst Local Court on Friday 25th of November. The DPP will be taking carriage of the prosecution in the local court due to the conflict of interestof police prosecutors appearing in the matter.
Jermey Russell has been also been charged with the sexual assault of Melissa Harris.He is currently on bail. This has been the result of investigations by ICAC and Police based with State Crime Command.
There is a non publication order regarding this matter due to Melissa Harris age. I also note there is a threat to these prosecutions going ahead as the Russell's are friends with the magistrates who sit in Bathurst being Jan Stevenson and Michael Allen.
I urge everyone to turn up at Bathurst Local Court on Friday 25th of November at 9:30 am to demonstrate our support of Melissa Harris and to show the court that we expecty justice and expect to see Simonee Russell and Jermey Russell in prison
ask cheryl chaplin , shes up porter and churches ass
You ought to be ashamed of yourself you lying cunts. Simone Russell and Lee Churches have been charged with preverting the course of justice. You lying scum have given police and ICAC false info. I have dirt on people and If Simone, Jeremy goes down there will be other people going down with her.
Simone, Jeremy and Lee Churhes have made a significant contribution to Carenne School and it would not be like it is if it was not for them.
Her speech therapy degree came from CSU apparently. You can't believe a word that Porter says.
Yes we know your part of the reason carennes fucked and its good to see your lies are catching up with you.
I will be there with bells on finally some justice do you know when lee churches faces court?
If you're a journalist, I'm the President of USA! What utter garbage. "I used the term "Carenne speech therapist" loosly as it is correct as she works at the school in the sense that her duties involve dealing with students of Carenne School" states NOTHING AT ALL! One does not 'use' a professional term "loosely" you ignorant twit. The spelling and grammar displayed in that piece of fiction reveat that only an uneducated yobo could have concocted it. Learn the difference between 'hear' and 'here' dear, not to mention 'loosly'? 'runing'?
What an utter joke.
In other words this stupid woman is not qualified at all for CSU does not train Speech Therapists and never has. What a travesty of justice this is when Mackay was just down the road FULLY QUALIFIED and not permitted to access the students who need Speech and Language Therapy! This is typical DET incestuous relationships run amok. She has to be related to someone, or giving favours to someone? Why is she even permitted to deal with these Special Needs students?
Then Porter has to be a "friend" (or maybe more?) of Chaplin and/or Churches or their families I'd say. Still ILLEGAL AND TOTALLY CRIMINAL BEHAVIOUR BY PORTER AND MOON FOR PERMITTING THIS TO BEGIN AND TO CONTINUE!
Most likely written by Porter herself. Everyone knows she is on the blog, she posts on here about herself and runs to the cops and says Brian Carter is harassing her.
The wanker was calling parents from the school to ask if they posted about him on the blog. It's time Moon does something about the prick.
Did Mackay used to work at district office?
You wouldn't think so with what she says about them.
Christine Porter is being paid as an SLSO to do this communication program.
You write like Jenny O'Neill
You are part of the reason nothing is being done.
Lyn Duncan, Lee Churches and Simone Russell offered Melissa the phone. Cheryl Chaplin was given $5000 to stay quiet about what she knew.
Please explain?
Are you Kym Tattlesall "Libertarian" Yettel?
What a Pathological LIAR .
Yettel you would have too be a KLAN MEMBER to know this information?
More corruption by the DEC
Yettell why would Shane be part of the reason nothing been done unlike you and your klan friends Shane speaks up in his own name and is not frighten too it's a pity you didn't use your real name Yettell!
Shane you will have plenty of friends there with you too see JUSTICE done.
Where was Michael Auld and Melinda Gavin when Mrs Porter was teaching Michael Aulds Class which is against the LAW.
Keep Guesing Klan Member
Nothing is FALSE Simone Russell"hatho".
Good on her if she did at least she not corrupt like you klan members Yettell.
Why hasn't Margaret Rowe "nedkelly" and Michael Auld "omertra" been charged with preverting the course of justice as well as Lee Churches and Simone Russell all Klan Members ?
This is not a real Anon posting this and it certainly isn't correct. The Police are still discussing how they are going to hide from the investigation being conducted by the Professional Services Command.
Corrupt Police have support of Inspector Tony Hoolihan, Superintendent Mark Robinson and Inspector Lance McFawn who have said they will do anything to protect their colleagues in Chifley LAC.
There have been emails circulating today about the arrangements. Auld is saying that even if the program is found to be incorrect, he wants Porter to stay on as an aide until the end of term because she was promised the work.
The email address used is roslyn.luther@hotmail.com
Thank you
Piss off Ros Luther
Has she got the Qualifications to be a aide
You teach at CPS ROS LUTHER
You know Ros Luther
She was invovled in the cover up
Thank you!
Margaret Rowe needs to learn that she doesn't run the school and that most of us can't stand her. Fancy her telling us we all have to get along and be nice when her mates Auld and Cranston didn't go this afternoon. What would be nice would be for those pissing in Moon's pocket to actually do some work.
Why haven't half the school? All the staff that were there in 2003 one about Withyman and lied.
Every person who worked there when Withyman was there should be charged. They all knew about it.
Christ only knows, those two are never in the classroom.
Margaret Rowe is a loud mouthed fuckwit who should be strung up on the flagpole for what she has done.
You don't need to be at Carenne. We don't tech and kids don't learn.
They would be a teacher who is supposed to be teaching how to write properly to students. At Carenne, there are aides who are smarter than teachers. Auld, Luther and Neal are practically illiterate.
Ask her about students wanking in class while she watched.
No but neither do most staff at Carenne.
and hadn't even completed her GradDip in Inclusive Education. Even Laurie Clifford is more qualified than Ros.
A while ago one female parent complained about Auld calling her at all hours. Mahony covered it up.
Why would a speechie wasn't to do physio on kids when she isn't qualified unless she is a pedophile.
Why would anyone check? Matt Casey was employed at Carenne for 6 weeks before anyone realised he didn't have a current teacher approval or working with children approval!
Porter is a crook. Her and her hubby are going to end up in jail.
This is just Christine and Carenne Support trying to look like they do something. Christine would have stolen the program from someone else and would be passing it off as her own.
Getting rid of Rowe, Cranston and Auld would fix most of the problems at Carenne.
That's rot
Are you calling Anon Intel Service a liar deepthroat "Barbara Woolfe?
Yettell is a KLAN MEMBER Ros Luther that explains it Shane!
Thank you and yes that certainly explains it.
I'm warning you cunts, you don't want to pull your fucking shit with my son today. You think you are all tough putting shit on him Auld because I commented on the blog you weak little cunt. Come and see me, you know who I am cocksucker.
As for Neil Moon, you raise it with him and he denies it. Are you in denial about your fucking staff are you? You are nothing but a fucking limp dick too.
Me not using my name isn't that I wish to be anonymous, it's showing you weak cunts the disrespect you deserve. You all get on here and rave on with fucking shit hiding behind a name. You all know who I am so DO YOUR FUCKING WORST CUNTS!
My son has gone backwards ever since being placed in that cocksucker Michael Auld's class. All they do is play with fucking animals. He is capable of actually learning in the right environment and he isn't getting that at Carenne.
Linda Cormack said he would get the support he needs at Carenne and he hasn't been.
You are proud of that? You cunts have the hide to ask for more money and you don't fucking do what you are paid to do? You are just weak low cunts.
What sort of sick fuck would use the name deepthroat when they work at a school?
You're telling me that these cunts aren't even special ed teachers?
Well Said Mr Irate!
Barbrara Woolfe is "deepthroat"
THis is how they treated other parents children when they stood up to these creeps.
You know all about this Ros Luther what were you paid to keep quiet?
And most of the staff are not Qualified to be teacher's or aide's just like Christine Porter a FAKE.
Linda Cormack knows all about the Abuse and Corruption going on at Carenne Public School Bathurst .
Getting rid of the bloody lot of the Staff is the only way to fix carenne.
You only have read the Email Barbara Woolfe sent to Julie Brown that Anonymous put up on the blog too know they all knew Blackburn was sleeping with a STUDENT David Withyman
Porter wouldn't be teaching my child,look what she has done to other students at Carenne.
You are good friends with Ros Luther Barbara Woolfe no doubt you say that it's rot copy that word from carennetruth"Lee Churches" have you Barb?
Ask her about the ABUSE of AS
That's right Mr Irate just more corruption that the DEC and Peter Harvey has covered up.
It is ILLEGAL and CORRUPT for DEC to permit an SLSO to "TEACH" children! They are to 'support' students which means clarifying what teacher says etc NOT BLOODY TEACH CLASSES!
WHY? Why is he so insistent an untrained, unqualified deceitful manipulative woman remain at Carenne TEACHING and INFLUENCING the children and staff? What's going on between them eh?
Have background checks been done on Porter?
She was in a consultancy position for a time however McDairmid forced her to be moved to Bathurst West so Jenny Adams could really persecute her and destroy her. That didn't work but it was terrible indeed and ALL RECORDED!
And Mackay WAS fully qualified in all aspects of Special Ed and not permitted to work in that field! Especially the Speech and Language that ALL of those students would benefit from!
Who's the pathological liar?
SLSO are left alone with classes all the time at Carenne.
Lee Churches and Terry Mahony employed christine porter no checks.
Porter has plenty of shit on auld.
Must keep everything recorded and a paper trail against these corrupt people of the DEC
After the end of term all the crap staff will have been gotten rid of. Cream of the crop states and the shit has sunk.
What are they sacking the whole Carenne Staff?
Is Shane French's eldest son gay because Shane raped him repeatedly?
Disgusting KLAN MEMBER
Perhaps ask terry.neal@det.nsw.edu.au using a Skymesh connection why he is so interested in this person's sexuality.
Ask Neil Moon about his emails telling Michael Auld to make sure your son is not near any of the action and to make up things he has done wrong.
That's Terry Neal's email but I think he uses Bigpond not Skymesh.
This is appalling. You can't shut Shane up so you attack his son who didn't even go to Carenne.
And Terry Neal the Deputy Principal of Carenne why hasn't he been sacked.
Adrian Piccoli
When are you going to take action against a Deputy and a Acting Deputy Principal who are employed by The Western Region Education Department at Carenne Public School Bathurst NSW who have Deframed a Parent and their child on a World Wide Internet Blog "The Carenne Gate Affair"This school needs closing down the ABUSE of Students and the Corruption being covered up by Neil Moon and his STAFF is beyond believe.
Whatever sexual preference my son decides to make is his as long as he is proud of who he is I am happy.
This is what these creeps do they try and discredit parents and their families too cover their own ABUSE of these STUDENTS at Carenne up,not to mention all the corruption going on at Carenne Public School Bathurst,No wonder people won't use their real names if they do they are sitting ducks to be deframed and threatened and have their property destroyed by these Employees of the Western Region Education Department run by Carol McDimad and Peter Harvey.
terry neal assaulted my youngest son who attended carenne he thinks he has gotten away with it but I have not forgotten and every dog has their day and his will come, he is a big hero assaulting children but hides when the parent goes looking for him.
Neil Moon is a LIAR who EPAC know all about and nothing has been done about him or his STAFF under him,This is the PRINCIPAL who considers people who complain to him the BULLIES, that should be enough to sack him without any other reason but no he still PRINCIPAL of Carenne Public School Bathurst NSW.
So does Neil Moon hides behind his office staff the gutless coward.
And what a wonderful Boy your son is Shane more parents should have your attitude towards their children the world would be a better place.
terry.neal@det.nsw.edu.au bigpond connection. Alias Boomer
rosyln.luther@hotmail.com Alias Yettell
The morons think that they can use your children to attack you and in this case it has failed. These people are sick if they think this is relevant to the Carenne argument.
Porter is related to the churches
Isn't Skymesh associated with Porter?
Neil was more then likely using Porter's Laptop
Looks like you made a mistake bragging to your friends Christine!
This article SHOULD be titled "CORRUPT AIDE at CARENNE" not corrupt "therapist" she couldn't provide therapy for a headache via Panadol being UNEDUCATED, UNQUALIFIED, DECEITFUL, CORRUPT, and obviously GREEDY and DISHONEST taking such huge payment for NOTHING of any value!
What a lying piece of shite this Porter is bignoting herself and making out she has power when she is just an ordinary yobo who has NOTHING at all to recommend her to anyone or anything. LOSER!!!
People, go to Fred Lowry's recommended site to view what Porter has publicly said about Shane and why she said it. She is as corrupt and deceitful as those in positions of power in the DEC. Sack the disgusting bitch NOW!
Have a look who Christine Porter Email it too,Michael Auld,Mary Housler,Janelle Kemp,Angie Cranston ,Simone Russell all members of the KLAN except Simone Russell no longer works with them.
It be interesting to see if Keith Peasley has anything to report to a corrupt Terry Neal.
Porter and Housler don't mind setting people that they work with everyday up low lives!
I hope Christine Porter has been reported to docs for being a fraud and neglecting students therapy who are already under docs care.
Christine Porter and Co must be very frighten of Shane French to go to this extreme to discredit him and his family,She wants to be very careful because Shane and his family have a lot of support from the good people of Bathurst who are not frighten to back him and his family and just a word of warning Christine Porter and Co we will bring the ABUSE and CORRUPTION caused by Carenne Support Limited and Carenne Public School Staff out to the PUBLIC ATTENTION that is a PROMISE you disgusting piece of SHIT.
Read this Parents this is the SICK Staff in charge of your kids at Carenne Public School Bathurst NSW "FRIGHTENING".
What about the students taken out of Carenne,never too return because of Christine Porter NEGLECT
Why are these DEC Staff allowed to keep on destroying innocent people lives surely not everyone in NSW is corrupt?
Hope Shane Sue's the ass of Christine Porter.
And the DEC for employing her.
I am waiting.
Thanks again.
I hope you have proof that Christine is a fraud because your constant slander has harmed our family business. I will be seeing a solicitor tomorrow about having action taken against you for what you are saying.
I doubt 'Fred Lowry' will be doing much once the police catch up with him. He needs to learn that hacking is illegal and he will go to jail for it.
Do you have proof of this?
I hope he does too because everything he has said and done will come out.
It's obvious that Fred Lowry is something to do with you Shane. I'll personally make sure that something is done about it.
Weren't you a former bus driver?
Going to a free legal clinic because you are too right to pay are you Glen?
Perhaps you can tell us all about how your family business includes speech therapy as well as practical drafting and design.
That's right readers, Christine Porter was a CONTRACTOR to Carenne Support while she was a director. Carenne Support paid the money to the Porter family business!
Christine forgot that Michael stabbed her in the back before and did again today. He took the email to school and pissed it around so its real.
I would say you will be after you received money you weren't supposed to get. How's your project at Kelso High going?
Christine is a criminal, remember she got emails from Gail Vasic and had jrosenberg's email hacked.
The only place she could get a job is at Carenne, everyone else is a wake up to her.
Ask your wife about the kids she has abused and how she took therapy money and didn't do the therapy.
If you ate referring to Mitchell Allan Jenny that was put down to being Coleen Leis' fault.
Do you know how many students at Carenne are under DOCS care? It would be fewer than five. How many of those were getting therapy? Even less. The student you are referring to want neglected by Christine but by Coleen Leis so cut your rot Jenny.
The riot continues at Carenne because the school has incompetent leadership and the department is in denial about who posts on this blog.
EPAC will ask people accused of posting on the blog if they have and if they say no, there is nothing done about it.They are convinced it is a small few external to the school.
You would still work for us if you heeded my warning Jenny.
This is how Carenne has worked for years.
What cover up Student ABUSE lee churches by you and your KLAN PARTNERS?
What about the STUDENTS taken out of Carenne lee churches never too return because of PORTERS NEGLECT of THERAPY full stop.
Bring it on.
Christine Porter and her friend NICK did it so will the Police catch up with them.
Is that right lee churches.
And got rid of the EVIDENCE a students communacation book.
Threatening Shane now Glen Porter ,Christene Porter husband
Don't let the truth get in the way of a good story will you Jenny, the more rot the better. I told you to stay off the blog or you would get sacked.
If Carenne is so bad why did you apply for the job?
Can you prove this or is it more rot?
Ask JN parents Lee Churches they can prove it.
Lee Churches Anonymous Centwest put a email to Lyn Duncan from Lee Churches up on this blog where you admitted Assualting a student in which Jenny O'Neill witness so you better start telling the truth Lee Churches carennwtruth as you like to call yourself it should be "carenneliar"
Yes Lee Churches you threaten Jenny O'Neill at her home on the 24.12.09 and she had witnesses.
Good job that shut her up.
Please do Glen Porter then we will return the favour and Subenia your wifes Christine Porter phone records and prove she has been deframeing innocent people on this blog.
He done it heaps of times ,what about the email he hacked from Christine Porter to Jenny O'Neill and passed it around the school.
Bring it on more idle threats from another freak.
Yes Lee Churches and you were the ring leader,and someone said still are but that's doubtful.
What have I done compared to your mates.
Yes that is ILLEGAL Glen Porter.
It must be right Glen its got you rattled.
You will have to make sure of it with a lot of parents Glen Porter not just one.
Yes and every crime your wifs has committed will come out too 'just remember that Glen porter.
I hope they do something because there is more evidence against the corrupt then me.
Who cares what these people were 'They don't ABUSE Students and committ FRAUD .
Are you in with Keith Peasley Glen Porter seems your company gets plenty of work from KHS.
She didn't know Carenne was the school of horrors and ABUSED INNOCENT STUDENTS who can't SPEAK up for themselves LEE CHURCHES.
If carenne ps and carenne support and staff can do it why cant Anonymous is it because they are better at what they do and you got caught out?
Suck it up dickhead and take whats coming.
Oh so there was more then one student who was refused Therapy seems that lee churches is the liar.
Yes that is for sure Shane.
Stuck up for your Family Shane and won't back down to this morons.Good on you.
Fred Lowry maybe you can put Glen Porter emails address up too.
Yes the freaks dont understand they attack first and when we defend ourselves and catch them out they have a cry they have been hard done by well THOSE WHO LIVE IN GLASS HOUSES SHOULD NOT THROW ROCKS.
And still are.
They just think they are smarter than everyone else and when they get caught out denial is their policy what they need to realise there is ALWAYS someone smarter and they WILL be caught out!!!!
That was just one student abused there were plenty more.
And there is plenty coming
I have said it before and will say it again Anonymous is a collective of people smarter than I but I do believe in what they do strongly and I am a devoted follower.
The truth will be bought out now Lee Churches with Sydney Detectives Investigating Carenne Public School Bathurst NSW and not you Local detectives friends who cover your asses.Its way to big for EPAC now.
Ripping the taxpayers off again are they Cps Secrets?
DENIAL and LIES the CPS Staff and CSL are good at lieing.
No wonder your good friends with Geoff Salmon Glen Porter .
The useless detectives will have evidence of Adam Ryan's inappropriate conduct towards children - being all over kids at McHappy Day today. I bet they don't get the CCTV footage, it would be more important to find out who is on the blog than locking up pedophiles like Ryan.
Since when are Sydney detectives investigating Carenne? Sounds like more bullshit being made up. Inspector Paul McCann is the one responsible for the Carenne investigation and guess where he is based - right here in Bathurst.
How about you do some fact checking before posting on this blog. All you do is diminish it's already bottomed credibility.
The taxpayers of NSW will get the money back so you want to have deep pockets Glen.
They aren't stupid like Carenne staff to brag about it
Don't bet on that Go You Good Thing.
Michael Auld and Janelle Kemp are now. Michael has always been the true leader of the Bitches of Carenne.
Here is proof that she is involved in criminal activity:
Changed your alias hatho
Looks like your sunk hatho none of your mates to tip you off now.
You know hatho
Fuck off Jenny you idiot
The riot? I didn't know there was a riot there Lee you fuckwit!
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