Friday, October 7, 2011

Neil Moon breached self-evaluation committee guidelines, attempted to mislead in annual school report

Regular readers of this blog would be well aware of the general level of incompetence displayed by Carenne Special School's principal Neil Moon. Moon is known as someone incapable of dealing with the serious issues at Carenne and who will lie and mislead parents and the public at every available opportunity to make himself look better.

Each year, every school in NSW has to publish an Annual School Report about the school. These reports include information on student numbers, staff numbers, student performance, school self-evaluation and areas identified for improvement. These reports are part of the department's requirements for transparency and accountability to parents, the school community, the department and the federal government.

As part of the reporting process, the principal appoints a self-evaluation committee consisting of community and parent representatives, teachers and executive staff members.

In 2010, Neil Moon breached departmental guidelines by not having a community or parent representative on the committee. In the report he lists Simone Russell, a school learning support officer at the school as the parent representative. He also lists Janelle Kemp as a teacher, despite her acting as an assistant principal at the time of the report. Given the history of both Mrs Russell and Mrs Kemp, parents and the public at large should be concerned about their appointment to the committee and Mr Moon's misleading statements about who they represented on the committee.

Once again procedures developed by the department for transparency and accountability are being sidestepped by Neil Moon who continues to cover-up the mass of issues at Carenne.