Carenne Gate has been contacted by a parent, concerned about the behaviour of Carenne Special School School Learning Support Officer, Adam Ryan towards students at the school. The parent alleges to have make a report to Neil Moon, which was never recorded or investigated.
The parent alleges that she has observed Mr Ryan being 'all over' two female students and 'roughhousing' with male students on the lawn at the front of the school in direct breach of child protection policies of the department.
She claims to have reported Ryan's conduct with the two female students, which she claims to have observed over a period of two months to Neil Moon who promised to do something about it but never got back to her. She said she contacted EPAC today and was told that no report had been made about her report to Mr Moon, despite Moon requiring to notify them.
It appears that once again, Carenne Special School are covering up complaints of a child protection nature.
1 – 200 of 307 Newer› Newest»Mr Ryan needs to look at section 11 of the Code of Conduct. This photograph of him breaches the code and should be dealt with as a breach of discipline.
Another drunken lout employed at Carenne PS Bathurst
cheryl tell me that adam had sex with MH and that she not report it because she not want to loose bus run.
she know of all the abuse and has done nothing but shit on people who have reported it to the right authoritys
Congratulations on employing an alcoholic pedophile Neil. Only you could do it.
My son knows of the way Adam is with Ashley and Tiffany. He commented on it a while ago and I reported it to Moon.
This Adam Ryan is completely unprofessional and inappropriate.
Terry Neal is an incompetent fool but even he ran Carenne better than Moon.
Did you report it Jenny?
I totally refute these ridiculous and false claims made up by someone who obviously is jealous because I work at Carenne and they don't.
Carenne only employs the highest quality staff that are known for special education excellence. Just because you didn't meet the cut doesn't mean you should attack those of us, like myself who are brilliant at what they so.
That's why Adam works at Carenne and you don't. From what I hear you were a joke at every position you've held
Not jenny's post Simone Russell.
As munginindman said Adam you broke section 11 of the code of conduct the proof in this photo.
Not wrong there Rhino
So you are the parent reporting to libertarian makes sense the klan controls everything else why not this blog as well.
She is Libertarian best friend.
What a joke this blog of Julie Browns has become,You have Libertarian "Kym Tattlesall" and now Simone Russell"hatho" reports that Sea Snitch is Peter Harvey as well as Margaret Rowe"nedkelly" and Lucy Thornton"jrosenberg" all DEC Employees,Know wonder nothing been done the DEC is always one step ahead of whats been reported and covers it up.
Is this why Margaret Rowe"nedkelly" Simone Russell"hatho" and "jrosenberg "lucy Thornton have not been sacked by the DEC?
That is without the sex abuse allegation. The evidence is already there for the alcohol breach. Of course, if he has friends in district office it will get nowhere.
Fuck up idiot, you are just pissed off because Libertarian saw through your games. You are a complete fucking cocksucker mate.
Were you a student at Carenne because you sure flog yourself like one.
He is just an immature little cunt that needs to be sacked.
Bullshit you old cunt
Are you like Jezz the Ped and blow all through them?
It can be proven klan member
are you libertarian?
no she nedkelly
Adam can do wot he likes wif me cos im legal.
what do u mean false
isnt that like rape I wasnt raped me and adam was going out
mr neals dick is 20cm long
libertarian is making her own game up as she goes along and sucking fuckwits in like you along the way its good to see you support the klan you are a true fuckwit hey loser.
What a lovely day it was at Lee's farewell today. It was good to see the smile on her face and to hear about her dedication to Carenne over the last 25 years.
25 years of belting kids.
This allegation that Adam Ryan engaged in some form of sexual misconduct is entirely without any foundation. Mr Ryan has not done what is alleged and if there were any truth to these latest claims he would not be working at Careen and suspended pending investigation.
It is also a very stupid thing to air claims like this publicly could jeopardise an investigation or any prosecution if these claims were true. I suggest you report them to the appropriate authorities I suspect that will not occur as these claims are false and the person making them would be charged with making a false report.
It is quite ironic that Libertarian claims to be trying to protect disabled people when she has made these comments as an attempt to vilify Mr Ryan because he suffers from a disability being Asperger's Syndrome. Also Libertarian is biased in her blogging activities by failing to allow Adam Ryan to put his side of the story.
libertarian is drawing at staws and playing her own vendetta's out using this blog for her own propaganda.
If libertarian was fair dinkum about the children at carenne she wouldnt let the abuse go on as long as it has and she would be more fair dinkum with us parents who have had our children abused by the monsters working at carenne.
The TRUTH will come out in the end and libertarian and her klan mates will be held accountable.
Are you a fuckwit or what Shane? You know this shit happens cocksucker.
What about Margot Burton fuckknuckle? She was fucked over and she is disabled.
It's not without basis it has happened and will be proven. Perhaps it's time your mate Neil Moon wakes up to himself and do what he is supposed to do.
I suppose you will say David Withyman wasn't covered up either. How gullible are you?
Except it happened. Adam Ryan is assaulting Ashley Elphick and Tiffany Smith, perhaps if EPAC got off their arses and looked into it they would find something. Of course, it won't happen because like David Withyman it will be covered up. You can blame the KLAN but the problem is higher up than the scumbag KLAN.
Thanks for your support but I am not concerned by these allegations. Mr Moon would have dismissed them because they are lies.
As you would be aware, this blog is ran by the jealous ex-employees of the school. They didn't make the cut so the rest of us must suffer.
I am guessing you don't know one of the students. Ashley is an attractive girl and she knows it. She had to be moved from Bathurst High because she can't control her sexual urges and made up lies about sleeping with staff.
I am sure anyone will listen to her. Just because Ashley thinks something is true doesn't make it so.
Anonymous wants to get the facebook messages you dirty cunt. You were fucking then.
Not long now till Daviv Withyman gets JUSTICE.
Yes they got Scott Russell and Joel Fawkner corrupt conversation off Simone Russell facebook.
You got it half right he is just the same as moon.
Have you reported anything you seen at carenne NO just lied and covered it up.
What is it with you teachers at Carenne blaming the students for your abuse of them,First Lyn Duncan ,Lee Churches and Janelle Kemp called a student a slut and laughed about her ,Lee Churches said David Withyman was age of consent so blackburn did no wrong, now you are doing the same Rhino,Sick people you teachers at Carenne.
I know what happened to my son and strange when I reported it to libertarian I never got my sons facts published and libertarian seems to be the golden one strange that when I was talking through emails to libertarian which I still have I was only asking for info on hatho and carennetruth she had to protect her sources heard that little cherry more than once I bet you didnt know that and also because of that libertarian knew I was going to bathurst detectives even knew who I was talking too and what I was giving them and when push came to shove and libertarian had to provide proof to me to give the detectives to back my case against terry neal what you know libertarian gets a phone call out of the blue and turns on me funny that libertarian gets to tell lies to cover her ass and when I speak out I get shut down I am used to that just now it happens by the word of libertarian and not carennetruth where it all started for me on this blog.
I know what happened to my son and his mates at carenne because he told me it wasnt second hand news with someone elses opinion attached so as I say to anyone who thinks their god for being a nameless, faceless, gutless coward on a blog I put my own name to my posts if you dont when you attack me your the one hiding something not me.
Got that dickhead get your facts straight before you get all high and mighty with me now whose the COCKSUCKER mate!!!!
Why is Julie Brown letting her do this,It's Julie Browns blog why is she letting the ABUSE of these children go on when she can stop it today?
Did all the suck holes go and crawl up her ass,Then stab her in the back.
And Jeremy Russell Filthy face book messages to a under age girl.
And the PIC has them and acting on them outside of bathurst I cant wait.
And bully anyone who's has stood up to the plate and revealed the KLAN and Carenne Support ABUSE and Corrupt Ways,But it won't stop us hatho!
Thats the million dollar question even libertarian an insider that works at the school and has seen the abuse on a daily basis.
More then one account too.
And was involved in it.
The PIC have them also as the investigation was botched up here in bathurst the complaints and allegations have always been too big for bathurst to handle so now the investigation of bathurst lac and carenne has been handed to investigators outside of bathurst lets see them squirm their way out of the cover ups now justice will be done for all the down trodden and abused finally.
It's against The Code Of Conduct Ashley for a TEACHER too have a Relationship with any STUDENT at all,So Adam Ryan has broken the DEC Code Of Conduct.
Hopefully they will look at these new allegations because they are Anna Blackburn all over again. Margaret Rowe reported what she saw to Jock and nothing ever got done. Several people have reported Adam Ryan to Neil and nothing has been done.
This time, people have the blog to turn to. I tell everyone at the school, if that fuckwit Moon doesn't do something get it put on the blog. It's the only way you can get action in the cunt of a place.
Click on too ASLEY NAME on top of her posts and her FACEBOOK PAGE comes up.
Everyone knew the corrupt Russell cunts had to cover their ass. Simone will be Scott's downfall because she has a big fucking mouth!
Thank god for that.
Yes you report everything from carenne too your best friend Libertarian"Kym Tattlesall" Don't you Margaret Rowe "nedkelly".Your one of the abusers of these children nedkelly so don't get too cocky.
This is how the DET found out Margaret Rowe is "nedkelly" only it went straight too her EMAIL ACCOUNT.
It is against the Law.
Wot about that EPAC crowd who phone kids at home and grill em? Thats illegal but they keep doing it. And Toni Mcdonald who breaches the code of conduct EVERY SINGLE DAY and dusnt get any consekwenses or nothing. Time something gets done about the hole DET
It looks like the whole KLAN,Peter Harvey,Carol McDimad and Carenne Support Limited are fucked then,Once Scott and Simone Russell and precious Jeremy Russell go down ,SImone Russell will Squell on all her EMPLOYEES and WORK mates
After her forced RETIREMENT!
If you don't lie,You don't have to remeber what you said,And their are a lot of us who hasn't lied and willing to speak the TRUTH.
And can be proven certain people have it on a disk in a safe and sound place so it can't dissappear like it has on the blog,And will be used in the near future.
Can't Wait for the day too come.
Was Mary Housler there?Mary H has dissappeared since Julie Brown revealed she was Mary Housler.
Lee cover up Anna Blackburn a TEACHER having sex with David Withyman a STUDENT at carenne,Great dedication that is breaking the LAW and Code of Conduct.
One of many to still come.
Did you shake her hand libertarian?
bet she did another one who crawl up Lee's ass and stab her in the back.
Are you "Conductor" Libertarian stirring up trouble.
You sound like a dirty pedophile mate. What sort of sick fuck would say that she is attractive and knows it. You are sick sick sick.
You are right its a joke. The DET need help. We hear about some staff but how many more is there that we don't know about. What a fucking joke.
She will recant by tomorrow because you can bet one of these cunts has harassed her over the weekend. It's what Carenne does.
Yes that is a sure bet.
You'd have the ones to Tiffany because she is fucking Corey isn't she?
Carenne staff think it's OK to have sex with kids. How disturbing. Any decent parent wouldn't send their kid there!
Shane is a fucking liar
just like cheryl chaplin ,she was shafted by the KLAN but still aint got the balls to say what she knows
She can't make her post dissappear it's in the Goggle Vault now.
and barbara woofe
Tell everyone to read the blog ,Then they won't.
Bullshit Klan Member
Look at how much Lee was paid to beat kids
Shane has proof that he not a liar ,Have you got proof he is a liar Mustafa? Put up or shut up.
Another position that will be filled by the KLAN.
I suppose your reported this to EPAC Mustafa
Hopefully it goes to a public inquiry so that you can be exposed for your sprays to the Police.
This is why Joel Fawkner had such a hard time investigating these pedophile freaks, they all covered up and threatened the victims.
Janelle Kemp would already have it,DEC have to advertise the job by law.
It's not stupid at all because it actually forces people to do something. You have no idea how screwed up this place is and all the shit that goes on. They all like to have a spray but won't make proper reports.
Isn't Corey Simone's son who attends Carenne? Why would she report that to EPAC?
You are gutless Jenny, you told Shane that you would speak to the Police yet when approached by detectives told them to fuck off and to talk to your solicitor.
Scott doesn't trust her anymore. Too late now after she sprayed all over town.
Weren't you told to keep posting about PIC even though you were told they are taking no action?
People need to apply under Freedom of Information for COPS entries related to themselves and this blog. You will soon learn what Shane French was up to with his sprays.
Joel Fawkner cover up for Scott Russell accessing people's criminal files,this is why he wasn't trusted.
So what if the detective rang Libertarian. You were playing them all Shane. You were caught out.
Bullshit there are plenty of us who have made proper reports and still are and are not going anywhere till there is a proper independent investigation.
That is why there is a paper trail very inportant to have a paper trail.
The post didn't say did simone report it to epac it said did Mustafa report it to epac he states he knows all about it so get it right Guest ARE YOU SIMONE RUSSELl Guest sure sounds like it and you would know what was said to Joel Fawkner he would have told scott russell.Leaking confidential information again Simone.
Yes way too late they are SUNK.lol
Keep fishing
Did Joel Fawkner know Libertarian is Kym Tattlesall a klan member and a Teachers Aid at Carenne,and thats why she wouldn't meet Shane at maccas becuse he would have identify her?
Well if thats the case everyone will know all about the KLAN and Carenne Support entries related to this blog, Simone Russell,Jeremy Russell,Christine Porter ,Margaret Rowe,Lee Churches just to name a few.
Who was her solicitor guest?
Oh it will go to a Public Inquiry only a matter of time and then all the ABUSE and Corruption and covering asses going on at carenne ,dec and bathurst police will be expose
Libertarian is the liar.
I can promise you jenny is not gutless and the Detective wants to be worried about the lies that the klan members told him more than who would and who would not speak to him.
Piss off Simone
Phil Barnden is employed at BWPS and his wife does a lot of casual work there. He cuddles little kids all the time and encourages them to sit on him and climb all over him. He's been seen launching himself at a boy, grounding him with his own body totally covering the child - his way of 'controlling' behaviour! He is alcoholic and very illiterate, easy to con and his wife is a screaming out of control witch who smells of grog at work. These two are still working whilst breaching the DEC Code of Conduct in so many ways it's laughable. ROYAL COMMISSION ENQUIRY INTO MCDIARMID'S MANAGEMENT AND ALL UNDER HER CONTROL, ESPECIALLY CARENNE AND BX.WEST SCHOOLS OVER PAST 10-20YEARS. An absolute disgrace this whole fiasco called "education" in this region is.
mr moon rang my rents
adam did tiff too corey is good at sex we had sex
he send messages 2 me wen I was going out with corey but I told him he was 2 fat
Please do I have nothing to hide.
I was with darren wen I was at bathurst. they arent lies we has sex n I sucked yer dick
adam loved sex wif me he said I was the perfect fit
All I can do is laugh everyone that was close to my family knew what I was doing and saying.
I was with adam I wanted it
who is yer son
I still havnt been given a copy of original statement you can put whatever you like on it the people I speak with know what I have and havnt done so I am interested to see what comes out and who it exposes the sooner the better PLEASE!!!!
Do you mean Mr Moon rang your parents
Good on you Ashley
It's still against the DEC Code Of Conduct Ashley he broke the law.
Why would Neil Moon ring your parents ashley other then to cover this up.
Close this bloody school down.
Have you got her phone number I havnt no one has and as for the detective in question he couldnt contact libertarian and if he did which I seriously doubt he didnt do me any favours what you freaks want to do is look at this with logic how in the hell does a bathurst detective ringing libertarian and threatening her help me, please it still baffles the crap out of me.
It gives libertarian an easy way out of forwarding information to help my son thats the only thing I can come up with if you have another answer please explain ?
Did Scott and Simone Russell know Libertarian was Kym Tattlesall she is good friends of the russell's and gave it to the detective simone would have Kym's home phone number in lithgow where she lives.
Dont know but that makes sense because they tried shutting me up by having a meeting with scott and simone was in there complaining about me all the time that didnt work so in response if scott or simone knew kym was libertarian then they could of passed the phone number on to fawkner to ring.
Thats the most common sense anyone has made on this issue thank you food for thought I never thought there was a connection but if so that makes more sense than libertarians argument no wonder she is making up lies about me she is deeper in the crap than I thought Julie wants to drop her like the bad news she is before it bites her in the back side.
hatho knew peter harvey is sea snitch
I am yet to see any proof to suggest what I say is a lie.
Adam Ryan harasses student
This fella is in charge of these kids,HOW HORRIFYING"
How will Mr Neil Moon cover this up.
Adam Ryan has threatened Asley.
You are the DISGUSTING PATHETIC one ADAM RYAN you should be JAILED.
They will believe Asley Adam Ryan we willl make sure of that.
They are all in it togeather.
Who is Tiarna
Well Done Fred Lowry keep the good work up,These creeps At Carenne need to be EXPOSED.
Wht other Students who can't speak up for themselves have been interfeared with by these creeps at Carenne?
Julie Brown how many more STUDENTS will be ABUSE and INTERFEARED with before you expose all that you know.
Is Malcolm Barnett going to say these facebook posting are false too?
They wouldn't cover it up if it was my child.
These facebook messages wants to be reported too the same Police Officer looking into Jeremy Russells facebook Messages too Suzie Baines.
I work for the DET and they are looking into this. There is going to be a meeting to determine what will happen in relation to these allegations tommorow. They are considering suspending Mr Ryan pending investigation however there are people who believe these claims are vexatious. Mr Ryan has been ordered to make his facebook profile private.
If you are a witness or have any evidence proving this you have to speak to the Department, Police, DOCS or else there will most liley be a finding of insufficient evidence. I suggest Libertarian and anyone else get in contact with EPAC or other bodies or else nothing will happen as there will be no proof.
Also People might be interested to know that the ICAC investigation has progressed dramatically in the last few days. ICAC have called people in for compulsory examination and a public inqury has been set down starting on the 14th of November at Bathurst Courthouse.
Toni Mcdonald went to parents homes and phoned them in order to harass them into making complaints against Mackay. She lied to them and threatened them that their kids would suffer if they didn't do what she told them to do. She is BWPS' bully and thug and now doing same up in ORange. DET rewarded her for her Nazi behaviour which she's done in Cobar and Lithgow before Bathurst and now Orange. How many more people is she going to destroy or kill not to mention depriving kids of a correct education and threatening parents, stealing money from schools and other illegal behaviour?
THe DEC want ask hatho"Simone Russell she made these alligations about Adam Ryan on this blog.
That wont help as the officer in question has to answer for comments made on simones facebook page.
There needs to be a parents forum where they can have a sit down and discuss the situation at carenne and decisions made at the forum put forward as a group in writing and action will be taken for the children.
This will also give parents and children their rights back and make the goings on at carenne transparent.
You still have to answer for your facebook page as will he.
I surpose these face book posting don't belong to you either Rhino.
Well lets hope another Police Officer will investigate Asley facebook page.
True and the investigation is not done locally here in bathurst.
Hope Fred Lowry delivered to a police oficer away from Bathurst.
I would say that Peter Williams lost his bus run because of the claims on here by Jenny and Shane. I hope you like being sued.
How could Peter not meet the criteria when Dick and Cheryl did?
more bullshit from a klan member.
Bring it on moron!
I agree.
I thought you might be interested to know that the NSW DEC is going to suspend Adam Ryan from his duties. Mr Ryan is going to be informed of this tommorow morning. It is understood that he is only considered a risk to Ashely Elphick and there is a plan for him to be placed on alternative duties at another school in Bathurst and it is likley he will be conducting physical education lessons at Bathurst West Public.
The police have been notifed and there was another interview day today at Careene School with Police, DOCS, EPAC asking questioning people regarding this matter as well as another matter.
Also there is allegedly going to be a protest at the school on Thursday regarding the inaction being taken by the DEC. It understood the school will go to a lock out and there will be security guards at the school this Thursday.
I thought you might be interested to know that Adam Ryan is an SLSO at the school so why would he be conducting PE lessons at another school.
Secondly, when staff are placed on alternate duties they are placed in district office or state office away from students.
Good try you clown.
Peter Williams needs to learn that part of the job isn't trying to pants half the parents on the bus.
Did you go and report Peter to the Police, snitch?
That you set him up with.
Wow news flash there...
Eight? What is that supposed to mean?
If a snitch gets justice then I am proud to stand up and I would of peferred carennetruth and hatho heads on the chopping block ah thats right carennetruth has already been forced out so for me only one left and I will snitch as you call it or do whatever I can to make it happen.
You sure facebook didnt set them all up it seems when they get out smarted its always someone elses fault strange that just gutless freaks that wont admit how stupid they really are and got caught out.
Adam is too immature to be working at Carenne. He is a child himself.
More Bullshit from a KLN MEMBER.
Are you simone russell Gobble Gobble
Trying to set people up DET Snitch.
Trying to set people up KLAN MEMBER
Are you Simone Russell Gobble Gobble
Trying to set People Up Det Snitch
Why would DEC inform you DET Snitch before Informing Adam Ryan sounds like more bullshit from a KLAN MEMBER.
terry neal I havnt forgotten what you did to my son you will get yours whether the dec sacks you or not.
Just informing you that EPAC has exnorated Adam Ryan at this stage of any wrong doing sand have found that the claims are vexatious and do not warrent investigation unless someone is prepared to make a formal statement. The student's were interviewed and denied being sexually abused. Another false allegation against Carenne shame on you Libertarian
Shame on Simone Russell"hatho" don't you mean Geoff Salmon ,She is the one who made these alligations on this blog about Adam Ryan,Carenne Support Limited President.Since when would EPAC tell you Geoff Salmon what the out come of their Investigation were i thought anything reported to EPAC was confidental not for the likes of you too know.
I spoke to Neal Moon and the DEC when I first become aware of this allegation on this blog as it is a serious matter and I was concerned for the safety of the students.
Also I was concerned about potential OHS issues being that if this allegation was true Adam Ryan could have posed a threat to Carenne Support staff and it was therefore reasonable that I be informed in my capacity as Carenne Support Limited President about this allegation. As well as the fact that I believed that Carenne Support should not provide services to a school where there is student's being abused and Carenne Support would have to asses its continued involvement with Careene School. It was on this basis that I was given this information and I have been informed that it was not Simone Russell who posted it rather it was Nathan Carter.
Bullshit Geoff Salmon EPAC can be sued for giving you confidential information about DEC Staff and Students so why would they give it too a moron like you..And Simone Russell is hatho who posted these alligation about Adam Ryan will put her post back up for you Geoff Salmon.
hatho 10/29/2011 11:46 Pm in Reply to Rhino
Annonymous wants to get the facebook messages you dirty cunt.You were fucking then.
There you go Geoff Salmon Simone Russell"hatho" post not Nathan Carter,Just ask Joel Fawkner he will confirm Simone Russell is hatho.
Yes he told Peter Harvey Simone Russell is hatho that is why she was shafted to SBPS as a errand runner.
Why did you remove Geoff Salmon post Julie Brown?
Is Mary Housler up to her old tricks and posting under Geoff Salmon name?
The posts were not by Geoff Salmon. I am not sure who the impersonator was.
Thank you there are a lot of Impersonator posting on your blog Julie.
That and we all know Carenne Support would never pull it's support from the school. All it is is a pathetic group that takes from the DEC on one hand, takes its cut and funds programs for their friend's children at the school.
Those involved in Carenne Support are only involved in it to a) further their own agenda or b) get an ego trip.
Carenne Support wants to merge the P&C into itself as it believes it is the better parent body as it is not constrained by the P&C laws and rules.
Perhaps when I am approached by someone who will take action and not use the information I have as part of the cover-up.
I thought you might be interested to know that the DEC is engaging in another cover up surrounding
Carenne School. Specifically it relates to David Withyman Appeal the DEC has offered a huge settlement of $3.2 million as well as legal costs to settle this dispute.
Its due to the fact that the DEC is likely to lose the appeal and that it will go back to hearing. Unfortunate for DEC new witnesses have come forward about the culture of Carenne School. Consequently airing this in a public hearing would not be good for DEC. Also witnesses at the first trial who were employed at Careene have been found to have perjured themselves.
The DEC wants to be very afraid of taking this to appeal because there are likely to be witnesses that weren't there before. The DEC has upset the wrong people at Carenne and they will get revenge.
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