Monday, October 10, 2011

Staff development day "laughable" say staff

While staff and students at virtually every other school in NSW returned to school for term 4 today, staff of Carenne were relaxing at Yarrabin Guest Property near O'Connell under the guise of "team building" in accordance with recommendations in the Snowden review into the management of Carenne.

As with most things organised by Neil Moon, the day was poorly organised with staff told to come to school and get on Carenne's buses to go to the farm. Unfortunately, the buses weren't big enough for all of Carenne's staff.

Once at Yarrabin, staff were once again briefed about this blog and how to deal with the stress that comes from it, with staff being told not to contribute to or read the blog. Staff were told that the blog was not widely read by the community and was only known to the school and the "troublemakers" trying to destabilise the school.

Staff were reminded to focus their efforts on the students and not to tell anyone outside the school what happens in the school.

Some team building exercises were then carried out before some relaxation.

Despite the actual planned activities going for two hours at most, Melinda Gavin was outside playing with Yarrabin's horses instead of taking part in the activities.

Carenne whistleblower nedkelly told Carenne Gate that she knew most of the comments about the blog were false -
"They can say all they f---ing like that this blog is not read by ordinary people. I know it is. I have been attacked in the street by people telling me that I am the c--- mentioned on the blog."

Barracus told Carenne Gate that she believed the day was a waste of time and effort -
"As usual with these kinds of things, it was a complete waste. Nothing was achieved. Any staff development day organised by Carenne is a joke. The only time staff development is done is when we go to Dubbo or MTC."

Once again, parents have been duped and taxpayers have been ripped off.