Thursday, January 19, 2012

ASIC should charge Mary Housler

Back in December I reported that Carenne Support and Mary Housler (the company secretary) had breached federal law by failing to lodge financial statements on time, an offence carrying a six month jail sentence or $3,125 fine. Carenne Support had until 30 October to file its statements.

At the time, Mary Housler, a cadet accountant at WKH Bathurst claimed that Carenne Support wasn't required to lodge financial statements and that she wouldn't be doing so "for the likes of Brian and Nathan Carter to use against us in court and for them to be plastered all over this blog."

It would appear that the woman who aspires to be an accountant but cannot comply with company law has received some advice that this was in fact true, as on 13 January 2012 financial statements were lodged by Carenne Support with ASIC.

It's time that organisations such as Carenne Support which beg for public money are accountable for their actions and this site calls on ASIC to charge Mary Housler as a deterrence to others.

It's yet another example of the incompetence of the Carenne Support organisation and how it reacts to stories on this blog.