Monday, January 16, 2012

Janelle Kemp's latest fraud

The Western Advocate reported on Saturday that the King Cain Bathurst Wallabies Tri Club which been raising funds on behalf of the John Maclean Foundation for Janelle Kemp's son William had presented the family with a cheque for $5,000. In November 2010, the Carenne Saviours reported to this blog that they believed the Kemp family had defrauded with John Maclean Foundation by failing to tell them their income and benefits they had already received from the community.

In the latest article Kemp says that they intend to purchase a hi-low bed with special mattress to protect William from pressure sores and to support his spine. Investigations by Carenne Gate revealed that the bed Mrs Kemp claims to be purchasing would be supplied under EnableNSW's Aids and Equipment Program.

"These hi-low beds, which are electrically adjustable are provided to eligible patients free under the A&E Program. The bed itself is around $2,500. The mattresses aren't complicated because they need to be able to be flexible, we would provide the standard mattress but some patients opt to buy their own. There wouldn't be $5,000 in the mattress," said a spokesperson from EnableNSW.

A dismayed Carenne parent contacted Carenne Gate when she heard of the news and reported that she was refused any assistance by the Carenne P&C Association when Kemp was president. "I was pretty much told to rack off, that the P&C doesn't provide assistance to individual students," said the parent. This was despite the P&C running a fundraising appeal for Zoe Gavin when she was diagnosed with leukemia.

"It appears that unless you are one of them you get no help from them," said the parent.

In the past, the Kemps have received assistance from Country Energy, the Genie Society, Scoliosis Australia, TADNSW and Carenne Support.

It's time that the Kemps come clean on what they intend to do with the money and what they have done with the money that was donated to them in the past.

Photo Credit: Western Advocate.