The company belonging to one of Carenne Support's most well known directors, Geoff Salmon is in excess of $6.1 million in debt according to records from the Australian Securities and Investments Commission. The company, Salmon & Speck Pty Ltd has been in liquidation since November 2010 after creditors called in an administrator. At the creditors meeting, Salmon was the only person who voted against the company being wound up for failure to pay its debts.
The company is due in the Supreme Court for a number of appearances over the next few weeks due to its debts and according to the administrator, there are "ongoing investigations" into the company's management (which includes Mr Salmon).

Mr Salmon is not a suitable person to be running a non-profit organisation like Carenne Support that holds charity status when it is obvious he couldn't run his own company and owes a fortune to others.
Porter is under investigation and being sued.
Salmon is under investigation and being sued.
Carenne Support is being sued.
How much does Salmon get payed for being on the Carenne Support Board?
Deepthroat said on this blog,That board members get payed.
Anonymous 2:02 PM
Who is sueing Carenne Support ?
Geoff Salmon once a crook always a crook!
Moon your a dog ass if you want any information about what me or my partner are doing come and ask dont go through our son you weak little man.
Shane 3:22 PM
How pathetic useing a little boy for information about his mother and father.
Peter Harvey sack Neil Moon Now your just as weak Peter Harvey.
Shane 3:22 PM
Report this weak Pathetic Man Neill Moon to Malcolm Barnett if he does nothing at least you have it in writing that it's been reported to the DET ,Keep a paper trail Shane.
Shane 3:22 PM
Yes Shane don't let these creeps get away with their ABUSE of STUDENTS any longer.
Shane 3:22 PM
Moon trying to get something on you and your partner ,Be very aware Shane .
Shane which abuser class did they put your son into today?
June 27, 2011 3:44 PM
He is being split up between luthers and baskervilles classes at the moment but his last day of carenne is friday I am waiting for the freaks to try something moon proved that today and mary you will not be getting a cent for his transport after friday as we have pulled his funding head office would of told you this.
Shane 3:51 PM
Good on you ,Carenne Support would not have told them ,That is for sure,Yes i feel for you and your partner Shane it will be a long week and i would not put anything pass them Child Abusers at Carenne.
So the new bus will only have 2 Students on it next week?What a waste of taxpayers money.
Where are you Mary H the Mouth
Who wants a fish with no chips?
June 27, 2011 2:10 PM
parents, ADHC, Carters
June 27, 2011 3:22 PM
Just like when you said they weren't to hassle your son or go near him if he went back to school. Moon can't put it over you but can try to put it over your son.
It breaches the Code of Conduct but what would Moon know about that.
June 27, 2011 3:51 PM
You are a legend Shane. How many parents would do this?
Another fish with no balls
I pray they win and destroy the corrupt Bastards.
Where are you Mary H .Cooking Salmon fish and chips?
Moon should be charged with verbal assualt of this student.
Looks like Shane Snookered you Mary Housler.
Another fish with no balls 7:05 PM
A parent did the same thing last year,wasn't frighten of the corrupt bastards.
Keep your chin up Shane, you'll be the winner, don't worry.
Bronwyn Mackay is a highly qualified, absolutely dedicated and capable Special Education teacher who had worked extensively at Anson Street Special School in Orange and Polwood Street School for Specific Purposes in Kempsey, as well as being asked to form a Junior IM class at Glenroi Heights school in Orange and working with all manner of children with special needs. She has multiple degrees in many facets of education of children with Special needs including a Post Graduate Dip.Ed in Speech and Language. She is the only Speechie in this region and the DET refused to permit her to utilise her skills to benefit children NEEDING speech and language intervention. She was qualified in identifying FAS/FAE and developmental auditory and visual abnormalities and applying programmes to combat the problems associated with these conditions but was told to shut up and say nothing because she didn't know what she was talking about - by staff at BWPS. She has a son who was seriously affected by ADHD and undertook studies and courses in order to understand this condition and the optimal way of handling these kids and adults with this but again was humiliated and denigrated by executive staff at BWPS telling her she knew nothing. She was beaten into submission, closeted away and totally ignored, isolated in the extreme, lied to and lied about in the most extreme and horrible ways imaginable yet continues smiling and teaching to her utmost. Every single child she dealt with made enormous gains and improvements WITHOUT EXCEPTION, yet she was vilified by that rotten jealous insecure immature executive who were only worried about themselves coming across as experts in everything whereas not one of them has bothered studying about or working in any specialist areas. The tall poppy syndrome they call it in professional circles. Staff at Carenne had asked if she would be able to work with Carenne kids and she would have loved to but Harvey Mcdonald and Mcdiarmid would NOT PERMIT her skills to benefit the children of Carenne or anywhere. When they couldn't psychologically 'break' her, Mcdonald got the Police to drag her out of the school making a public spectacle of it based on Mcdonald's LIES. EPAC then obeyed Mcdonald and sacked her. The schools have lost a champion for the kids who need expertise in impartation of language and speech and all matters to do with learning problems of any sort whatsoever.
Mcdiarmid had PROMISED Mackay's position to Anne Coomans who coveted the position as she had filled it on a few occasions, drifting around and just having kids colour in and fill in blanks etc. No-one made any gains or improvements under her teaching especially those requiring a person who can enunciate clearly and well, and is intelligent and highly educated with a gift for teaching. She's got the job and has NO QUALIFICATIONS for any special education work whatsoever!
ROYAL COMMISSION into NSW Government and its agencies (PARLIAMENT,DOCS,POLICE,DET etc.) is needed and NOW!
June 27, 2011 7:25 PM
There will be more sad fact but until carennes cleaned up the children just are not safe and more will be removed and harvey and the det will have to take notice of whats happening at their beautiful school.
When the DET gets sued ,Harvey will take notice!
Anonymous 7:37 PM
Yes and the DET knows all about the ABUSE going on at Carenne,There is a paper trail.
Apply pressure and from every angle possible and dont let up.
Shane 7:41 PM
Yes that is right ,Keep the pressure up parents they have the power.
Got nothing to say Mary Housler about Carenne Support being sued ? Mary,You won't have a high payed job anymore mary LMAO
Wish we could get one of the Sydney Radio Stations or Newspaper to take the abuse at carenne school up.
June 27, 2011 8:36 PM
Shane French covered the abuse of Amanda up didn't you Shane?
Fuck off Mary. The only people that cover up child abuse are your dirty pedophile mates at Carenne.
You are up Michael Auld's arse aren't you? The same Michael Auld who is known to have child pornography and to abuse students at the school.
How about Baskerville, Smith, Neal?
Just think your dirty pedophile mates knew of David Withyman and kept their mouths shut.
Sound like the sort of scum a drug using bitch like you would hang around doesn't it?
Good luck to David Withyman for his appeal on 5/7/11 in the Supreme Court
June 27, 2011 10:37 PM
Please tell it will give me more to choke you with.
June 27, 2011 10:57 PM
GOODLUCK DAVID justice will be yours!!!!
June 27, 2011 10:37 PM
You want to ask your bestmate hatho and her husband or their #1 son about that one they done something to Suzy and Amanda to keep them quiet but you already knew that hey?
The TRUTH will come out and you BASTARDS will pay only a matter of time.
Good Luck David ,Beat the corrupt bastards.
I even had Suzies and Amandas Facebook pages showing jez and his mate stiff threatening the girls gave this info to bathurst detectives and what would you know nothing.
My trust was misplaced in the bathurst detectives but if we cannot goto the police to get justice then where do we go to enforce the law?
Top 3 things I asked the bathurst detectives to ask Russell family that was never done -
1. Asked for Russells computers, didnt happen.
2. To get Simone to sit at panthers or RSL under cctv whilst I got hatho to post on the blog, didnt happen and I know why same person cannot be in two places at once and also someone else could of posted on her behalf.
3. Get them to interview Amanda about jeremy and Suzy, didnt happen.
Considering lee started the shit with me it seemed simone was the one they were trying to clear.
Shane 7:28 AM
The Bathurst detectives would know Simone Russell is hatho,The DET has proof she is hatho.
We all have proof just no one to act on it.
Mary H
June 27,2011 10:37 PM
I hope Shane sues the ass off you and you end up in the gutter ,You disgusting foul lieing mouth woman.
All I want is these freaks sacked and an order made to stop them working with children.
Shane 2:18 PM
You are not alone on that one,Plenty want the same thing.
There are plenty of rockspiders at JIRT and the Bathurst Detectives so why would they want to bust Jezza?
Anonymous 3:31 PM
Jezza will be busted it's only a matter of time.
If Geoff loses his house where will he LOCK UP his other son?
All the very best David Withyman, we'll all be praying for JUSTICE TO FINALLY BE DONE about this case.
Speaking of women who groom children, has anyone heard anything of old mcdonald in Orange making favourites of some children as she did at BWPS? She was seen kissing and cuddling certain little girls! Nothing was ever done of course. She was busy telling lies about Mackay being a threat to kids at the time all the while cuddling and kissing and stroking the Sikra child's hair and giving her all the time off her mum wanted to keep her home. CRIMINAL WOMAN.
ROYAL COMMISSION into NSW Government and its agencies (PARLIAMENT,DOCS,POLICE,DET etc.) is needed and NOW!
Liberty Rowan 11:42 AM
Justice has to be done for David Withyman,Lee Churches laughed too anyone who listen to her about Anna Blackburn sleeping with David Withyman and she was Deputy Principal Aat Carenne Public School Bathurst.
Hey Salmon, ASIC were interested to hear about you trading while insolvent this morning and how you are involved in a non-profit company that has been ripping off the community for years. OOPS!
June 29, 2011 11:42 AM
The question should be, who is the ROCKSPIDER at OPS!
Anonymous 9:13 AM
Good job keep it up ,the slimy fish Geoff Salmon has to be revealed for the liar and crook he is,Hope you told them he is getting payed to be on Carenne Support Board.
Who repesenting Carenne Support at the Surpreme Court in Sydney this week Catherine Bird or Sweary Mary Housler?
Rockspider at OPS! Yes indeed. Also that rotten Austin woman at BWPS abuses children verbally in a most vishus way. She screams abyuse at them when they are already hurt and needing medical attenshun. She paid to do the medical stuff but tells them they ok and get away from her. When she gonna get sacked?
She also getting extra money now until SAM gets back to work and she can't do finanse or anyting. How come she getting money for acting SAM and can't even type or nothing? She do nothing but look up horse sites and jokes wot are mostly very sick and sexual perverted.
Why no-one getting rid of her all thes years and she causing so much trouble?
Why isn't Steve Smith ,Husband of Carol Smith on Carenne Support Board anymore.Isn't he corrupt like the rest of the board.
Why isn't Steve Smith ,Husband of Carol Smith on Carenne Support Board anymore.Isn't he corrupt like the rest of the board.
ROYAL COMMISSION into NSW Government and its agencies (PARLIAMENT,DOCS,POLICE,DET etc.) is needed and NOW!
All the very best David Withyman, we'll all be praying for JUSTICE TO FINALLY BE DONE about this case.
Speaking of women who groom children, has anyone heard anything of old mcdonald in Orange making favourites of some children as she did at BWPS? She was seen kissing and cuddling certain little girls! Nothing was ever done of course. She was busy telling lies about Mackay being a threat to kids at the time all the while cuddling and kissing and stroking the Sikra child's hair and giving her all the time off her mum wanted to keep her home. CRIMINAL WOMAN.
June 29, 2011 11:42 AM
The question should be, who is the ROCKSPIDER at OPS!
Got nothing to say Mary Housler about Carenne Support being sued ? Mary,You won't have a high payed job anymore mary LMAO
When the DET gets sued ,Harvey will take notice!
Looks like Shane Snookered you Mary Housler.
June 27, 2011 3:51 PM
You are a legend Shane. How many parents would do this?
June 27, 2011 3:22 PM
Just like when you said they weren't to hassle your son or go near him if he went back to school. Moon can't put it over you but can try to put it over your son.
It breaches the Code of Conduct but what would Moon know about that.
Who wants a fish with no chips?
Shane 3:51 PM
Good on you ,Carenne Support would not have told them ,That is for sure,Yes i feel for you and your partner Shane it will be a long week and i would not put anything pass them Child Abusers at Carenne.
Shane 3:22 PM
Yes Shane don't let these creeps get away with their ABUSE of STUDENTS any longer.
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