Thursday, February 10, 2011

Students used as "Slave labour": Gretel

Carenne Special School whistleblower Gretel has reported that students at the school have been used as laborers despite not being aware of safe manual handling procedures.

Gretel claims that students were used to assist Doug Rowe pack and move the library as Neil Moon said it would be less expensive than bringing in removalists. "What would of happened if one of these kids hurt themselves doing the job?", asked Gretel.

Gretel claims that the library move isn't the only thing students have been asked to do. "They were used to move furniture before and if they get hurt they are told to lie to their parents, it's just shocking" said Gretel.

Gretel said that students were being used as "slave labour" by the school and RDA. She claims that students are being used as farmhands at RDA because volunteers who used to work there have left in disgust.