Thursday, February 3, 2011

Carenne Support Director's own company in liquidation

Carenne Gate has learned that the man who admitted to assaulting and attempting to carjack a whistleblower and protester but was acquitted of charges, Geoff Salmon's own company Salmon and Speck Pty Ltd has been placed in external administration as it is insolvent.

Mr Salmon's company owes over $2,000,000 to the National Australia Bank and an amount of over over $1,000,000 to Kitvale Pty Ltd and Ashphalt Haulage Pty Ltd, despite its assets only being valued at a maximum of $500,000.

The company owes amounts in excess of $100,000 to Brayson Forest, GM Manegazzo and Co, Murphy's Produce, Secco Denis & Giuanni and West J Labour Hire.

Salmon himself claims he is owed $450,000 by the company with a further $117,000 claimed to be owed to Mr Salmon and his wife Gillian jointly.

As of November, Salmon's company has only paid $135,000 of its debts.

Questions have been asked on this blog about what Peter Keogh is suing Salmon and his business partner Peter Speck for in the Bathurst Local Court. Carenne Gate can reveal that after inspecting documents that he is suing for an amount in excess of $15,000 owed to him by Salmon and Speck.

If Mr Salmon is unable to run a company such as this profitably, how can the Bathurst community which are being asked to donate to Carenne Support have faith that Carenne Support will be properly ran?