Janelle Kemp, a teacher who's lack of supervision over a junior student led to them being sexually assaulted has today been caught by a parent neglecting her own son. The parent has asked how someone who is unable to supervise her own child can be trusted to supervise special needs children.
At 11:00AM today, Janelle Kemp was observed at a coffee shop in Keppel St Bathurst while her disabled son was left in her van (AUB61K) parked over 100 metres away. According to the parent, Mrs Kemp was casually drinking coffee in the shop while her son was left in the vehicle unsupervised.
Janelle Kemp has come under scrutiny on this blog for receiving special transport assistance for her son when she works at the school, received a $6,200 walker for her son from corrupt school charity Carenne Support, claiming parents leaked information to this blog, being responsible for the attack of a whistleblower and being nominated for a $10,000 grant before other parents and students. Mrs Kemp has also been identified as being responsible for the sexual assault of a junior student as she failed to properly supervise them.
Mrs Kemp's actions today demonstrates that she neglects her own child, leaving little faith in her ability to properly supervise students. "How the hell can this woman supervise our children when she leaves her own son in a car unattended?" asked one Carenne parent.
Carenne Gate reminds its readers that leaving children unattended in a car is a crime and may result in a fine up to $22,000.
and I suppose you can't do anything about that either MALCOLM BARNETT can you. WHAT A CORRUPT BASTARD YOU ARE COVERING UP THE ABUSE OF INNCOENT KIDS
lock her up
Did this person report Janelle Kemp to the police ,As this is a crime to leave a child alone in a car,Or is this report going to be like AS getting flog at Mt Lambie rest stop ,Nothing done about it by these faceless cowards??????
If the gutless saviours would come out and tell of the abuse in their own name carenne would be closed down by now,But all they are doing is feeding Julie Browns Blog and its not going anywhere,The abuse of these innocent children will continue on in 2011.At least the children are safe for the next six weeks.
I see Geoff Salmon and his business partner Peter Speck are being sued by Peter Keogh. Good luck Peter!
Peter Keogh is a good blke "GOOD LUCK PETER"
It seems Karma is catching up to all the creeps who work or ripped of Carenne.
carennetruth"lee churches" hasn't posted since saturday 18th december when she used her wireless laptop as she is in hospital,What do you make of that Mr Malcolm Barnett????
I'm sure Malcolm Barnett will see that Lee is being set up by this blog and the people who use it.
I have known Lee for many years and know she is not carennetruth.
Anonymous 12:36 AM
Anonymous 12:36 AM
Lee Churches is "carennetruth" and it will be proven.
Lee and Simone are being set up by Brian Carter and Jenny O'Neill.
hatho 8:43 AM
you are simone russell.
These attacks on someone as wonderful as Janelle Kemp must stop. You aren't half the person she is.
blog of lies 7:42 AM
you are janelle kemp and you will be sacked along with your friend lee churches .
December 23, 2010 7:42 AM
A wonderful person doesn't leave her child in the car you stupid woman!Who would want to be half the nasty lady you are?
December 23,2010
Annonymous 9:05 PM
Yes a lovely woman who rips other kids off,Taking home a $10,000 walker for her own use.
Janelle Kemp is a lying two faced cow who is such a yseless teacher that a child got raped because of her. She then leaves her disabled son in a car, the same disabled son she uses for her own benefit.
Merry Christmas to the Carenne supporters and parents besides the trouble makers.
Fuck you Brian and Jenny.
Brian Carter could of had a good christmas on Carenne Support but he can't be bothered signing his settlement. What a stupid little man.
I will most likely be attacked for these comments but I am proud to be associated with the good people at Carenne Support.
December 21, 2010 4:24 PM
Jenny O'Neill. You were sacked for breaching the employment guidelines. You left human feces in the bus and drove it, drove it with unroadworthy tyres and wouldn't speak to Simone in the office. You weren't workable.
Lee wouldn't of had a laptop and wireless in hospital Jenny, this proves she is being set up.
Are you going to say someone hacked your computer again Mary? Even though you did it and told Michael you did.
December 24, 2010 9:32 AM
Janelle Kemp is a mongrel who rips off charities all over Bathurst and has ripped off the Eglinton P&C.
Merry Christmas Mouthy Mary. Had a bit too much to drink tonight have we?
and Mary Housler who had a sexual liason with Michael Auld!
December 24, 2010 9:38 PM
Mary are you saying that Carenne Support lied to Jenny and the court?
Mary 'it wasn't me' Housler is another Geoff Salmon. Shes more than happy to use the fact that she has a disabled son to her advantage but doesn't look after him.
Salmon's son more our less lives with his grandparents because the grand poobah of Carenne Support is too busy. His other son is locked up at Geoff and Gillian's house.
Mary Housler who appears to be three official blog spokesperson is almost the same, never having her son and have him in someone else's care.
Janelle should be sacked, she is a child neglecter. she even neglects her own child.
Great person to be a representative for parents of disabled kids.
How would you liked to be locked in a van in the middle of summer Janelle? Why do it to your disabled son?
DOCS should take Janelle's son off her, she's a child abuser
Mary H
Karma is going get you Sweary Mary Housler.
December 24,2010
Mary H
I suppose this is not you posting either MARY HOUSLER you drunken liar????????
What do you do with a drunken Housler?
December 25, 2010 7:00 AM
No she will say Nathan Carter hacked her computer. She's a moron.
December 24,2010
Mary H 9:38 PM
That's a lie Mary Housler,A friemd of mine was in hospital with her child all day and used her wireless laptop computer all day, Keep spewing your lies on this blog sweary Mary.
Mary H 9:32PM
Mary Housler Carenne Support Ltd are going to be proven for the fraud they are in 2011,The board members will find themselves facing a judge on fraud charges.
Mary Housler Mutton dress up as Lamb.
Lets hope you pedophiles wishes for a young boy under your tree didn't come true.
Hopefully RDA will be close.behind Carenne Support. I heard RDA was going to try and get a bus run.
The NSW Ombudsman will be hearing about it, If Malcolm Barnett doesn't close Carenne Support Ltd down and move the RDA off taxpayers land.
December 20, 2010 2:35 PM
I am the parent who saw this happen in Keppel Street last Monday. I am definantly not a faceless coward. I rang the Police who told me that they probably wouldn't get there in time to do anything and that I should ring DOCS.
I went to the DOCS office and was told that I need to call the DOCS Helpline which I did as soon as I came home.
How dare you make comments about me when you don't know me, what right do you have to judge me?
December 20,2010 2:35 PM
Anonymous Said
Did this person report Janelle Kemp to the Police ,As this is a crime to leave a child in a car or is this report going to be like AS getting flog at Mt Lambie rest stop,Nothing done about it by these faceless cowards??????
Anonymous 7:52 AM
I didn't judge you at all i ask a question,So you want get it right Anonymous December 27,2010 7:52 AM.
December 27, 2010 7:52 AM
Good on you for trying sounds like the useless Bathurst police need a tow up the ARSE!!!
Anonymous 10:06 AM
Another Bathurst Police Cover Up concerning Carenne School Staff.
Does anyone know if Scott Russell had anything to do with the death of the man on christmas eve?
It wouldn't surprise me, he was heavily involved in the death of Maxwell Phillips.
So because of this teacher a student was raped by another student. That's lovely. Especially when this is the same school that a teacher was having sex with a student right?
Wouldn't you think that teachers of disabled kids would supervise them better! My friend is a teacher in an ordinary school and has 20 kids to look after and always knows where they are. This is pathetic!
December 27, 2010 2:04 PM
Scott is in the Walgett/Colleanabri area so I doubt it. It's interesting to know that both Scott and Simone are claiming stress. Simone has made many worker's compensation claims about stress due to internet websites that even SEA staff are becoming suspicious.
It looks as though Simone Russell, who we have been told by Tony Hoolihan is "hatho" has something to do with the running of this blog and is then using it to claim leave.
In 2009, Simone claimed worker's compensation when she was in hospital for a suspected brain tumour and pneumonia, a claim supported by Janice Anderson, Wendy Eldridge and Lynette Duncan. All three knew the real reason Simone wasn't at work.
Simone made a claim when Jeremy was being investigated for grooming a 14 year old girl for sex on the Internet, claiming that Jeremy had been set up by the infamous Brian Carter and that it was work related. When our insurer wanted to investigate it, she dropped the claim.
Simone again took leave for stress early in this year when she found out that she had to work as SAM for at least the first term with Lynn Collins. This may have been stressful for her as both Lyn Duncan and Terry Neal reported that she was an incompetent SAM and had no idea what she was doing.
I am sure there will be many more claims in 2011. If she is unable to handle the stress perhaps she should stay off this blog and look for another job elsewhere.
December 27, 2010 7:52 AM
I hope when you spoke to DOCS that you told them that Janelle Kemp is a school teacher. If you do that, DOCS should refer it to us and require information on the outcome.
Janelle Kemp's actions on this day are reportable conduct and as such need to be investigated. Janelle should be suspended while being investigated but that won't happen because it involves Carenne. These sort of serious neglect is normally taken seriously by the department whether against their own child or not. Normally, a person would be dismissed for it and have their name placed on the list of people not to be employed and reported to the CCYP for future screening purposes.
December 27, 2010 7:52 AM
I don't know any teacher besides those employed at Carenne that wouldn't know where their students are at all times while in their care. It's their obligation as teachers.
Why Janelle Kemp received a permanent position after this is beyond belief! Sandra Lynch has been stood down as a casual and replaced for block work following the recent incident at Carenne.
Sea Snitch 2:50 PM
Janelle Kemp got a pernament position at Carenne because Lee Churches Stacked the interview panel.
Sea Snitch 2:24 PM
Malcolm Barnett Knows" hatho" is Simone Russell,Why hasn't she been sacked.
December 27, 2010 2:42 PM
There is not one ounce of truth in this, just like the rest of the snitches on the blog.
The attacks on Simone and Scott are going to stop when you are all charged with intimidation and harassing a police officer.
December 27, 2010 10:21 PM
It won't be harassing a police officer when he is sacked for corruption. How about the drug operation he was running in Portland, the underage alcohol parties at a police house and encouraging underage sex with his son.
December 27, 2010 10:27 PM
The only way Jeremy Russell could get sex is with the help of his father supplying alcohol to underage CHILDREN.
I wonder how Neil Moon feels to know that he has another Withyman on his watch. That's right, he knows and is doing NOTHING about it.
Neil Moon - actively supporting pedophillia
December 27,2010
hatho 10:21 PM
Bring it on Simone Russell!!!!!!!
December 28, 2010 7:46 AM
That's what I think also. I am sure it will come out how Scott Russell harassed Lyn Duncan about DET's investigation into Jeremy and how Scott used his friends at JIRT to cover up for him.
Anonymous 8:09 AM
And try blame Brian Carter for Jeremy Russell Crimes.
Deport Jeremy Russell back here from Port Headland WA.
December 28, 2010 8:16 AM
Irrespective of whether or not Brian Carter had anything to do with it, there was evidence that Jeremy was using facebook to groom what he believed to be a 14 year-old girl for sex. It doesn't matter if the girl was real or not, its still illegal.
Jeremy was proven by an independent private investigator to have been set up. The same investigator tracked this blog to Brian Carter.
Carter expects us not to post on this blog but he runs it
If Scott was supplying alcohol to minors how come he is the licensing officer in Castlereagh you moron.
hatho 8:58 AM
Simone Russell because the NSW Police are corrupt ,That's why Scott Russell is licensing officer at Castlereagh,Didn't he get demoted to Castlereagh Command Simone???????
hatho 8:55 AM
Simone "BULLSHIT".Why did you pack Jeremy off to port Headland Simone if his innocent ,which he isn't "Pedophille"??????
hatho 8:55 AM
Name the independent private investigator simone you liar.
Sea Snitch 8:20 AM
What about Jeremy Russell being involved with a underage student at carenne,wasn't that swept under the carpet also?
simone tell me that she want to go on stress so scott can get transfur back to bathurst. she try same when her son not want to come to school.
December 27, 2010 3:09 PM
i made complain about this to staffing people because it was stiched up
Upset that you aren't getting much work now Lucy you useless hag?
December 28, 2010 8:55 AM
you tell me simone that federal police track blog to brian and that pi found out about jereme
December 28, 2010 8:58 AM
look at bevs blog savecarenne.blogspot.com and it there
December 28, 2010 11:28 AM
because he did it then blame student for it
jrosenberg 6:25 PM
Geoff Salmon told anyone who would listen to his lies that the blog was run from brian carter house said the Federal Police told him this .LMAO.
December 28, 2010 6:25 PM
You are a liar Lucy. The private investigator found out about both. The Russells unlike the rest of you arseholes have spent their own money trying to stop Brian Carter's lunacy.
December 28, 2010 6:26 PM
Those photos were stolen from facebook
hatho 10:34 PM
"BULLSHIT "Simone Russell you try to put th blame on Brain Carter with your Private investigator and it didn't work you liar Simone Russell.Name your PI Simone.
December 28, 2010 10:36 PM
So what if they were they still showed that you and scott were supplying alcohol to minors.
Lee knew the other girl in the photos because she went to school with Drew and told us she was 15. THAT'S RIGHT SIMONE YOU AND SCOTT WERE SUPPLYING ALCOHOL TO A 15 YEAR-OLD JUST LIKE YOU HAD A PISS UP FOR A 16TH BIRTHDAY PARTY.
December 29, 2010 6:46 AM
There was no PI.
Why is Janelle Kemp the child neglecter still a teacher?
December 29, 2010 6:46 AM
Now it's not so much Brian Carter who is blamed for everything but Jenny O'Neill. Simone goes around calling her Jenny O'Snitch.
Anonymous 8:12 AM
I bet simone russell won't say it to jenny oneill face the gutless ,faceless, coward simone russell is.
December 29, 2010 10:27 AM
Jenny O'Neill is a joke who was sacked for being a childish moron
People should see what Lucy Thornton has put on Lee's blog -
Blogger jrosenberg said...
whos libertarian ?
joel atkins
whos julie brown ?
julie brown
whos carennetruth ?
lee churches
whos hatho ?
simone russel
whos nedkelly ?
margaret rowe
whos rosenberg ?
whos savecarenne ?
bev masters
whos barracus ?
peter richards
whos omerta ?
michael auld
whos sea snitch ?
peter harvey
28 December 2010 18:35
She got that wrong
whos rosenberg ?
Lucy Thornton
Janelle Kemp did the same thing to her son that led to another student being raped at Carenne. What a great teacher you are.
Don't forget this is the school where it was PROVEN that a teacher had sexual relations with a student. It truly is the CARENNE SEXUAL SCHOOL.
Was this girl raped by another student or was it like the Jeremy incident where it was blamed on a student?
It's the great school where teachers like Anne Baskerville are still in relationships with students and Neil Moon does nothing about it
Why hasn't Peter Harvey and Malcolm Barnett done something about it,They both know about the abuse of the students at Carenne Public School Bathurst,Why hasn't this school been shut down???????
jrosenberg is Lucy Thornton ,Peter Harvey's snitch.
jrosenberg "LUCY THORNTON"Why don't you post on here what you have posted on Lee Churches Blog ,Quite a few posting Lucy or ain't you game you gutless,faceless double crossing fat cow.
I see Shane French has been quiet since he was warned by the police that he could face serious charges for posting on this blog and harassing the Russells.
He has been seen stalking people ad is obviously a screw short.
hatho 10:13 AM
Simone you are the one who is a screw short,You are a sandwich short of a picnic and should go back to townville where you belong Dumpling.
December 31, 2010 10:13 AM
You are the imbecile who gets people's police information and passes it around with the police id still on them. How smart are you dumpling?
The Truth About Carenne Public School.
Lee Churche's Blog.
These are the posting "jrosenberg"LUCY THORNTON put on Lee Churches Blog.
jrosenberg Said
December 28,2010 18:28
Under stoty The Truth About Brian Carter.
how the bypass going lee not very smart not posting while in hospital i thought you have drewe post for you.
jrosenberg Said
december 28,2010 18:28
Under story Jenny O'Neill
jenny oneal is a bitch.
jrosenberg Said
December 28,2010
Under story Terry Mahony,s Influence
nathan carter is nameing people who help him what a dog.
jrosenberg Said
December 28,2010 18:30
Under story Police Interested in Covering For Scott Russell.
the police came to a meeting at carenne and say cheryl chapman is the one who put question on blog she might be julie brown.
jrosenberg Said
December 28,2010 18:33
Under story
Who is Libertarian.
that sound like justenes questionare.porter would have got a hacker she had me hacked and mich give me email to lyn proving it.harvey has it but not do much.porter make false complait about lucy who does lot of volintary work at carenne.
December 28,2010 18:35
jrosenberg Said
whos libetarian?
joel atkins
whos julie brown?
julie brown
whos carennetruth?
lee churches
whos hatho?
simone russell
whos nedkelly?
margaret rowe
whos rosenberg?
whos savecarenne?
bev masters
whos Barracus?
peter richards
whos omertra?
michael auld
whos sea snitch?
peter harvey.
jrosenberg Said
July 23,2010 21:47
Under Story Jenny O'Neill Bullies Lee Churches.
you tell everyone that jenny do this you idiot lee.everyone know you carennetruth.you been back a week and carenne is horrible again and poor collen even had to go because you haras her fuck off lee.
Posting on Lee Churches Blog by jrosenberg"LUCY THORNTON".
Anonymous 1:28 PM
And will be proven.
jrosenberg "LUCY THORNTON" you call Nathan Carter a dog,Why don't you speak the truth you low life,you wouldn't do nathan shoe lace's up you fat lieing cow.
You can tell that Colin Kemp took the child to the fireworks at the adventure playground tonight, he actually took the child out of the van and didn't leave him in it like his negligent mother does.
December 31, 2010 2:18 PM
Lee Churches has the proof but we may never see it.
Lee Churches is a bullshitter
December 31,2010
Anonymous 10:58 PM
You wish she was Simone .
A new year and a end to Carenne Support Limited,And the child abuse at Carenne Public School Bathurst and the sacking of 90% of Carenne Public School Bathurst Staff.
Poor sweary mary housler will be out of a job ,What a shame.LMAO
Lucy Thornton and Cheryl Chaplan were Brian Carter's narks. Now they are gone the leaks have stopped.
hatho 1:12 PM
Simone the leaks have stopped because you are not in the office anymore simone.
hatho 1:12 PM
Simone have you been sending Joel Atkins "Libertarian" anymore of your emails from your work mate's simone?????????
January 1,2011
hatho 1:12 PM
That won't save your bacon dumpling.
January 1, 2011 1:12 PM
lucy aint no snitch but cheryl is and this prove by police. cheryl told lee thing so jenny get sack
simone leak all information when simone in office she tell everyone everyone business she bad and she make story about people
jrosenberg 1:07 PM
lucy you were lee's snitch not cheryl,lee told me so,snitch to lee so you get work ,which you did a whole 6 weeks,also snitch on the saviours "snitch lucy"
Simone Russell leaked information which led to a student being raped. She gave her stepson the address of a student he fancied.
Its bad enough you raise children like that let alone serve them up victims on a silver platter!You are a piece of work Hatho I hope Lee gets better soon if anybody has enough to sink you its her.
January 2,2010
Anonymous 10:14 PM
Simone Russell told jeremy all the students and parents private and personal imformation ,then he spread it around bathurst and portland.
January 2,2011
Anonymous 10:14 PM
What shits me these creeps are still getting away with the abuse and fraud and Peter Harvey ,Carol McDamid and Malcolmn Barnett know all about these creeps,Why havn't they been sacked and bought before the courts.
January 2, 2011 10:14 PM
I can't wait until Lee recovers and does to you bastards what you have done to her. You have put her in the situation she is in, I can't wait until she shits on you Michael, Simone and Marg.
Lee Churches is a joke who put herself in the situation she is in. She fucked up now she has to face the consequences.
I pray that Lee will pull through because she needs to save her soul, she is facing an eternity of fire and brimstone because of the sins she has committed. Only she can repent her sins so she can spend eternity with our loving father.
January 2, 2011 7:53 PM
What sort of a sick bastard "fancies" a Carenne student. That's just wrong
January 3, 2011 10:31 PM
What sort of sick bastard thinks it was OK for Jeremy to be with a 15 year old when he was 17. It's illegal! That's right, Simone Russell and the child's mother Jeanette Crawford. Ever wondered why Simone gets special treatment with her WC claims, she is friends with the corrupt SSO!
January 3, 2011 10:08 PM
She does not and it was proven by the Police and Private Investigators.
Simone, you know the rules, please don't name students on the blog.
January 4, 2011 8:52 PM
Whether or not the person existed doesn't matter but of course the police investigation was botched and he was never charged. He should have been charged.
You should be charged for running this blog
Simone if you are so convinced of Jeremy having done nothing wrong then why does he no longer have approval to work for the department?
If anyone else did what Jeremy did they would be behind bars.
To the person who made the comment about Simone and Jeanette being friends, you are correct. Jeanette if she had ethics would of refused to deal with Simone's claims but conflicts of interest are nothing new in the SEA.
January 3, 2011 10:48 PM
If the child was 15 this could be neglect on Crawford's part. I am well aware of issues surrounding her daughter.
sea snitch have you been told who is behind this blog?
I like jrosenberg's list, although I am not Peter Harvey and rosenberg is Lucy Thornton. Lucy was in continual communication with Peter.
January 5, 2011 12:15 AM
The police told us that Cheryl Chaplin was behind all the leaks. Moon subsequently banned her from working there and her name has been taken off the casual list.
I believe she is being set up. We have evidence pointing to who posts on the blog from the school and who accessed documents that were leaked but Tony Hoolahan is not interested.
You are all lunatics. You say the police never charged Jeremy when they should of inferring that Scott interfered in it. You are idiots, the police service isn't like what you see on Underbelly. I hope the Russells sue each and every one of you.
Cheryl Chaplin is the leak, her questionnaire was posted on this blog and it has been proven by the wonderful detectives working to close this site down.
January 5, 2011 12:25 AM
Cheryl isn't being set up, she is in cohots with Brian Carter. She has been seen with him on a number of occasions around Bathurst.
simmone jeremy told jenny that he was friends with brian carter before the rape stuff
Sea Snitch 12:25 AM
Are you saying Neill Moon doesn't give Cheryl Chaplan work because they he believe's she is bringing the ABUSE and Rape of innocent students out in the open,What is Neill Moon employed by the DET to cover the ABUSE and RAPE of students up????
Sea Snitch 12:10 AM
Jeremy mouth off to his mate's that his father's mate Joel Faulkner botched the investigation into him up to get him off,which is was let off.
Sea Snitch 12:25 AM
Cheryl Chaplan is the best Teacher's Aid Carenne public School has,Fancy Neill Moon not giving her work at Carenne Public School,This shows blog readers and Parents what a lieing idiot NEIL MOON is and should be sacked from CARENNE PUBLIC SCHOOL BATHURST.
hatho 9:12 AM
Its a free country cheryl can talk and be seen with who she like's down town or anywhere else for that matter,It is not a crime.If the Detective's know it was cheryl chaplan questionaire on the blog, They must know you are Simone Russell"hatho",Seeing that Malcolm Barnett and Peter Harvey knows you are Simone Russell"hatho",Why hasn't the DET sacked you.
hatho 9:12 AM
Its a free country cheryl can talk and be seen with who she like's down town or anywhere else for that matter,It is not a crime.If the Detective's know it was cheryl chaplan questionaire on the blog, They must know you are Simone Russell"hatho",Seeing that Malcolm Barnett and Peter Harvey knows you are Simone Russell"hatho",Why hasn't the DET sacked you.
hatho 9:11 AM
Sea Snitch 12:25 AM
Why isn't Tony Hoolahan interested is he covering up for the DET employee's.I wonder if he'll be interested when it's reported to the ombudsman.
Sea Snitch 12:19 AM
Lucy Thornton Is "jrosenberg" What has she on Peter Harvey to still be getting work as a casual at CARENNE PUBLIC SCHOOL BATHURST,She should be sacked,Also she told me she was in continues contact with Peter Harvey reporting everything back to him ,You would called "LUCY THORNTON" Peter Harvey's "SNITCH".Also Malcolm Barnett knows LUCy THORNTON is "jrosenberg" and has prove.
Wonders will never cease,Since Lee Churches has been in hospital, "carennetruth" has not posted on Julie Brown's Blog.
Lee Churches"carennetruth" Will be bought to justice for all the heartache,hardship and stress she has caused a lot of Students,Parents and Staff and their Families of Carenne Public School Bathurst,That is a promise.
Why was Michael Auld still at Carenne at 10:35PM tonight, loading computers and archive boxes into his car?
What sort of moron are you Neil Moon?
January 6,2010
Anonymous 11:20 PM
Did you ring security,Has anyone got the school security phone number please?
January 6,2010
Annonymous11:20 PM
What sort of idiot is Michael Auld, He must know the school being watched and he still in there in the school holidays,Getting rid of my evidence no doubt.
Anonymous 7:22 AM
I witness him doing this and will be reporting it to Malcolm Barnett.
Go ahead and call security you idiot Carter, you know Michael is an employee of the school and can be there if he wants. Get a life!
January 8,2010
omerta 11:18 PM
Michael Auld you have been reported to Malcolm Barnett and you just admitted it was you at Carenne Public School Bathurst on January 6,2010 at 10:35 PM Loading computers and archive boxes into your car and guess again it wasn't carter who witness you doing this look forward to the dole line once again Michael Auld ,you won't have Lee and Jock to give you a job this time Michael Auld.
January 8,2011
omerta 11:18 PM
Michael Auld everyone knows you post under omerta you moron.
January 8.2011
omerta 11:18 PM
Michael Auld did you use the computer you took from Carenne on January 6,2011 at 10:35 PM to post this comment at 11:18 PM January 8,2011 Michael Auld????????
Probably using the student laptops he stole.
January 9,2011
Anonymous 10:54 PM
Yes true then MOON has ANN BASKENVILLE tell the parents of the students who should have received the LAPTOPS a heap of "LIES".
Janelle Kemp aka "blog of lies" should tell this blog what she has said about Shane French. She claims he is responsible for all the leaks, the she sees him parked across the road from the school spying and that he has contacts inside the school.
January 9,2011
Anonymous 10:54 PM
Yes true then MOON has ANN BASKENVILLE tell the parents of the students who should have received the LAPTOPS a heap of "LIES".
January 8,2011
omerta 11:18 PM
Michael Auld everyone knows you post under omerta you moron.
Go ahead and call security you idiot Carter, you know Michael is an employee of the school and can be there if he wants. Get a life!
Sea Snitch 12:19 AM
Lucy Thornton Is "jrosenberg" What has she on Peter Harvey to still be getting work as a casual at CARENNE PUBLIC SCHOOL BATHURST,She should be sacked,Also she told me she was in continues contact with Peter Harvey reporting everything back to him ,You would called "LUCY THORNTON" Peter Harvey's "SNITCH".Also Malcolm Barnett knows LUCy THORNTON is "jrosenberg" and has prove.
hatho 9:11 AM
simone leak all information when simone in office she tell everyone everyone business she bad and she make story about people
Why hasn't Peter Harvey and Malcolm Barnett done something about it,They both know about the abuse of the students at Carenne Public School Bathurst,Why hasn't this school been shut down???????
December 29, 2010 10:27 AM
Jenny O'Neill is a joke who was sacked for being a childish moron
Anonymous 8:12 AM
I bet simone russell won't say it to jenny oneill face the gutless ,faceless, coward simone russell is.
December 29, 2010 6:46 AM
There was no PI.
Why is Janelle Kemp the child neglecter still a teacher?
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