The assistant principal, known to be the leader of the Carenne KLAN could not make a speech as she was overcome with emotion.
A number of parents claimed that it would be good for the school, with allegations that Churches harassed whistle blowers, assaulted students and harassed parents on this blog.
did the buzzard get the sack?
Fuck your shit. Im going to take this blog down
Anonymous 7:44 PM
Ha Ha truth hurts doesn't it, just try moron!
someone have a look if Michael Aulds at carenne school now
Anonymous 7:44 PM
Fancy you calling someone else shit after what Lee Churches has done and said about students,parents and staff and their families ,She only get back what she deserves.
KARMA- The joy of watching someone get what they deserve.
December 10, 2010 7:51 PM
If Libertarian posts where that posting came from I will tell you whether Auld was there or not. I saw him somewhere tonight and it wasn't Carenne.
December 10, 2010 8:29 PM
Don't you mean Peter Richards? No wonder the police haven't taken this blog down, he is up Simone's arse
Anonymous 8:29 PM
Who gives a fuck where Auld was,Just another Child abuser.
Michael Auld, Margaret Rowe, Melinda Gavin and Simone Russell need to go before there will be any improvement at Carenne. Once they have gone look for a decent principal, someone like Anthony Johnston who won't put up with their crap.
December 10,2010
savecarenne 10:18 PM
Kym Tattlesal,Janelle Kemp,Lucy Thornton,Nadine Dwyer,Laurie Healey,Corina Mollenkemp,Ros Luther .Di Glavins,and Smith all need to be sacked too.
December 10, 2010 10:18 PM
Why are you worried about it Bev, you cut and run
Anonymous 7:25 AM
Why wouldn't Bev cut and run the way she was Harreass and bully by Lee Churches and her disgusting klan.Same as Kelly Thompson was.
December 10,010
Anonymous 7:44 PM
So Lee Churches was "SACKED" then.
Anonymous 7:58 AM
I hope so she would lose all her benifits if sacked.
Has Kelly Thompson been transferred to Bathurst West? If so it will be so MacDonald can shaft her like she shafted Mackay. She hates anyone who has qualificatons, is dedicated and capable. So jealous she even looks green! Poor Kelly.
Bev Masters is the same as the rest of the saviours, big and tough while hiding behind anonymity but as soon as they have to stand up and be counted they run like the gutless mongrels they are.
Anonymous 11:57 AM
Yes the same as Barbara Woolfe,Coleen Lies,Cheryl Chaplan,Lucy Thornton the big "DOUBLE CROSSER" the Carenne School Saviours who are too gutless to stand up under their own name and defend these innocent children from abuse and rape"WELL DONE YOU COWARDS".
I bet if it was cheryl chaplan or lucy thornton disable child being abused and raped it would be a differant story ,Its a wonder lee churches didn't put cheryl chaplan into the liasion officer for her child not attending carenne ,like lee did other parents.
terry neal and neil moon want to explain why my son wont be attending carenne ever again, you sure know how to cover up abuse of the cildren very well with malcolm barnett. Lets see if you can cover the abuse up with DoCS.
Shane 4:16 PM
Ring the NSW ombudsman and Speak to a Judith Grant she been told about the abuse at carenne also tell her Malcolm Barnett knows and has proof of the abuse going on at carenne and all the klan are still employed at carenne all except Lee Churches.They can't keep covering the abuse up forever.
Shane 4:16 PM
Was your child abused at carenne?
December 11, 2010 8:40 PM
Yes, twice in five months they wont be getting a third go at my son and twice now its been covered up by school and barnett.
Shane 9:28 PM
So sorry for you and your family,Please don't let them get away with this abuse of all these innocent children.
My son had no protection at carenne you see these so called saviours all talk no action a child will have to be badly injured or worse before they stand up and do something for our children and even then I doubt it, I am afraid that is not an enviroment I am willing to put my son in anymore. They are nothing but a bunch of nameless, faceless, gutless cowards.
Shane 9:37 PM
Yes you are right ,These saviours are not willing to put their name to bringing the abuse out ,even when they witness it in which they have and still do. But there are a couple who have reported the abuse to barnett and the NSW ombudsman in their real name ,But nothing seems to happen to the abusers.Surely this can't keep going on covering this abuse up.
You have nobody to blame but yourself Shane, getting on this blog and having a spray you deserve what you get
December 11, 2010 10:47 PM
Attack me not a child you weak bunch of bastards, well you wont be getting your grubby little hands on my son anymore and I truly hope you all get whats coming to you.
Shane 11:18 PM
You and 3 lots of parents who haved pulled their children out of Carenne Public School Bathurst ,Because of the abuse they have suffered at the hands of the staff at carenne,What to contact RAY HADLEY on 131-873
Email rayhadley.com.au Tell him all about the abuse going on at carenne ,He already knows but for some unknown reason he won't comment,But you people being the Parents of these Children being abused, Ray Hadley might take notice and bring this abuse of these beautiful children out to the public attention.
Also these evil staff at Carenne Public School can't do anything more to harm your children as they don't attend Carenne Public School "ANYMORE"Ring Ray Hadley bring this abuse out,Before a student up at Carenne is killed or seriously hurt by these evil people.
Nobody feels sorry for you Shane, you got on this blog and made bullshit allegations with no proof, made ridiculous demands to the school and district office and made false complaints to the police. You fucked up now face the consequences.
For those reading this blog, Shane has made allegations that a number of staff attacked his son, none of which have been verified or backed up. With Shane's history of being a drama queen nothing can be done.
December 12, 2010 8:21 AM
Fuck off Jenny
hatho 8:55 AM
You better get it right Shane has proof that his son was attacked at school,And Malcolm Barnett has it,So Simone You Better Fuck Off.
hatho 8:56 AM
Simone Russell is "hatho"And she will be sacked from Carenne .
December 12, 2010 9:02 AM
Well he doesn't
hatho 9:08 AM
Simone Russell yes he does and also has proof that you are Simone Russell,You will be in the dole line come 2011 Dumpling LOL
hatho,Simone Russell,Your heading down the same path as your best friend Lee Churches.
December 12, 2010 8:55 AM
hatho you are a freak I dont want pity I want justice for the children!!!!
And as far as making false allegations about a number of staff attacked my son get your facts right only one teacher has attacked my son twice and he wont be getting a third crack so please hatho before you have another high and mighty moment get your facts straight.
Isnt it amazing neil moon could only get one witness to discredit my son and as soon as I made a complaint to malcolm barnett he now has five witnesses, you freaks are good at cover ups but your days of child abuse are coming to an end.
Shane 9:44 AM
Good on you,Bring the Bastards to their knees.They are all liars who cover the truth up.Malcolm Barnett knows Neil Moon is a liar.
Shane, everyone knows you have made a complaint about Terry Neal, Nadine Dwyer and Karina Mollenkamp so why don't you go fuck yourself.
You are lying to your supporters once again. Of course there were 5 people to say it didn't happen because you are a liar.
hatho 10:00 AM
Simone Russell do you make a habit of abuseing parents on this blog dumpling?
hatho 10:00 AM
It did happen and you are the liar not the parent.
December 12, 2010 10:00 AM
Only made two complaints in the last five months about terry neal so why dont you go fuck yourself!!!!!!
Should I have made a complaint about nadine dwyer and karina mollenkamp????
And I am taking the word of my son over you as any descent parent would do, so once again get your facts straight and my son is sticking to his version of events so we will see when he is questioned by DoCS what they have to say, OK DICKHEAD!!!!!
What ever happened to putting the children first ?????
Shane 10:29 AM
They ain't putting the children first ,Because they have to much abuse,fraud and lies to cover up,But as you can see Simone Russell and the rest of the klan are just digging themselves a deeper hole that they won't be able to get out,Look what happen to Lee Churches the dominos are starting to fall.
December 11, 2010 12:04 PM
If Cheryl is a saviour then why is Lee defending her? http://carennetruth.blogspot.com/2010/07/police-interested-in-covering-for-scott.html
Don't let dumpling get to you Shane, she will use it against you, she has been crying foul about how you threaten and harass her on this blog.
Anonymous 11:53 AM
Because she crawls up churches ass so she would get casual work has a teachers aid.
Anonymous 11:57 AM
Simone Russell crying foul ,What about how she abuses and accuses anyone she feels like on this blog ,I hope Simone Russell brings charges against those posting on this blog,then the favour will be returned and her phone accounts will be subenia ,Which will prove she is "hatho"
Anonymous 11:53 AM
Cherly Chapman runs Lee Churches down to the ground behind her back,Anonymous 12:25 PM is right she crawls up lees ass to get work.
December 12, 2010 10:49 AM
Lets hope the dominos keep falling until the school is completely cleaned up, bystanders and watchers included it is what the innocent children who attend hell truly deserve.
Shane 3:18 PM
They sure do deserve that,These kids have enough to contend to in life,Without being abuse by these well paid morons.
Ring Ray Hadley first thing tomorrow,Bring the abuse and corruption out into the public arena,Shame Gerard Martin.
Shane's conduct on this blog shows that he is still a woman basher, he is getting on here trying to intimidate Simone.
December 12, 2010 10:25 AM
DOCS will laugh at you with your history Shane. Explain to your supporters on this blog why you have made regular complaints to the department and police about things.
Explain why there have been complaints made about those staff to do with YOUR SON.
DOCS will dismiss anything your son says because he is being coached by you.
December 12, 2010 7:22 PM
You are full of shit Hatho and one NASTY PEICE of work!Still trying out for Mother of the Year??
Shane you wouldn't know this but there are trip reasons that your son was being harassed.
Terry Neal is friends with Simone, probably one of his few friends at the school, he would be attacking your son as payback for getting Scott into trouble.
Neil Moon told all staff to be hard on your son because of your complaints. He wanted you to pull him out and put somewhere else. If your son isn't at Carenne he doesn't have to deal with you.
Perhaps while you are going on with your your Simone we can talk about you. Helen and Rhonda have spent most of the year cleaning up your mistakes. You are the most incompetent SAM ever.
Your mishandling of petty cash, misreporting expenses, allowing some staff to waste money on rot, incorrect pay claims and buying from places you shouldn't have has been a problem.
How about the auditor's comments about almost everything, that not a thing was done properly.
Then you used to spend almost all day talking to your kids on the phone, use the internet for personal use, print photos using the school's printers, steal office supplies and allow Corey to use your office computer and internet login so he could use blocked sites.
There was also a serious complaint about you telling Jeremy things about the school, parents, staff and students which were to be kept confidential.
While the issues with Jeremy were going on, Scott intimidated and threatened Lyn the same as when Lyn wanted to do something about Corey raping Tiffany.
December 13,2010
carennetruth 12:37 AM
Oh so it was SIMONE RUSSELL" son corey"Who rape Tiffany and you and the klan didn't report it swept it under the carpet,Oh well now Malcolm Barnett will know as he reads this blog and knows you are LEE CHURCHES "carennetruth"
December 12,2010
hatho 7:18 PM
december 12,2010
hatho 7:22 pm
Simone russell if this has happened why wasn,t jenny reported to det special transport and the police,And did the escort witness your accusations about jenny simone.I was told it was your stepson Jeremy who was involved in this disgusting behaviour not jenny.
Thank you Julie and Joel for removeing that disgusting untrue posting of hatho .
What lies did moon spin today???
and Jenny O'Neill gets on here bitching about everyone else keeping quiet so they can get work yet she did the same thing while she was at Carenne. If you were so disgusted by it, you should have walked out the door Jenny.
Anonymous 7:34 AM
I was and still are willing to stand up to the plate as soon as i saw these special children being abuse,Just contact
jules85@live.com or
Edward James on 02-4341940
And ask them if i was willing to speak up in my own name Anonymous 7:34 AM,I'm not afraid to speak the truth ,Not like you lot of Gutless ,Faceless, Cowards who witness the abuse of these innocent students everyday and won't stand up to the plate.
No Jenny O'Neill you are a sell out aren't you? Lee and Simone said your silence was bought and Lee posted proof of it so rack off Jenny. Are you upset you didn't get more money?
December 14, 2010 11:50 AM
You need to post names and dates of when you complained Jenny because nobody believes you now you SELL OUT
Margaret Kemp are you still crawling up carenne support ass to get free travel for your foster child when you had a car supplyed and refitted for his wheel chair that docs own so you could take him to school and home again and getting therapy from carenne support ,You are one of the chosen few ain't you Margaret Kemp.
concerned 12:53 PM
I can assure you Margaret Kemp ,Jenny O'Neill wasn't bought out ,It would take more then $3,500 to shut jenny up she doesn't cover child abuse up like you and your friends margaret.Does docs know that carenne support neglected your foster child therapy margaret.
concerned 12:53 PM
at least jenny work's for a living.doesn't bludge on the taxpayers like you do.
December 14, 2010 1:35 PM
No you just extorted $3,500 out of a charity didn't you Jenny O'Neill
December 12, 2010 10:00 AM
Only made two complaints in the last five months about terry neal so why dont you go fuck yourself!!!!!!
Should I have made a complaint about nadine dwyer and karina mollenkamp????
And I am taking the word of my son over you as any descent parent would do, so once again get your facts straight and my son is sticking to his version of events so we will see when he is questioned by DoCS what they have to say, OK DICKHEAD!!!!!
hatho 10:00 AM
Simone Russell do you make a habit of abuseing parents on this blog dumpling?
December 13,2010
carennetruth 12:37 AM
Oh so it was SIMONE RUSSELL" son corey"Who rape Tiffany and you and the klan didn't report it swept it under the carpet,Oh well now Malcolm Barnett will know as he reads this blog and knows you are LEE CHURCHES "carennetruth"
December 12, 2010 9:02 AM
Well he doesn't
December 11, 2010 12:04 PM
If Cheryl is a saviour then why is Lee defending her? http://carennetruth.blogspot.com/2010/07/police-interested-in-covering-for-scott.html
Shane 10:29 AM
They ain't putting the children first ,Because they have to much abuse,fraud and lies to cover up,But as you can see Simone Russell and the rest of the klan are just digging themselves a deeper hole that they won't be able to get out,Look what happen to Lee Churches the dominos are starting to fall.
Shane 9:28 PM
So sorry for you and your family,Please don't let them get away with this abuse of all these innocent children.
Shane 4:16 PM
Ring the NSW ombudsman and Speak to a Judith Grant she been told about the abuse at carenne also tell her Malcolm Barnett knows and has proof of the abuse going on at carenne and all the klan are still employed at carenne all except Lee Churches.They can't keep covering the abuse up forever.
December 10,010
Anonymous 7:44 PM
So Lee Churches was "SACKED" then.
December 10,2010
savecarenne 10:18 PM
Kym Tattlesal,Janelle Kemp,Lucy Thornton,Nadine Dwyer,Laurie Healey,Corina Mollenkemp,Ros Luther .Di Glavins,and Smith all need to be sacked too.
Anonymous 8:29 PM
Who gives a fuck where Auld was,Just another Child abuser.
KARMA- The joy of watching someone get what they deserve.
Anonymous 7:44 PM
Ha Ha truth hurts doesn't it, just try moron!
did the buzzard get the sack?
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