Sunday, August 21, 2011

Further incompetence surrounding RDA uncovered

Carenne Gate has uncovered further incompetence surrounding the Riding for the Disabled Association in Bathurst. Carenne Gate has learned that the structure of the organisation has been changed from an incorporated association independent of its members and administered by the Office of Fair Trading to an unincorporated association which is no longer separate from its members.

RDA has come under attention on this blog for its incompetent management and corruption in the past.

The change means that RDA no longer has to submit annual reports to the Office of Fair Trading which include details of its financial affairs. It also means that RDA no longer needs to keep:
  • a register of committee members, available for inspection by anyone
  • a record of any committee member conflicts of interest, available for inspection by members
  • a record of the association's financial transactions and position
  • all minutes of the proceedings of committee and general meetings.
On Friday, Carenne Gate spoke to the Registry of Associations and Co-Operatives in Bathurst and asked why an organisation would choose to do this. His response was -
"It's crazy. Now each member is responsible for the affairs of the organisation. If it's sued they can all be sued. Any contracts are made by a member on behalf of the organisation, not in its name. It's no longer distinct from it's members. It's crazy. Who ever did this would have to be crazy. You would only do this if you couldn't afford to pay the $49 per year or you were trying to hide something."

Once again it shows the complete incompetence of the committee running RDA in Bathurst and the secrecy surrounding the organisation.