Carenne Gate has uncovered further incompetence surrounding the Riding for the Disabled Association in Bathurst. Carenne Gate has learned that the structure of the organisation has been changed from an incorporated association independent of its members and administered by the Office of Fair Trading to an unincorporated association which is no longer separate from its members.
- a register of committee members, available for inspection by anyone
- a record of any committee member conflicts of interest, available for inspection by members
- a record of the association's financial transactions and position
- all minutes of the proceedings of committee and general meetings.
"It's crazy. Now each member is responsible for the affairs of the organisation. If it's sued they can all be sued. Any contracts are made by a member on behalf of the organisation, not in its name. It's no longer distinct from it's members. It's crazy. Who ever did this would have to be crazy. You would only do this if you couldn't afford to pay the $49 per year or you were trying to hide something."
Once again it shows the complete incompetence of the committee running RDA in Bathurst and the secrecy surrounding the organisation.
They have plenty too hide!
I wonder if Lifetime Members of the RDA like Joe Sullivan&Co are aware that if the RDA are Sued they can loose everything they have worked for all their life.Or havn't they been informed of these changes.
Michael Auld doesn't want anyone SNOOPING around to see what FRAUD has been committed.
Carenne Support Ltd will be doing this next ,Another corrupt organisation.
Did Mick's mate Gerard tell him to do this? You ought to read the drivel Gerard said in parliament about him.
Congratulations to the ALP, supporting a corrupt pedophile
What does Anonymous have on Jenny O'Neill?
Members of the RDA should be resigning their membership before they are sued.
What are they going to be sued for fuckwit? You will be sued first for your defamation on this blog.
You wish moron
You are going to be facing the beak soon Jenny. The department is considering paying to take legal action against you to stop you posting on this blog.
I thought AUSTRALIA was a free country Guest 7 minutes ago.
Look's like they be takin legal action against their own employees then,Lee Churches,Simone Russell, Michael Auld just too name a few.Jenny not even employed by the Department Guest 14 minutes ago.
In your dreams Moron!
Not when you are contributing to an illegal website.
No but we have plenty on you
Lee's blog is back LMAO
DEC manager to face ICAC
Looks like the NSW Police has a real problem with corruption
… corruption is no longer a local matter but a transnational phenomenon that affects all societies and economies, making international cooperation to prevent and control it essential. – Preamble, United Nations Convention Against Corruption
wIt isn't when you have organizations such as the DEC using methods similar to those used in Soviet Russia and the Chuech of Scientology's RTC.
The relationship between Carenne Support and DEC is the same as Ogawie and the DEC. Anonymous will expose you.
that is all lies, Dave is a known fruitcake
If the old slut keeps harassing people there will be charges and restraining orders on the cunt.
People who are defamed and harassed by cunts like you Jenny can take action.
I'm sure if Chaplin is suing the blog she will sue you.
Didn't Joe Sullvan fuck his daughter?
Jeremy Russell featured in Mexican paper!tag-anonymous
ANONYMOUS should dig up the dirt on cheryl chaplin.she was in with lucy thornton "JROSENBERG" and kym tattlesall "LIBERTARIAN" ,someone ought to tell her to be carefull who she sue because she post on this blog.
Weren't you reported for misconduct involving Andrew Nitchkie? Weren't you seeing him outside of work hours in breach of child protection guidelines?
All lies Jenny The Hypocrit, Where is your written proof?
NSW DEC ignores email proving assault on student
Hopefully he will join us on 6.12.11. Anonymous loves caek
You are a very sick person Jenny The Hypocrit and you want have evidence for the alligation you just made.
hatho yesterday at 11:47 PM
simone russell ,You will face the beak for defamation and Harrassnent too be assured.
You are a very sick person Jenny O'Neill. You are obsessed with abuse at Carenne. Did you take part in it?
Didn't Terry Mahony do the same thing with Carenne Support?
That you engaged in misconduct involving Andrew Nitschkie? It's true you imbecile.
9.2 You must not develop a relationship with any student that is, or that can be misinterpreted as having a personal
rather than a professional interest in a student.
9.5 Where a personal relationship, such as family relationship or close friendship exists between you and a student,
or where there is a pre-existing sexual relationship with an adult student attending the same workplace, you
must report the conflict of interest, or any potential conflict, to your supervisor or principal, and it must be
managed carefully.
You may not invite a student or students back to your home or attend theirs without an appropriate professional reason.
You may not give students gifts of a personal nature that encourages them to think they have an individual and special relationship with you.
You are a fucking LIAR
It's a pity you KLAN MEMBERS didn't follow the DET Code Of Conduct
Simone Russell your a disgusting Lieing human IT
You have to be Lee Churches I Know The Truth 3 Minutes Ago
Think your invisable do you Lee Churches "I Know The Truth"
You would have to be wrong.
Don't put your intimidatory shit up here Malcolm
its a pity that CHERYL CHAPLIN didn't and report abuse at CPSB
LEE CHURCHES abused kids at CPSB
Fancy posting on the blog at the same time as you write an email saying Anonymous are liars.
Is Bathurst the center of corruption in Australia?
Thought you KLAN MOB and CSL MOB said Jenny didn't report the abuse going on at CPS ,What a mob of liars.
Thank you Anon Intel Network i am sorry for the wrong name,This is even worse a EPAC DET EMPLOYEE.
You are obsessed in covering it up DET EMPLOYEE,Malcolm Barnett.
Some one wants to tell the Nitschkie's what Malcolm Barnett accused Jenny O'Neill of a DET EPAC EMPLOYEE lovely person.
Do it Jenny, your phone is tapped
You didn't until after you were sacked moron.
Malcolm Barnett is a great man
i see you remove comments about CHERYL CHAPLIN one of then "GUTLESS SAVIOURS" ,but you aint removed disgusting comments about Jenny O'Neill.
your a liar SIMONE RUSSELL
Post the proof that you did while you worked Jenny?
See that little + button under this box you can use that.
who are you tonight hatho Scott or Simone Russell.
Get Lost loser!
God forbid hatho if you praise him.
Why cant you tell DET staff these rules dickhead.
Who takes the benefit from this?
As Anonymous has learned, the rules only apply when it suits the DEC.
Her phone might not be tapped but your emails are!
Another KGB operative?
From What Anon In Ny Today 01:43 AM
Melinda Gavin and Michael Auld get paid as a Teacher and Teacher Aid while they work at the RDA!
All proceeds going to Bathurst Base Paediatric Ward&Riding for the Disable.
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