Thursday, October 14, 2010

Carenne Gate holds RDA to account

Following a series of articles on this blog about the Bathurst Riding for the Disabled Association horse riding and therapy farm programs being suspended because of the RDA committee failing to have proper public liability insurance. In June we exposed that Michael Auld, member of the both the RDA governance committee and the school RDA committee was planning on charging students to visit the therapy farm.

The school sent a letter at the beginning of the last term, telling parents that they would have to pay $30 for their child to attend the RDA therapy farm.

Parents were sent home a letter this week telling them that the therapy farm would be starting again very soon and that due to it not running last term, parents who had paid the full $30 would be refunded $15. Those who had not paid were asked to pay $15 for this term.

Students who take part in the RDA horse riding program will be able to access the therapy farm for free.