Friday, April 6, 2012

Staff question Ros Luther's promotion

Staff at Carenne Special School have once again called staffing practices at the school into question with the promotion of Ros Luther to Assistant Principal last year. Staff claim that Neil Moon was nepotistic with the promotion and that Ros Luther should never have been promoted.

A series of Carenne whistleblowers have complained that Ros Luther is not properly qualified, not having special education qualifications. Nedkelly told Carenne Gate "Michael Auld is an incompetent fool but at least he has special ed qualifications, this bitch has nothing."

Other staff claimed that there were far better suited people in the school than Luther to take the position. Sunbeam said -
"Kylie McDonald, Janelle Kemp and Anne Baskerville all would of made better Assistant Principals than Ros Luther, she is a liar who can only control kids by locking them away."
Former Carenne Assistant Principal carennetruth told Carenne Gate that she was disappointed to hear that Luther had received a promotion - "This is a woman who has caused nothing but trouble, that locked students in the pig pen, had big Di sit on them and who implemented the program that led to Brian Carter's sacking,"

"Ros should have been reprimanded along with Terry Mahony about the travel of Jamie Hussey to Lithgow one day per week, she was the one who implemented it but instead they scapegoated Brian Carter," said carennetruth.

Given the serious allegations made against Ros Luther, staff at the Bathurst Schools Office were amazed that the MERIT Selection Panel chose Ros Luther. It was only in 2010 that she was under investigation by the Employee Performance and Conduct Directorate for using straps to hit children and lock them in the pig pen. It had also been reported to EPAC about her having students sat on by staff and the implementation of the "tranquility room", better used as a torture room.

Ros Luther has no place in the NSW education system and with her appalling record of service should face dismissal.