A report into the failures of the Assisted School Travel Program's operation for 2012 has been released by the Department of Premier and Cabinet. In the report, it is mentioned that corrupt and incompetent director and self-confessed carjacker Geoff Salmon's wife Gillian made a submission to the inquiry as an 'impacted parent'.
Investigations by Carenne Gate have been unable to discover just how the Salmons were impacted, especially when their son Phillip is being transported by Carenne Support Limited in 2012, a company that Geoff is a director of.
Did Salmon tell Dr Boston that she was the wife a director of the contractor transporting her son? What exactly did she say in her submission? These are critically important questions given her close association with the program (through Carenne Support's involvement).
More Corruption from Carenne Support Limited.
did carol smith put one in too,another corrupt member of csl board.
I wonder if gillian salmon told Ken Boston that carenne support are claiming funds for therapy of students that don't recieve it "FRAUD".
Gillian Salmon was impacted as she is separated from Geoff and she is not happy with her son being transported by Carenne Support which is run by Geoff and has complained to the DET requesting another company take over transporting her son which DET refuse to do.
She is not happy with Carenne Support as apparently Geoff has requested the drivers be rude to her when picking up her son.
You know Simone Russell"hatho"
Is Geoff Salmon getting the CARERS PENSION?
Just letting people know that Coleen Leis assaulted a student at Denison College Kelso High Campus On Monday.
It is understood that staff wittnessed the incident and reported it to EPAC and Ms Leis is under formal investigation.
Keith Peasley the principal wants Ms Leis removed as he never wanted her to be sent to Kelso High in the first place and complained to Staffing and peter Harvey that he did not want trouble makers at his school.
I understand he is trying to have Ms Leis sent back to Carenne or somewhere else and he is pushing for her to be suspended from duty pending investigation
LIAR Christine Porter "Boomer"
Anyone who knows Ms Leis no's this is a lie Porter!
Still spewing your bullshit Christine Porter.Coleen Lies has plenty shit on you mob hasn't she Porter?
It is about time that she was fired. She was extremely lucky not to have been fired over the shit she did at Carenne.
She is a blight on the education system and it is high time that she is shown the door. We do not want her back at Carenne.
Also there was a meeting at Carenne this week about this blog with staff from Legal Services. Legal Services have spoken to Police and Police from computer crimes squad are coming to interview staff and the suspected perpetrators of this blog.
yes you margaret rowe"nedkely".
Yes I will be supporting the Department in getting rid of Colleen Leis as she is incompetent and there needs to be a full investigation into her.
Also there is an investigation into Kelly Thompson who I understand used children as labor and had them delivering newspapers.
The issue is that she called it work experience however the school received money for these kids labor.
Consequently it was in breach of Department guidelines and Kelly Thompson is in major shit over it as there has been claimed lodged as student was injured on this newspaper run of Thompson's
There wants to be a investigation into Lee Churches she ABUSE students.
There is proof that "nedkelly is Margaret Rowe !
Colleen Leis and Kelly Thompson has plenty of shit on you Lee Churches ,I shut up while you are still in front ,because you won't be for much longer.
Look's like your sunk then Margaret Rowe"nedkelly"it will be proven you are Margaret Rowe.
Other people's financial affairs are none of your business.
I am not Lee Churches. Also Lee has never abused students she was cleared by the Department, police and DOCS of any wrongdoing.
Lee has never hurt a student. Lee Churches is a person who is caring and compassionate. She would never hurt a fly.
She was a good teacher and you are just smearing her name because your most likely some disgruntled ex employee.
Talking yourself up Lee Churches and you did abuse students and the abuse was witness.
Or yours Christine Porter you want to practice what you preach Boomer!
No you are Christine Porter ,Lee Churches is carennetruth not carenne truth!
Carenne truth is Christine Porter.
Also Kelly Thompson and Colleen Lies has plenty of dirt on you Christine Porter!
Lee Churches alias is carennetruth not
carenne truth with a space.
Porter read the EMAIL Lee Churches sent Lyn Duncan you are a LIAR ,Annonymous put the email up on this blog!
Only wish that Computer Crimes Squad prove you are Christine Porter "Boomer"
isn't geoff salmon bankrupted ?
It look's like the comment "nedkelly"Margaret Rowe posted about Det Legal Services working with the Computer Crime Squad is another lie of "nedkelly"Margaret Rowe" as Julie brown delected nedkelly's comment on the 02/15/2012 07:54 pm
Julie Brown deletes comments that she does not like.
bullshit Boomer "Christine Porter".
I have just spoken with the police about the Jenny O'Neil investigation and they are close to charging Jenny with numerous crimes.
Carenne Support has had to pay out compensation to several students who were victim of her misconduct.
LIAR margaret rowe"nedkelly".
We can only hope and pray this is true nedkelly then you will be exposed has being Margaret Rowe!
name the students nedkelly
who was the police officer you spoke too nedkelly?
nedkelly is a liar who loves causing trouble she isn't quite right in the head.
only your lies porter.
Inspector Lionel White
bullshit will ring and ask Inspector Lionel White.
still waiting nedkelly!
Like he will reveal confidential information about investigations to people not involved
Nedkelly is Simone Russell
I think your the one with a problem and perhaps your head needs checking should book yourself in for an MRI
Can verify what nedkelly has said spoke to Bathurst Police who said they are close to arresting jenny
yes he will
talking about yourself lee
no she not Auld
Any comments that say the truth about Coleen Leis, Kelly Thopmson and Beverly Masters are deleted because they are involved in running this blog and spew lies about good hard working people! We know the truth and you have all left Carenne because of the truth.
carennetruth "LEE CHURCHES" is a LIAR.
The student's names are none of your business and they should not publicly named as they were minors when this occurred.
Why is Katon Crawford employed to work at Bathurst West school? That person is known to police and was told to leave High School after so many suspensions it became uncountable. He also assaulted a teacher at Bathurst West school a few years ago (Lynette Cooper) who then refused to have anything to do with him. He has a lifelong history of inability to manage his hostility toward caucasian people and education!!!! He is aggressive, rude, outspoken, backchats, starts trouble and etc. and this is all on record so why was he employed. AND he's working in "The UNIT" with behaviour management problems and children with very special needs. What a joke this school has become just like the DET. Well done McDiarmid - as usual you've got your own way again and employed a minor criminal to work with future generations!
no its lies
Katon Crawford has a disability and I note his behaviour is not motivated by a malice intent.
So Cat's Willow are you saying that because someone has a disability which cause behavioral issues would be denied employment. We might say the same for people with Down Syndrome if we were to adopt your philosophical view.
His behaviour has changed and he is a great employee to work with.He is much valued and is an asset to Bathurst West.
He is also great with the kids. He got the job on merit as he was the best person.He does not have a criminal record and is not known to police.
If his behaviour was so bad the staff of Bathurst West would complain and get rid of him. It seems you have nothing better to do than whinge about staff as usual.
I witnessed some horrible abuse at Carenne today. I saw Janelle Kemp slap a student across the face at Carenne.
I thought all the stuff on here was rubbish but to wittinesing of the abuse first hand I have changed my view.
I have reported the incident to Neal Moon, EPAC, DOCS and Police.
Katon Crawford is a terrific young man of aboriginal background who at supporting Aboriginal students.
This attack of Katon is nothing but racism towards an Aboriginal Person.
Lies lies lies you idiot janelle wasn't even at work today
Yes I saw her at work today. This is what the KLAN claimed when Melinda Gavin was involved in abuse some phony story about her going off with students doing work experience when she was at the school abusing students.
No she wasn't at school everyone knows mrs kemp doesn't work on Fridays so you are a LIAR more lies about a great hard working and very dedicated Carenne teacher
What a bloody joke you are Lee Churches you racist!
Mary H"Mary Housler".
You know all about MRI don't you Lee?
Because it never happened Lee Churches you LIAR,and by nameing them it would be proven Jenny O'Neill is INNOCENT.
nedkelly is Margaret Rowe and Larry the lama is Michael Auld.
Look hatho I hapen to know the famly and me own granma is aborignal so I know he has lotsa problems and the whole famly does too. Theres other kids younger than him and they dont even no where they are now after lots of trouble and behaviour stuff too. As fer him having disabillity how come hes got that now and why would you get someone wif adisabillity to work wiv kids who got disabillity to? Don't make much sense to me.
more lies
Very True Clem smith
I sat on the interview panel which gave Katon the job and we interviewed many people. He got the job on merit and was by far the best candidate.
I understand that he is highly respected and that he is excellent at his job. Quite frankly he has no hostility towards white people as you claim and your claim is totally without foundation.
There are no behavioral issues with Katon in the workplace and what occurs in someone private life outside there job deserves to stay there unless it has some direct bearing upon the person's ability to do there job.
The attack on Katon is simply a racist one and is being started by other persons who were unsuccessful for the job.
I am not Lee Churches. Though I am not Lee Churches I know her very well and she is not racist. Lee is a highly respected person.
Lee Churches has in fact been the opposite of racist and was responsible when she worked at Carenne for implementing positive initiatives to improve indigenous student's learning. She was also a member of the local Aboriginal education Consultative Group
He is an excellent employee despite his family's background.
More lies. Janelle was there.
Why would you be sitting on the board Mary Housler ,you are not a employee of the DET this just another LIE
You are Lee Churches and you are a RACIST ,Blog readers only have to go back and read your comments on other stories on this blog ,you have been reported to the Aboriginal ombudsman,The people you were RACIST about wants to contact the Aboriginal education Consultative group and point this blog out to them and ask why Lee Churches is a member of there group.
It's is all TRUE Horrified only what the KLAN post are LIES.
How frightening having this man working in the unit with children with behaviour management problems and children with special needs it sounds just like carenne.
You know her very well,because you are Lee Churches carennetruth
Victims of carrentruths"lee churches" deframing of them on this blog wants to email or ring AECG President of Region1 Western1
Hone 02)9550-5666
And ask how this person can be a board member and refer this blog to them to read.
That's a croc a shit! the job didn go to a ad so you lying. Ya dont no nuthin you stoopid bitch!
How much longer do these students of whom some can't speak for themselves,have too take this ABUSE before the DET stop it?
You hit nail right on the head there Clem Smith about Mary H"Mary Housler".
It seems that jenny oneill isn't being investigated nedkelly another lie from you.I say you are running out of rope nedkelly.
Crap! He alway showed a dredful atitude to scool and all whities an he ain't changed lately! How can he help Koori kids with that? You be a idiot.
The job was advertised and I was asked to sit on the panel as a community representative.
liar too carennetruth there no investigation into jenny oneill.
left carenne because of the ABUSE of STUDENTS don't you mean guest?
I was asked to sit on the panel as a commuinty representitive.
They seem to be hiring people like him take for example Adam Ryan at Carenne. I believe there hiring young people like this as they will not complain about staff getting up to no good and involve themselves in the corrupt goings on of a school.
Carenne hired Adam Ryan who quite frankly should not be working with kids as he has a lengthy criminal record and was was convicted of assault occasioning grievous bodily harm and was given a short prison sentence. The Department says he is rehabilitated but I do not think he is.
I see this blog has taken on a new low and is now making racial attacks towards people who are aboriginal. Your choosing to pick on a young person who can defend themselves shame on you Cat's Willow
Katon by all accounts is a valuable asset for Bathurst West and there lucky to have him. Aboriginal Education
Piss off Klan Member "Michael Auld".
Guest you are dead set right they employed people who will cover the Abuse and Corruption going on in these Public Schools.
BULLSHIT Klan Member.
Bullshit Mary Housler
Not game to use your name Mary Housler for this comment?
Didn't you attack a Ex Parent of Carenne Public School Bathurst Shane French wife and reveal their CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION on this blog MIchael Auld"Larry the lama"?
What a LIAR you are Mary H"Mary Housler".
nedkelly"Margaret Rowe" it seems these several students, should not got payed compensation,as jenny oneill is INNOCENT,another act of FRAUD on Carenne Support Limited.
I was told carenne support payed a foster carer off too lie for them about jenny o'neill
It must be something corrupt about the dealings of this position for you too put your tuppence worth in auld!
Guest said
Why would you be sitting on the board Mary Housler,you are not a employee of the DET this just another LIE.
Mary H Said
I was asked to sit on the panel as a commuinty representive.
Mary H just confirm she is Mary Housler
Michael Auld's brother Duncan Auld sat on the panel I think there is something very dodgy with how how Katon got this job as it was supposed to be advertised but it was not.
I am not Michael Auld. I did not attack Shane French or his wife and they are troublemakers who make up malicious allegations against the school as the school reported Shane French for abusing his children.
Michael Auld would not attack anyone or reveal confidential information. He is a dedicated teacher who spends his own time at Carenne after hours going out of his way to improve Carenne. Those claims are nothing but rot.
Michael Auld did not do that. Shane French is a child abuser and has a grudge against Carenne for reporting on his abuse.
Use your real name Porter too spew your lies.
Bullshit on all accounts AULD
And your not a member of St vincent de paul either are you Larry the lama ?
Shane French ought to be in jail doing what he did to his kids.
piss off margaret rowe
All staff from Carenne this week received a lecture from Corporate Communications and legal branch about appropriate behaviour online.
All staff were instructed to make there facebook page's private. All staff were instructed to behave appropriately online. Restrictions about visiting the Carenne Gate Blog have been lifted and staff are able to visit the blog so long as they comply the DET Staff code of conduct.
The department is also offering free legal representation to anyone who wants to take action for defamation over this blog. Also Carenne Support and its directors have been offered free legal representation as well as assisted student transport contractors.
I understand the department has allocated several million to fund this legal action.
Margaret Rowe"nedkelly" it looks like you will be the first DET Employee too be sued for DEFAMATION and then the DET will be sued because they know you are nedkelly "Margaret Rowe".
Yeah, like it shows they took heaps a notise don't it. What a croc o shit this nedkelly is. Shaft the lot o them I say.
Yes he did Christine Porter"Boomer"!
Talking about yourself Michael Auld"Larry the lama"?
Yes and payed the same foster carer to lie about brian carter which she did!
It seems the Corporate Communications or the legal branch has caught up with nedkelly or did carennetruth rat on her?nedkelly hasn't been posting anymore lies since the2/21/2012
Carenne School is a good school. This is all rubbish what is on this blog. Careene has provided quality education to all students and there is no corruption or any wrongdoing.
Carenne has provided quality education to my child and the staff are dedicated to there job.
* A Like
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* Today 12:18 PM
You havn't got a child at carenne nedkelly,posting in your luch hour are you margaret rowe?
* A Like
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* 6 minutes ago
* in reply to nedkelly
nedkelly"Margaret Rowe" posted the above post on first story
You should be in jail margaret rowe for your abuse of students not shane french
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