In my article I wrote that it was optional for Carenne Support to lodge financial statements, but it was correctly pointed out by one of our readers that I was wrong.
I am not the only person who was wrong, with Mary Housler, company secretary of Carenne Support claiming:
"There is no requirement for us to send them to ASIC and have them placed on the public record for the likes of Brian and Nathan Carter to use against us in court and for them to be plastered all over this blog.Due to its status as a deductibe gift recipient, Carenne Support is required under company law to lodge an annual report with ASIC no later than four months after the end of its financial year (or 30 October 2011). Failing to lodge on time is a criminal offence with a maximum penalty of six months jail or a $3,125 fine and both the company secretary and company itself can be charged.
It's about time you c---s realise that you have no right to know anything about Carenne Support."
Those wishing to report the matter should contact ASIC on 1300 300 630.
Thank you i will .
So you are saying Mary Housler is Mary H are you Libertarian ?
If no action is taken about this you can add ASIC to the list of organisations that are covering up for child abusers at Carenne School.
It is obvious by now that there are cover-ups going on. WHY?
David Malcolm head of the SNTS knows all about Corrupt Carenne Support.
How did they get the new Kelso run from the taxis and Dave's bus?
I only found this thanks to a former Carenne parent. What are youse pricks going to do about the student that was abused by the escort on the Kelso bus? You pricks have had long enough to sort it out.
Was this child GE who the escort abused.
This escort must be a HERO abuseing a little student.
Who is the escort name and shame them.
Nadine Dwyer covered up child sex abuse involving a teacher at Oberon High School.
she abused SF a ex student of carenne.
Where's your proof Jenny?, Weren't you told by Mal that you needed proof?
No doubt it was Shane French that told you about this blog. He is with a black woman.
Why don't you call them and ask Jenny. That's right that student's mother is in jail for selling drugs.
Shows what you know.
Who cares?
You will all be disappointed you morons.
Keep guesing Mary Housler.
I hope this parent sues you Mary Housler revealing their private life on this blog.
You will Mary Housler.
Not likely Mary Housler.
Since when do you call Malcolm Barnett mal Mary Housler and where's your proof how do you know what mal said ?
Mary Housler Shane wants report you to the Discrimination and Harassment Anti-Discrimination Board on 9268-5544 it won't be hard to prove you are Mary H.
Mary Housler someone was to tell the Edwards Family what you have put on this blog about Kelly Edwards.
If you were on fire fuckwit I would add more petrol burn in hell cunt.
People who are devote followers of libertarian need to realise they are being stabbed in the back.
More than you Mary Housler.
Oh don't worry Mary Housler there is plenty of proof.
Mary Housler is a racist piece of shit,easy to see why she is friends with Lee Churches.
That's right Libertarian is Kym Tattlesall one of the klan and a teacher's aid at CPS..
Why does the DEC still have her employed at Carenne Public School when she is running stories for this blog,is it because she is running information back to Peter Harvey.
Was this child GE who the escort abused.
Yesterday 01:47 pm in relply to Muddafucka.
Mary H
Why don't you call them and ask jenny.That's right that students mother is in jail for selling drugs.
Yesterday 10:33PM in reply to Guest.
Mary Housler you just confirmed by your above post that GE was assualted by the escort on Carenne support bus also you have revealed GE Parents CONFIDENTAL INFORMATION when is the DEC going to have you charged for Harrassment and Discrimination of PARENTS on this blog. blog.
Good to see you can admit when your wrong libertarian what else have you been wrong about ?
About time you admitted you have made false allegations about me to benefit your klan mates.
You cunts at the education department want to make sure you do the right thing about transport next year. I've been told that there is uncertainty about who will take my son to school next year. If someone who has been doing it for the last 12 years at least loses it I WILL FUCKING LOSE IT!
Sounds to me like the cunts are pretty close. It would explain the bullshit I got from the cunt.
Is she upset because a black man wouldn't fuck her? Is your gash that big Mary that you need a black fella to fill it?
they might like to come visit 25 hallsteed st eglinton "Mary H"
Why don't you go fuck yourself Mary?
Unfortunately for us this is the only avenue we have. I tried to explain that to Cheryl Chaplin's fuckwit solicitor who told me to go to the Police. Obviously the dumb cunt hasn't read about them.
I can't wait to see you all at the Prickly Pear tonight at 7PM. It should be fun to see the looks on your fucking faces when I walk in, just like at presentation day. I knew you gutless cunts were guilty just by how you acted when you saw me!
You would be surprised how many "officials" have asked me if I know you or Brian Carter Shane. They then tell me to stay away from you two because you are trouble and are making everything up.
Duncan Auld, Neil Moon, Peter Harvey, Malcolm Barnett, Linda Cormack and Peter Riordan have all mentioned you to me. Looks like you must have the fuckers worried.
Yes Mr Irate and it would be bullshit Malcolm Barnett knows all about the ABUSE going on at Carenne Public School and there is PROOF to go with it.
They are Guilty Mr Irate don't let Peter Harvey,Neil Moon, Linda Cormack,Duncan Auld,Peter Riodan you any differant ,they are bloody liars.
Shane and Brian Carter are good honest truthful Men.It's Duncan,Moon,Harvey,Cormack,Barnett and Riodan who are the LIARS!
You won't because we won't be there. We are going to the schnitzel bar you fuckwhit! We only told Dick we were going there!
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If you hate the people running the blog so much why do you use it?
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Barnett's sole purpose is to cover up the truth and protect those who Peter Harvey says to protect. Anybody else he threatens.
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It was Robyn Graham
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and you just happen to be lying too when it is at the Golf Club.
You didn't tell a number of staff where it would be.
And you wonder why parents question the integrity of souces to libertarian and herself with fuckwits like you supplying her info please.
Julie seems fair dinkum you and libertarian are about as useful as a hat full of arseholes.
Anything said about you would be true! You are a complete wanker.
Alot of people are going to be upset if buys runs are changed next year. There will be trouble if Cheryl or Steve lose theirs.
Julie Browns Blog.Libertarin "Kym Tattlesall and nedkelly"Margaret Rowe" are Glory Hunters.
Just like you Margeret Rowe but your days are numbered.
Why would they want you there Cheryl you are a snitch and a troublemaker
Piss of Michael Auld
Upset because you will lose your money Cheryl. You should have stood up against the KLAN GUTLESS SAVIOUR LMAO
Didn't they include you Cheryl ?
Yes you will be Cheryl serve you right.
You are frighten of shane ain't you cheryl he and others will reveal all about your cover up of these students being abuse.
Frighten of him are you Margaret Rowe making up lies to where carenne xmas party will be held.
The department knows she is a snitch. They won't entry get around. All the dramas involve those buses.
The only one who had made false allegations is you Shane. You came in for a spray and fucked everyone over. You are why the cops called Jenny, why we spoke to Atkins and why we suspected Brian Carter of running the blog.
You have to be a detective or Police officer to know all this and leaking confidential information.Shane didn't fuck anyone over they try to fuck Shane over.
Jodeen Jackson covered up child sexual abuse at Bathurst West school at end of 2009 - reported and swept under the carpet. NOTHING DONE AS USUAL!!!!
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