Janelle Kemp, a teacher who's lack of supervision over a junior student led to them being sexually assaulted has today been caught by a parent neglecting her own son. The parent has asked how someone who is unable to supervise her own child can be trusted to supervise special needs children.
At 11:00AM today, Janelle Kemp was observed at a coffee shop in Keppel St Bathurst while her disabled son was left in her van (AUB61K) parked over 100 metres away. According to the parent, Mrs Kemp was casually drinking coffee in the shop while her son was left in the vehicle unsupervised.
Janelle Kemp has come under scrutiny on this blog for receiving special transport assistance for her son when she works at the school, received a $6,200 walker for her son from corrupt school charity Carenne Support, claiming parents leaked information to this blog, being responsible for the attack of a whistleblower and being nominated for a $10,000 grant before other parents and students. Mrs Kemp has also been identified as being responsible for the sexual assault of a junior student as she failed to properly supervise them.
Mrs Kemp's actions today demonstrates that she neglects her own child, leaving little faith in her ability to properly supervise students. "How the hell can this woman supervise our children when she leaves her own son in a car unattended?" asked one Carenne parent.
Carenne Gate reminds its readers that leaving children unattended in a car is a crime and may result in a fine up to $22,000.