Saturday, March 31, 2012

18 months on, still no charges against Carenne sex teacher

Today's story about a Tasmanian teacher being imprisoned for 18 months for having a sexual relationship with a 16 year-old student has me wondering why after over 18 months of Judge Elkaim finding that Carenne Special School teacher Anna Blackburn had a sexual relationship with student David Withyman no charges have been laid.

Despite being an intellectually disabled 17 year-old at the time and there being laws in place prohibiting a sexual relationship between a teacher and person under the age of 18, there have been no criminal charges laid against Anna Blackburn.

It comes as no surprise that charges have not been laid, given that Bathurst Police have a history of covering up issues involving Carenne Special School. In 2003, Constable Erin Lloyd knew of the affair and did absolutely nothing about it. Events since have shown that Police in Bathurst will do anything to protect the school and its staff.

It's time that charges are laid against Anna Blackburn, a sex fiend who preyed on an intellectually disabled 17 year-old.

Naismith refuses to investigate Carenne Support, Neil Moon over medical incident

A medical incident on Carenne Support's Lithgow bus driven by Dave Graham and escorted by Robyn Graham last week highlighted serious issues with how Carenne Support trains its drivers and escorts. The duo were caught completely by surprise when a student had a seizure on the bus last Wednesday, not knowing the correct way to deal with the issue.

According to Barracus, Robyn Graham told her that she didn't know what to do so left the student strapped to the seat while they had a fit. She said she "watched the child turn blue" and called the ambulance, which Dave Graham rushed to meet. Barracus told Carenne Gate this was not the proper way to handle the situation, which came down to Mr and Mrs Graham not being properly trained by Carenne Support.

When the incident was raised with Neil Moon, Barracus was told to keep their mouth shut and act as though it never happened.

Investigations by Carenne Gate can reveal that the principal and school staff are responsible for ensuring that bus staff have proper information and training to deal with such situations and all drivers and escorts should have health care plans detailing what to do in certain situations. According to Barracus and Save Carenne, Neil Moon has never made this information available.

When approached by Save Carenne, Catherine Naismith refused to deal with the complaint, further showing her complete lack of regard for the safety of disabled students being transported under the assisted travel program.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Manager of Assisted School Travel ignores serious complaints

Catherine Naismith, the manager of the department's Assisted School Travel Unit has ignored serious complaints about issues involving the travel program at Carenne Special School. This week, departmental whistleblower Save Carenne informed Naismith of a number of issues involving the program at Carenne to be told:

I also note that you claim to be an employee of the Department which therefore places obligations on you in regard to your employer and how you notify the Department of complaints. I strongly recommend that you familiarise yourself with the complaints handling processes of the Department and the Code of Conduct. If you believe that your complaints are of such a nature that the Department ought to take them seriously, then please provide them in the appropriate manner.

If you hold concerns regarding identifying yourself in making a complaint, please familiarise yourself with the Department’s policy Public Interest Disclosures - Internal Reporting Policy
Obviously, Naismith is not aware of the culture that exists within the department in Western NSW from Carole McDiarmid down. Those who complain and speak up routinely face harassment, intimidation and other reprisals. For Naismith to refuse to investigate what are serious issues against a number of people is frightening.

Savecarenne alleged that unapproved escorts had been used by Cheryl Chaplin, Capebase, Carenne Support, Dick Spears and Peter Williams and that the only vehicles meeting department standards were operated by Carenne Support.

Of particular concern was the unapproved use of medically retired assistant principal Lee Churches on Capebase's run given that she was retired due to cognitive and mental health problems. She was subsequently approved despite being a person on the department's Not To Be Employed list.

Savecarenne's complaint raised both safety and child protection issues and has been flatly rejected by the manager of the Assisted School Travel Unit who presided over the unit when 700 students were left stranded at the beginning of the year. It's time the department take action and sack Naismith for gross incompetence.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Carenne Support secretary's venom shows

Regular readers of this blog would have seen many postings by "Mary H", known in the real world as Mary Housler, the secretary of corrupt organisation Carenne Support. Most of these postings are derogatory, incorrect and frankly plain disgusting.

I can confirm that over the past several weeks, Mary Housler has also posted under the names of Busmaster and Boomer as well as impersonating Larry the Llama and Blog of Lies.

To assist any person investigating or considering taking action against Mary Housler I am taking the unprecedented step of making public identifying information for Mrs Housler.

Mrs Housler has registered the email address with her "Mary H" account.
She has posted from the following IP addresses:
27.03.2012 and
25 - 26.03.2012

This should be sufficient for people to take action

Blog changes

You may have noticed that from this morning, Libertarian's name no longer appears in the list of contributors in the right-hand side panel. You will all recall that I invited Libertarian to write for this blog after some personal issues affected the amount of time I had to work on this blog. Now, Libertarian has advised me that they need some time out from the blog and will not be contributing for the foreseeable future.

I would like to thank them for their service and wish them well in the future.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Neil Moon told staff about investigation: nedkelly

Turncoat Carenne whistleblower, nedkelly has once again exposed the KLAN mentality existing among staff at Carenne Special School by revealing to Carenne Gate that she was told by Neil Moon this afternoon of an investigation into a bus driver.

Nedkelly alleges that Neil Moon told her that an investigation was being carried out by EPAC to determine if fraud had been committed by the driver. Nedkelly says that Neil Moon told staff that it was because of the 'vigilance' of the school's office staff that the fraud had been detected as they noticed that she had declared that she worked on days that she had other people who were unauthorised work for her.

Moon then told staff that if they could remember any issues with the driver to let him know as he was putting together a file on her for EPAC.

Nedkelly said:
"I couldn't believe the c---, standing there telling us all that she was under investigation and what for. He had a smug fucking look on his face like he was happy about it. He laughed when he said that she was being investigated by EPAC."
The incident shows that Neil Moon does not have the integrity to be principal and that he will happily give out information to his staff when it suits him that he should keep confidential.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Cheryl Chaplin breaches SNTS rules

Carenne Gate can reveal that Cheryl Chaplin, the long-time bus owner who transports disabled students to and from Carenne Special School has seriously breached the Special Needs Transport Service rules by using an unapproved escort on her vehicle.

Carenne whistleblower "Jake Rosenberg" reported that yesterday, Cheryl Chaplin used Roy Bligh, a former department employee as an escort on her Trunkey bus. She claims that she was told about it by Neil Moon after he discovered that Bligh was not an approved escort. Rosenberg claims that Moon had an obligation to report the incident but instead asked her to do so.

Another Carenne whistleblower, known as the "Aurtistic Saviour" told Carenne Gate that it is just one breach in a long line of breaches by Chaplin. "I can't believe this woman to be honest, she is a complete fool for doing something so stupid when she is despised at Carenne."

The incident shows that the department needs to clean out operators at Carenne.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

LSLD more like LSD to Carenne

Barry O'Farrell's highly supported Local Schools Local Decisions (LSLD) program, which aims to give principals more control over staffing and school finance will be result in further issues at the maligned Carenne Special School in Bathurst according to staff.

Carenne Gate has been supplied with meeting minutes discussing what to do when the program begins to be implemented on Day 1 of Term 2. Under the program, Neil Moon will be able to make purchases under $5,000 from his choice of supplier. According to the meeting minutes, a number of people associated with Carenne staff will be rewarded:
  • Stephen Smith will be given building work despite being a director of Carenne Support,
  • Avairs Klavins will be given electrician work as his wife is an employee at the school,
  • Christine Porter will be paid for upto 25% of speech therapy services at the school, with the remainder to be paid by Carenne Support,
  • Joe Mancia will become the school's supplier of computers and maintain the school's computer system, Mancia is a close friend of Michael Auld and Lee Churches,
  • RDA will receive payment directly from the school for the therapy farm and horse riding programs.
Moon has also discussed a plan to pay hire fees for buses used by the school belonging to Carenne Support with the school executive .

Nedkelly told Carenne Gate that staff were already discussing how to get their friends into jobs and how to make sure friends and family benefited from the new supply arrangements. She said the arrangements were a return to the "early days of Terry Mahony's principalship."

"As usual that fuckwit Michael Auld is involved in deciding who should get the task of supplying things to the school. He is a corrupt bastard and leads Neil Moon around by the nose,"

"I don't care, if this fucking shit goes on, I will be making a complaint to ICAC. I'm over these cunts dragging the school's name through the mud," said Ned Kelly.

It shows that Neil Moon is an ineffective leader who can be easily corrupted by staff at the school.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Escort rules unfair: Operator

A bus operator under the troublesome Assisted School Travel Program has spoken out about the new escort arrangements introduced as part of the changes for 2012, calling them unfair.

Under the previous system, bus operators were paid from the time they collected the first department approved passenger - which could be a student or escort until they dropped off the last passenger. This allowed for longer runs to be paid exorbitant amounts, while unescorted runs only got paid from the first student to the last student.

Under the new system, bus operators are paid a 15% bonus for having an escort, with the pay being determined from the first student picked up to the last student dropped off. They are no longer paid for the time an escort is on the bus.

One operator told Carenne Gate they considered the changes unfair.

"We have a 300 kilometre a day run, that we used to be paid the whole amount for. Now we are paid for 175 kilometres a day, with each kilometre paid far less than before," said the operator.

"If it keeps going, we will just stop our bus runs and find something else to do. It's no longer viable."

A source in the Assisted School Travel Unit told Carenne Gate that she believed the tender process and the new rates were bought in to stop rorting. "You can not believe how complicated the old system was, and how easily you could rort it," said the whistleblower.

"The new system was supposed to simplify how everything worked and stop the rorts."

Another departmental official told Carenne Gate that the new system was bought in as a recommendation of the Independent Commission Against Corruption.

"The ICAC received a number of complaints involving the former special student transport and looked into how it was ran. They found it was poorly ran and was open to corruption and favourtism,"

"You would have rouge operators such as one in this area which would put down more kilometres than they were traveling and who were getting in some cases double what some of the others were getting,"

"The ICAC said it was befit with massive issues," said the official.

Once again, the NSW Department of Education and Communities has failed a key program for disabled students in the state.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Police called on alleged sex assault victim

Carenne Special School's relieving principal, Terry Neal called Police on an 11 year-old student today after he became agitated and violent towards staff and other students. The student claims that he was sexually assaulted by an older student at the school and became agitated when Nadine Dwyer refused to listen to him about the assault.

The student's parents were called, telling them that he had an "episode" at school. The real reason was not told to the parents. When parents refused to collect their son from school, he was taken to Terry Neal who told him that nobody would believe him that he was sexually abused because he was a known trouble-maker. When the student become even more agitated, Police were called.

Office staff overheard Mr Neal tell the student prior to the Police arriving that he would "make your time at Carenne hell if you tell them about [name removed] having sex with you." and that "You will have to come back sometime, so think about that you little cunt."

Police arrived and threatened the student with criminal charges if he continued his behaviour before taking him home to his parents.

It is yet another example of the cover-ups, incompetence and deception going on in Bathurst involving the Police and the Carenne Special School.