Despite a belief that Geoff Salmon has been sacked from the board of Carenne Support, he remains a director despite being under investigation over his shoddy business dealings, his own company going broke and assaulting a Carenne whistleblower.
Documents received from the Australian Securities and Investments Commission indicate that Carenne Support retains Lee Churches, Geoff Salmon, Graeme Grundy, Terry Mahony, Paul Knight, Carol Smith and Darryl MacAuley despite adding Catherine Bird as a director since 1 March 2011.

Why Mr Salmon is a director of Carenne Support while receiving free therapy for his own son is an interesting question. It is obvious that his sole purpose in setting up the organisation was to milk it for his own benefit and to give Christine Porter a job.

1 – 200 of 220 Newer› Newest»The whole lot of Carenne Support Board Members are LIARS and defrauding the Bathurst People and TAXPAYERS.
Is Porter still being payed $1,30o a week for 12 HRS work.
I love it Libertarian! Go Hard!
Instead of the Police harassing people behind the blog or people they think are behind the blog, why don't they go after Salmon, Porter, Russell and the rest? Those who are CRIMINALS.
June 27, 2011 10:28 PM
Because they are protected by Bathurst police and det thats all I can say from dealing with them.
Shane 6:42 AM
Same here from dealing with them.
More games hey pricks new bus driver already doing your bidding I see, I cannot wait to see the ass end of you fuckwits.
Shane 3:21 PM
Who's the new bus driver?
Anonymous 3:25PM
It be one of their Queer friends.
June 28, 2011 3:25 PM
Brian Burke
Were there two adults on that bus yesterday? There was when I saw it.
If there is they are breaching child protection guidelines AGAIN as there is no escort on that bus.
June 28, 2011 3:27 PM
Another of Dave's mates hahahahaha
He must be deaf because me and two workers were screaming at him to stop as he pulled off. I am just waiting for a call from moon to say why didnt you meet the bus.
June 28, 2011 3:31 PM
Did he wait 3 minutes as required by ASTU rules?
June 28, 2011 3:29 PM
I havnt seen another adult not even an aide in the back.
June 28, 2011 3:31 PM
Look at Richard Webster, he can barely walk and he can't drive (being charged with neg driving recently) and they still employ him!
June 28, 2011 3:33 PM
I must have been seeing things! I thought there were two adults yesterday afternoon in the front of the bus. Thanks bud!
June 28, 2011 3:32 PM
Lucky to be 30 seconds no beep of the horn like previous drivers and all me and the workers could do was laugh.
June 28, 2011 3:33 PM
He will be sacked when DET does a licence check on him. Especially when they see his atrocious record in the last 18 months.
June 28, 2011 3:35 PM
Report it to the ASTU 1300 338 278. This is a *serious* breach of the rules and the AST contract.
June 28, 2011 3:34 PM
I dont doubt it they probably got off before he got to my place.
Give Peter Williams all the bus runs. At least he can run a business, isn't a snitch and is honest. Carenne Support is corrupt and ran by morons like brainwashed Mary and criminal Geoff.
Let's call Brian Burke Mr Gone in 30 seconds!
Shane it takes BALLS to do what you are doing. Just wanted you to know that.
isn't brian burke jenny's cousin?
June 28, 2011 3:37 PM
That's Geoff Salmon if you know what I mean........
What Brian Burke who owned the printers in kepple street?
Geoff Salmon should change his surname to Carp - both are pests!
No Relation to Jenny O'Neill ,Differant Burke's.
June 28, 2011 3:38 PM
Thank You its whats best for our son and our sanity.
Hey Geoff where's me chips? You ripped Peter Keogh off didn't you fuckwit!
Seen him speeding down Havanah Street this afternoon.
Anonymous 3:41 PM
Peter Keogh is a good bloke,Well respected in town ,Unlike the CROOK Salmon.
Anonymous 3:35 PM
Probally have and Brian Burke's taking his place.
Anonymous 3:35 PM
They Probally have and Brian Burke's taking his place.
Brian Burke's friends of Mary H"MARY HOUSLER".
I can't believe Carenne Support are still getting away with their shit.
Where's hatho has she been sacked or on false compo again?
The Withymans barrister wants to subenia Lee Churches and prove she is carennetruth who has been posting all about him on this blog.
June 28, 2011 5:37 PM
Thats the go is that why the klans gone quiet?
Someone wants to tell them the proofs sitting at bathurst court house collecting dust.
Has Brian Burke had a child check?
How about the former student who was interviewed by Tanya Davidson and Fred Hennesey from JIRT who said she was sexually abused by Terry Neal. What happened with that?
How about the allegations about Neil Moon that have come up from Cowra?
Great school this Carenne is!
How about this for how good Janelle the child abuser Kemp and Simone the pedo lover Russell were on the P&C.
When Melinda's daughter was sick they fundraised for her but when Holme's wanted help to buy a van for their two disabled children they were told the P&C didn't fundraise for individual students!
June 29, 2011 2:00 AM
They seem to move their principals when they have fucked up, so whats this fuckwit moon done?
mary h not on here with your bullshit we wont be needing carenne support as from yesterday and woolongong has been told so dont try and claim for our son it has been revoked dickhead.
Expect a phone call from woolongong it seems their almost as sick of carenne support as the bathurst community, I cant see you getting the tenders.
And before I forget thanks for the excuse to show my face at carenne for the last couple of days, I hope to bump into a few klan members should be good.
Shane 7:03 AM
Have a witness with you shane.
Dont worry moon we will ring Brian Burke and let him know wouldnt want you to break a nail using the phone ok?
June 29, 2011 7:06 AM
June 28, 2011 4:48 PM
Its never shut her up before and I would say the latter on false compo leave again.
June 29, 2011 2:00 AM
Wouldnt that make for conflict of interest the detective in charge of looking into carenne and his wife working for JIRT at the time he has now been transferred/promoted to lithgow.
Everybody is fed up with Carenne and Carenne Support!
Shane 7:29 AM
Worse still it was cover up.
Shane 7:07 AM
I would not have told them,After the way they have treated you and your partner.
Shane 7:07 AM
I would not have told them,After the way they have treated you and your partner.
What did moon do in COWRA?
Anonymous 8:05 AM
Sea Snitch would know.
A fish rots from the head down! It's all the same, stemming from the obseqious corrupt deceitful behaviour of Mcdairymaid in Dubbo. She STOLE an Australia Day medal which should have been awarded to PAM RYAN who was Principal of Orange High School. Ms Ryan was the most talented and hard working Principal/teacher in this region and she affected so many brilliant changes at that school and the PUBLIC KNOWS ALL ABOUT HER BRILLIANCE AND DEDICATION ETC. Mcdairymaid then stole all of that and is what she got the medal for. What a ROTTEN THIEF that ugly wench is. Ms Ryan has left DET and AUstralia for Asia to continue doing the superlative job of ACTUALLY EDUCATING children because of all that filthy corruption and lies. When will we see this all uncovered and JUSTICE DONE?
Who's old mcdonald's ROCK IN THE RIVER up at OPS this term? That's the person she has targeted to break and get rid of. She draws a diagram on a white board or blackboard (she's not really racist - NOT MUCH) showing a solitary rock in the middle of a river and tells staff the rock is whoever she's gonna get and the river is the school. The rock is isolated completely and totally ignored until it ends up a gibbering mess. Didn't work on Mackay so she lied to Police and Police did her bidding - talk about corruption run amok there. It'll all come out though and let's see her writhe in court along with Harvey and Mcdairymaid and the other lying deceitful corrupt cows in this region.
ROYAL COMMISSION into NSW Government and its agencies (PARLIAMENT,DOCS,POLICE,DET etc.) is needed and NOW!
Shane how you go at the dungeon this morning?
June 29, 2011 12:59 PM
Alot of sticky beaks no one wanted to talk.
Shane 3:03 PM
Mob of gutless cowards.
Shane 3:03 PM
Was hatho"simone Russell there.
June 29, 2011 3:16 PM
Did not see her.
A wisper going around "hatho" Simone Russell has been stood down and is being investigated.
Anonymous 5:06 PM
I pray it's not just a whisper but true.
June 29, 2011 5:06 PM
That would be why its been quiet.
June 29, 2011 5:10 PM
I will pray with you.
Shane 6:09 PM
Thanks Shane
Sea Snitch what did Neil Moon do in COWRA?
You can't trust a single person at Carenne who worked there when David Withyman was raped by Anna Blackburn.
This includes Lee Churches, Terry Neal, Michael Auld, Ros Luther, Barbara Woolfe, Coleen Leis and Bev Masters.
They all covered up Withyman's rape and will all rot in hell.
June 29, 2011 5:06 PM
Your whisper is wrong, she is still at work moron.
June 29, 2011 11:43 PM
Well she shouldn't be!
June 29, 2011 11:43 PM
Wont be long.
June 29,2011 11:43 PM
Simone Russell make the most of work ,Because it won't be Long before your sacked.
June 29,2011 11:40 PM
They cover a lot of rape's up.
june29,2011 11:40 PM
Margaret Rowe,Lucy Thornton.Kym Tattlesall,Laurie Healey-Clifford,Simone Russell,Janelle Kemp,Melinda Gavin and the list goes on.
I wonder if silly Margaret Rowe"nedkelly" will lie on oath again if she is call to testify at the Withyams Appeal.
Will Terry Neal hide in the Outback like he did last time? He doesn't want the truth to come out. It might be that he is a ROCKSPIDER too!
June 29, 2011 11:57 PM
She is doing only a couple of days a week.
Porter wants to read yesterday's paper about what happens when you lie to the Police and make them do an investigation into nothing!
June 30, 2011 9:00 AM
Porter ripped off ADHC and is a criminal like the rest of Carenne Support. They all should be locked up.
concerned 8:58 AM
So simone still on false compo leave three days a week?
Anonymous 9:12 AM
Porter lies too the local courts.
Only one thing left for me to do expose hatho and carennetruth.
Shane 3:08 PM
never to return where?
Shane 3:21 PM
And you will.A lot of others will too.
Wow the KLAN has been SHUT UP.
July 1, 2011 7:25 AM
Are they finally being investigated?
Too late for them to go quiet now damage has been done and they will be held accountable.
June 30,2011 3:10 PM
Shane don't forget Mary H "MARY HOUSLER" She has DEFRAMED you and your family on this blog and admitted she is Mary H is"MARY HOUSLER" on this blog.Should be easy to charged her with DEFAMATION.
Shane 8:17 AM
My Bloody oath they will ,They can't get on a blog and accuse innocent people of RAPEING and MOLESTING Students and INTERFEARING with their own CHILDREN "carennetruth"LEE CHURCHES" nedkelly"MARGARET ROWE" hatho"SIMONE RUSSELL"Blog of lies"JANELLE KEMP jrosemberg "LUCY THORNTON" concerned "MARGARET KEMP"Mary H "MARY HOUSLER".
And what is worse Peter Harvey and Malcolm Barnett and the Bathurst Police Force has PROOF who carennetruth "lee Churches" ,hatho "SIMONE RUSSELL" jrosenberg "LUCY THORNTON" are and has done nothing about it.Leave's the DET and Bathurst Police Force right open to be sued as well.And it will happen.
These people also force innocent people out of employment to cover they own crimes up,But it didn't work did it KLAN MEMBERS.
July 1, 2011 8:20 AM
I have not forgotten her dont worry or terry neal for what he has done to our son and others.
My biggest regret is leaving the fallen behind they will not be forgotten and I will not stop until the P.O.W's are saved from carenne thats a promise moon, harvey and you bastards in the klan.
Shane 8:37 AM
Yes Nadine Dwyer,Corina Mollenkemp,Kym Tattlesal as well as Neil Moon harrassing a little student for imformation about his family"DISGUSTING" behaviour from a Principal.
You freaks might of won the battle but I will be fucked if you will win the war, VICTORY will be the childrens and those of who you have wronged.
Shane 8:48 AM
You have plenty backing you and we will WIN the War Shane.
People of AUSTRALIA reading this BLOG Save the INNOCENT STUDENTS at CARENNE PUBLIC SCHOOL BATHURST. From anymore "ABUSE" Saviours stand up to the PLATE and stop hiding behind ALIAS ,Tell the Power to be what you have witness which is plenty at CARENNE PUBLIC SCHOOL BATHURST .
Stop these Innocent STUDENTS being ABUSE ,If we band togeather we can SAVE these INNOCENT STUDENTS.
The war isn't over Shane. Just because your son isn't at Carenne now doesn't mean the shit will stop. Just wait for our next move.
You will love what I've done now.
July 1, 2011 8:05 PM
You really are a lowlife Hatho!I doubt you have any magic tricks left up your sleeve to bother Shanes son at a different school moron!
hatho 8:05 PM
You wont be threatening anyone for much longer Simone Russell.
July 1, 2011 8:48 PM
The Housing Commission was interested in our chat today. Shane is fucked.
July 1, 2011 9:00 PM
Fuck off Simone. You might be big in the DET and Police world but in the real world you are a fucking joke.
Nobody gives a fuck about what you think. What did you say you were the wife of a corrupt cop?
Just because you had Scott harass Courtney's neighbours, it doesn't mean shit elsewhere. Fuck off you dirty corrupt cunts.
Scott Russell is a crook 9:04 Pm
Well Said and true.
I can't wait for the day Scott Russell comes back this way because he doesn't know but he is HATED in the Chifley LAC.
July 1, 2011 9:10 PM
What rubbish, so typical of this blog.
hatho 9:16 PM
You are the RUBBISH Simone Russell.
July 1, 2011 9:16 PM
Not rubbish sweetheart you are in denial!
July 1, 2011 9:00 PM
More bullshit from a fuckwit you really are out of the loop no mates left in bathurst because you would know they are more interested in my neighbour than me.
And I hope you did go to houso's because I will finally get to see you at the tribunal didnt think that one through did you dickhead.
July 1, 2011 9:30 PM
Exactly if she did anything you could get it under FOI. She would just be pissing in the wind as always. Typical Russell piece of trash.
hatho I want you to use every resource possible to come after me because the one resource you and your klan mates wont use against me is my son hey dickhead?
Simone Russell "hatho" is a.
Hatho we know how stupid you are yet you insist on getting on here and proving it,time and time again.LMAO
Jeremy said Scott was retireing when he returned to bathurst,Is jeremy a LIAR too?
Anonymous 9:57 PM
Simone Russell thinks she is untouchable,But got news for her and its all BAD.
The people of Bathurst have been looking to the skies trying to work out why a "weird little helicopter" with cameras has been flying over the CBD for the past couple of days.
Those of us here at the Western Advocate are stumped. We know what it isn't.
It isn't the folk at Google. They have informed us they only use cars for their "street view" and satelites for Google Maps and it isn't PolAir on a mission - secret or otherwise.
Pilots have heard the helipcopters' "chatter" over the airwaves but have no idea what they are doing.
Nobody outside of the DET or Bathurst Police are going to listen to anything that comes out of a Russell's mouth.
Everyone knows what you did to get Jeremy out of grooming a young girl for sex - you lied, you tried to set someone else up and you made threats. Sad thing is you covered up for a pedophile. That takes a special sort of scum.
Then, you have Rachel Russell, one of the biggest whores in Bathurst, known to open her legs for anyone and anything, someone who had sex with 15 year-old Stannies boys to "break them in".
Then there's Scotty, the big sarge who goes around using his position as a Police officer to get what he wants and needs. He couldn't care less whether it's ethical or not, he does it anyway. Just like growing pot at the Portland common and having underage sex at the youth centre.
Then you have the lovely Simone Russell, former topless barmaid, rumourmonger and a person so low she ripped off a school for disabled kids.
Oh how I feel sorry for Courtney, the only decent Russell!
July 1, 2011 9:38 PM
Don't worry Shane, they are nothing but pieces of shit. Back in 2008, Jeremy was having trouble with Courtney's neighbours in Rankin Street so Scotty had to interfere and go and make up all this bullshit to the real estate agent. Nobody listens to them, their name is SHIT in this town.
July 1, 2011 9:57 PM
The blog is all rubbish yet the stupid bitch still posts on here! She thinks she is something but she isn't.
Look at her, look at her husband, look at her step kids and look at her son - the one who was raping other kids at Carenne and who raped girls during a holiday camp at Burrendong Dam. Lovely!
July 1, 2011 9:59 PM
Of course he is, he said that he was set up on Facebook but it's the SAME Facebook the dirty fat pedophile is still using.
Why does Simone Russell work at Carenne? Because she fits right in - covering up child abuse - physical, emotional and sexual
Rachel Russell got evicted out of a unit in Rocket Street.
I want too know why SIMONE RUSSELL hasn't been SACKED from CARENNE PUBLIC SCHOOL BATHURST when Peter Harvey ,Malcolm Barnett and Bathurst Detectives have proof she is HATHO,Breaking CODE OF CONDUCT by posting on this blog her ABUSE of PARENTS and PARENTS PRIVATE IMFORMATION which only a SAM would know and SIMONE RUSSELL is always in the OFFICE at CARENNE PUBLIC SCHOOL BATHURST even though she has been DEMOTED to a TEACHERS AID.
July 2, 2011 8:10 AM
I would like to know why the bitch has not been sacked and charged?
The only love she would be getting is from the det the bathurst police hate their guts.
I know her husband will be forced to retire if he comes back to bathurst no one wants the black eye or to be associated with him in anyway.
And hatho I hope and pray you talked bullshit to houso's because finally through their process of tribunal/mediation you will be exposed you have no idea how to function in the real world do you fuckwit?
Shane 8:17 AM
I hope she is charged to for covering Jeremy rapeing MH and Cory's RAPES of innocent Students up at CARENNE PUBLIC SCHOOL BATHURST and while Cory was on camp at Lake Burrendong Dam,Scott Russell Threatened Lyn Duncan and she Resigned as Principal.
How many more innocent Students will be raped at CARENNE PUBLIC SCHOOL BATHURST ,And when will the GOVERMENT close this POW CAMP down.
what I want to do is petition the bathurst community and a protest march on carenne and det regional office here in bathurst to unite parents, ex staff and anyone else that is fair dinkum about bringing an end to the klan and the abuse of these beautiful children.
The one thing we cannot get is mainstream media involved can you imagine if a group of us peacefully protested both the school and head office they would get involved, I have had enough of them I am more than prepared to put my head on the chopping block for my son and the friends he had to leave behind hatho, carennetruth and mary h this isnt over by a long shot.
Shane 8:49 AM
Count me in Shane i want CARENNE PUBLIC SCHOOL cleaned out and RESTAFFED with PROPER PRINCIPAL,TEACHERS AND TEACHERS AID'S not the KLAN'S and CARENNE SUPPORT LIMITED PUPPETS who run CARENNE PUBLIC SCHOOL BATHURST NOW.AND Neil Moon,Terry Neil and the KLAN and Carenne Support Limited charged with Student ABUSE and FRAUD.
Anonymous 6:38 AM
Funny that just a block down from St Stannies ,Very central.
Shane 8:49 AM
Something got be done,Carol McDiamad,Peter Harvey,Malcolm Barnett and the Bathurst Detectives and Education Minister Adrian Piocoli are not willing to take action too protect these Innocent Students who can't SPEAK UP for themselves at Carenne School Bathurst.So we will.
hatho you know how I know your full of shit my dear I am still waiting for you and your husband to charge me with public mischief for posting on the blog I dont hide who I am will I be getting another phone call from moon to leave your dumb ass alone its not just the bathurst police that have given you and your husband up the phone calls I have received since the p&c meeting is enough to give you up dickhead and false compo because of stress relating to this blog which you bring on yourself.
Shane 9:22 AM
Have you reported Simone Russell to Allianz insurance for fraud seeing she is "hatho" Simone Russell MAIN offender posting ABUSE on this blog if not you should we have.
harvey has admitted to me and my partner he has serious issues at carenne but wont act which makes him as guilty as the klan he did not deny det computers were used to blog and still didnt act his come back was the det has a team of solicitors monitoring the blog well thats working well hey harvey?
Anonymous 9:27 AM
Who Simone Russell doctor?
She is setting that doctor up for a big fall,False medical evidence.
July 2, 2011 9:27 AM
I have reported her to every agency that would listen whether they act or not remains to be seen.
Shane 9:29 AM
I wonder who Malcolm Barnett is using then,Both Peter Harvey And Malcolm Barnett has said that the OWNER of the blog JULIE BROWN doesn'e exsist that it is all lies,Oh how wrong they are!
Shane 9:30 AM
Yes so have we ,You name the agency we have reported her ,From the Ombudsman down.
And has a paper trail as well,So they can't say we didn't .
July 2, 2011 9:29 AM
The doctor needs to be warned but in saying that if her doctor was any good they wouldnt sign her compo forms and give her a medical excuse for her bullshit.
You can dish it out hatho but when your shits thrown back at you its fucken WOE IS ME.
They dont know whose running the blog when I was dealing with bathurst police they had a list of several names it was like watching kids play pin the tail on the donkey they ignored the facts put down anyone who complained and the abusers were left to do their thing and still are.
Shane 9:45 AM
That's BULLSHIT Julie Brown and Joel Atkins are often in contact with Peter Harvey. Julie Brown Gave him proof who carennetruth "lee Churches" is.
I notice they don't say Edward James doesn't exsist do they?
July 2, 2011 9:54 AM
Thats what was told to me at the time I was a doubter but seeings the lengths that the det and police went too not to look into allegations but to turn their focus on discrediting the blog nothing else now I use their service to carry my sometimes misguided message.
Shane 9:58 AM
Yes that's right ,I believe they know who all the klan and carenne support members are who are posting on this blog.
Where's omerta,Larry the lama"Michael Auld" has he been sacked? Not posting his lies.
Catherine Bird has once again shut up Mary H "mary Housler' and carennetruth "Lee Churches ,Hopefully for good.
Brian Burke the new Carenne Support Driver own Burke's Printers and has sold it and Retired.
how many kids on kelso bus now 2
Anonymous 4:27 PM
What a waste of taxpayers money,How do Carenne Support get away with ripping the taxpayer off.
Anonymous 1:48 PM
Catherine Bird is a bit late,"carennetruth"Lee Churches and" Mary H" Mary Housler have done the damage revealing PARENTS CONFIDENTIAL IMFORMATION on this blog ,Threatening Parents on this blog,Now Carenne Support will have their ASS SUE off them."THAT"S A PROMISE".
Anonymous 1:48 PM
Catherine Bird is a bit late,"carennetruth"Lee Churches and" Mary H" Mary Housler have done the damage revealing PARENTS CONFIDENTIAL IMFORMATION on this blog ,Threatening Parents on this blog,Now Carenne Support will have their ASS SUE off them."THAT"S A PROMISE".
July 2, 2011 8:17 AM
More fantasy from the former Bloomfield resident
July 2, 2011 8:23 AM
If Scott comes back you want to run cunt because you are done.
July 2, 2011 8:30 AM
More lies from your friend Sam Durham. It's so obvious it is her, are you talking to her Jenny are you?
Melinda Phillips is going to find herself in very serious trouble soon for doing nothing about Sam Durham. She is the real child molester, they had to put her in the office after finding out what she did.
July 2, 2011 8:49 AM
I told you it's only just begun
July 2, 2011 9:29 AM
We know who is on here and who isn't. Peter Harvey can't do a fucking thing about it!
Anonymous 9:33AM
you are right because cherly chaplan met her before
July 2, 2011 8:49 AM
Do it and see what happens. Do you want to have happen to you what we had done to the faggot cunt Brian Carter?
July 2, 2011 10:59 PM
Cheryl Chaplin is fucking Julie Brown and the Bathurst Detectives know it. She won't give her computer up and they can't get a warrant so she will continue to get away with it.
Cheryl Chaplin, Brian Carter, Jenny O'Neill and Barbara Woolfe are all involved in this.
hatho if you think you or your partner intimidate me then you are truly a bigger fuckwit than I thought. The bathurst detectives know who you are what a shock they havnt shut you up. You wont give up your computer either so just fuck up idiot.
July 2, 2011 10:53 PM
Wake up fuckwit he wouldnt have the scrotum to come near me best joke I have heard all day.
we all know who you are too hatho but what ya gunna do?
I am still laughing about that one hatho best laugh I have had in a very long time and if your husband decides to show his face I will accomodate him and I wont be as polite this time bring the fuckwit on.
July 2,2011 10:58 PM
Simone Russell if Peter Harvey knows who we are,He know you are "hatho" and WHY havn't you been sacked for Breakiing CODE OF CONDUCT Simone?
July 2,2011 10:59 PM
Threatening PARENTS again Simone Russell,Are you going to get Jeremy Russell and his mate to committ this CRIME like JEREMY RUSSELL and his mate attacked Brain Carter car.
hatho Said
July 2,2011 10:55pm
More lies from Sam Durhmn.It is obvious it is her,Are you talking to her jenny?
Melinda Phillips is going to find herself in serious trouble soon,Doing noyhing about Sam Durhmn.She is the real child molester,They had to put her in the office after finding out what she did.
Simone Russell "hatho" you want to look at your friend carennetruth"lee Churches" your now enermy and jrosenberg"Lucy Thornton ,These are the two along with Lyn Duncan who know all about Jeremy rapeing MH not Sam Durhmn.Oh and of corse yourself and Scotty who healp to cover it up.It is not going to go away Simone Russell "hatho"
Anonymous 9:19 AM
Must be some truth in it if hatho say's it's LIES.
You would think that after all the hard work from SEA Snitch in putting up those wonderful stories,that Hatho would of shut up(hung her head in shame) for longer.Perhaps if Hatho spent some time in Bloomfield she might learn to realize bringing up kids who are so sexually screwed up is not considered good parenting.Does anybody have a rough number of how many kids this child has raped?We have already been told that gender makes no difference to this child,So nobody is safe!
Anonymous 12:04 PM
The teachers who supervised at Burrengong Dam could tell you how many students were rape by this student at the dam.
Anonymous 12:04 PM
One is to many,Let alone many more.
I bet the parents ain't informed their children have been raped by these students?Some one should tell them.
Anonymous 12:04 PM
Jeremy guilty of the same crimes at Carenne,Maybe Cory learns from him.
nedkelly would know how many students have been raped at Carenne and Burrendong Dam by this creep.
July 3, 2011 4:24 PM
Of course one is to many!That's my point there is obviously more then one at different locations, male and female yet this child is allowed to do it again and again!
Anonymous 8:28 PM
Ask Peter Harvey , Why is hatho Simone Russell still at Carenne
A SCHOOL forced a kindergarten student who wet herself to wear her urine-soaked uniform and underwear for up to four hours, instead giving her a newspaper to sit on.
The five-year-old's mother said she was considering legal action against North Haven Public School in Laurieton, on the state's north coast, for neglecting to change her embarrassed daughter's clothes after the June 10 incident.
Instead she said her daughter, who has since changed to a different school, had been "given newspaper and had to sit on it wherever she went, like a puppy".
This was despite the school having a supply of second-hand uniforms.
"It's really hard to fathom their logic," she told The Sunday Telegraph. "I entrusted her care and well-being to the Department of Education and they let her down. She came home really upset."
July 3,2011 8:28 PM
Look at Janelle Kemp she let SB get raped while she fussed over her own Child "DISGUSTING on theis teacher's behalf and then her and Lee Churches and Lyn Duncan called SB a slut when she wanted to return to Carenne "Close the BLOODY SCHOOL DOWN"
This sounds like Carenne school . . .
Unfortunately there are too many totally unqualified and unsuitable teachers looking after our most precious treasures, OUR CHILDREN. DET doesn't give a shite and nor does the government, especially labour. At least the Telegraph covered this story - that's a HUGE improvement on their attitude toward Carenne, Bathurst West and Kelso Public schools dilemmas.
Liberty Rown 10:37 AM
How do you get the Media to listen have contacted all Sydney Radio Stations and Sydney Papers to no AVAIL.How many more years is the RAPES and Abuse going to go onat CARENNE PUBLIC SCHOOL BATHURST ?
See the mouth hatho has crawled back under her rock to think some more lies up!
hatho is fucked and she knows it she will be put out to pasture the same as her master carennetruth.
Shane 4:23 PM
Yes Shane and a few of her other klan mates
July 4, 2011 6:32 PM
The sooner the better she has already slipped up only a matter of time and I will be counting the days.
hatho I cant wait until your bestmate carennetruth finds a backdoor to release the documents you gave her with your husbands id on them.
Shane 6:45 PM
carennetruth "lee Churches" has been put out into the LONG PADDOCK never to RETURN.
I am hoping that carennetruth gives hatho up and vice versa.
Shane 7:13 PM
Only have bring one down and the whole deck will fall.
July 4, 2011 7:33 PM
I know I am greedy I want them all and now but I have been told patience will prevail.
Shane 7:36 PM
Yes me too.
and terry dont feel left out I will not give up on you until my son gets his justice.
Shane 7:36 PM You have the power to bring them down being a parent of a student
July 4, 2011 7:40 PM
An ex student but he is one of the abused and moon, harvey and klan the people showing their support is growing and when I get enough backing you will see me with a petition for a proper investigation into the det and carenne. And hoping to get dubbo parents and teachers onboard for my petition into the det.
July 4, 2011 10:37 AM
You folks are on the wrong side of the mountains, the mainstream media couldn't care less about what happens out there. Their view is out of sight, out of mind.
Mind you, the goings on out there could have them writing for years.
July 4, 2011 7:47 PM
There needs to be nothing less than a judicial inquiry into the Western Region of DET.
These problems have existed for a very very long time.
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