As readers of this blog would know, Simone Russell has been off work for most of this year, first claiming stress as a result of postings on this blog and then due to a neck strain she claims to have gotten at work.
Staff at the school are well aware that the true reason Simone doesn't want to work is because she is a racist who has been paired with a lady of African heritage. She doesn't want to have to work with Mrs Okello because she thinks she is too good to work underneath a "black woman."
This is a fact which is well known to Neil Moon, Peter Harvey and Carole McDiarmid, yet she can continue to get away with it. If it was anyone else they would be told to tough it out or walk out the door.
A more recent reason for Simone's fraud is because she has been planning her daughter's 21st birthday, which was held on the weekend. Unfortunately for Simone, it appeared in the Western Advocate on page 10 today where she can be seen leaning her neck slightly to the side, which would hurt her already injured neck.
It is obvious that Simone Russell is milking the system dry and should be sacked. If Neil Moon and Peter Harvey don't have the manhood to do it, they too should be charged with supporting her fraudulent claims.
Image from Western Advocate online, used under Fair Use provisions.
Did you give Corey booze at the party Simone? We all know at Brooke's 16th you put $2,000 on the bar for the UNDERAGED KIDS to drink!
Complete loser Peter Harvey Is,Tell Allizanz about this corrupt woman Simone Russell.
Remove this now cunt
hatho 7:48AM
Lovely Simone Russell Teacher aid at Carenne Public School Bathurst.
Bloody ugly phooto of you Simone lol
Where's Mr Plod was he invited to the piss up?
hatho 7:48 AM
You can dish it out Simone but you cant handle your own medicine being dished back what a loser.
Anonymous 8:01 AM
You think the photo is ugly meet her in person and you would say the photo does her justice. She didnt get a name like DUMPLING for nothing it looks like she is wearing a tent that has been thrown up on. Simones technicolour dreamcoat.
Yes well done Sea Snitch keep the good work up,These disgusting staff at Carenne will be sacked!
Anonymous 9:14 AM
So True LMAO
Anonymous 9:51 AM
Yes this was at the OXFORD wasn't it,Jeremy Russell told us all about this?
DUMPLING at work today or is she committing FRAUD again?
When will Simone be investigated and retired like her bestest friend Lee ?
Anonymous 9:26 AM
Harvey hasn't got the guts,Knows she will SNITCH on him.Lee Churches has been shut up.
Anonymous 9:35 AM
look's like the DET have shut them all the klan up and the hanger on's,no more nedkelly 'Margaret Rowe",Mary H, "Mary Housler"Ometra "Michael Auld",Blog of lies" Janelle Kemp" carennetruth "Lee Churches" Drew"Drew Churches" COD 'Geoff Salmon".Just to name a few.
Told Catherine Bird new Carenne Support Board Member shut Mary housler and Lee Churches and Geoff Salmon up.
hatho said 7:48 AM
Remove this cunt.
Peter Harvey still saying Simone Russell not hatho.
Anonymous 2:56 PM
Peter Harvey and Malcolm Barnett from EPAC have proof that Simone Russell is "hatho".
June 21, 2011 7:48 AM
Neil Moon tells us parents not to read the blog then we wont be stressed, why doesn't he say the same to you Simone?
Simone Russell was told not to read it but she can't help herself. It's just rot for her to say she isn't hatho.
June 21,2011 10:21pm
And i suppose your not LEE CHURCHES "carennetruth" you LIAR.
June 22,2011 10:21PM
Catherine Bird won't be happy with you Lee ,Posting on the blog again naughty girl.
If Bird Legal is giving them leagal advice about the blog its way too late for that. And as for Lee "Carennetruth" Churches not posting what a joke when she also stirs shit/hosts her own blog about Carenne.
Lee Churches own BLOG.
The Truth About Carenne Public School.
This belongs to Lee Churches EX Deputy Principal of Carenne Public School Bathurst.
She was told she was under INVESTIGATION and was stood down and She Retired Medically Unfit so she couldn't be INVESTIGATED, That won't stop Lee Churches being charged for DEFAMATION by a lot of "HURT" and "ANGRY" people.
Anonymous 10:06 AM
It won't only be Lee Churches sued for defamation,Mary Housler,Margaret Rowe,Janelle Kemp,Simone Russell,Michael Auld,Lucy Thornton all will be,You can't accuse innocent people of MOLESTING and RAPEING SCHOOL CHILDREN of CARENNE PUBLIC SCHOOL BATHURST and people's own family members on a world wide internet and not be charge with DEFAMATION .
What happen in the hell hole today?
Get over yourself Jenny you fuckwit
Does this mean that Churches was permitted to claim medical unfitness and RETIRE instead of being sacked/dismissed? What a travesty of justice this is given that Mackay the STL from BWPS did NOTHING illegal, wrong, immoral but was forcibly removed from the school and summarily dismissed on lies and deceit from that filthy toerag Mcdonald. How can Harvey continue playing Russian Roulette with people's lives this way and think he will not be found out and punished?
Mcdonald wasn't at school yesterday (Tuesday) either so must have rushed home in the morning due to fear of being snowed in? Or maybe just didn't bother going to work in case? What a rotten loser that ridiculous parody of womanhood and professionalism that creature is.
Mary H
June 22,2011 10:39 PM
Be very careful MARY HOUSLER you are not supposed to be posting on this blog Catherine Bird told you .
Liberty Rowan 1:48 AM
Yes and collected all her super!
Liberty Rowan 1:48 AM
Peter Harvey won't be playing for much longer,His time is up!
June 22,2011 11:26 AM
I bet they won't use Bird Legal as their solicitors.
Liberty Rowan 1:48 AM
Peter Harvey won't be playing for much longer,His time is up!
Mary H
June 22,2011 10:39 PM
Be very careful MARY HOUSLER you are not supposed to be posting on this blog Catherine Bird told you .
Does this mean that Churches was permitted to claim medical unfitness and RETIRE instead of being sacked/dismissed? What a travesty of justice this is given that Mackay the STL from BWPS did NOTHING illegal, wrong, immoral but was forcibly removed from the school and summarily dismissed on lies and deceit from that filthy toerag Mcdonald. How can Harvey continue playing Russian Roulette with people's lives this way and think he will not be found out and punished?
Mcdonald wasn't at school yesterday (Tuesday) either so must have rushed home in the morning due to fear of being snowed in? Or maybe just didn't bother going to work in case? What a rotten loser that ridiculous parody of womanhood and professionalism that creature is.
Anonymous 9:35 AM
look's like the DET have shut them all the klan up and the hanger on's,no more nedkelly 'Margaret Rowe",Mary H, "Mary Housler"Ometra "Michael Auld",Blog of lies" Janelle Kemp" carennetruth "Lee Churches" Drew"Drew Churches" COD 'Geoff Salmon".Just to name a few.
Did you give Corey booze at the party Simone? We all know at Brooke's 16th you put $2,000 on the bar for the UNDERAGED KIDS to drink!
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