It has been reported by "nedkelly" and "hatho" that Lyn Duncan was not the only person at Carenne involved in suppressing information requested under state Freedom of Information laws and that Lee Churches was heavily involved in the cover-up.
Last night, nedkelly posted the following comment on this blog -
4.6.09 Lee sends the following email to a long list of people: "Oh my god - I cannot believe the hide of the man!!!!Does he really think we could work with him after allFollowing this, both nedkelly and hatho sent further information about Ms Churches, Mr Auld and education director Peter Harvey being involved in the cover-up. They claim Churches was the first to raise the possibility of people obtaining documents from Carenne under Freedom of Information after it was discussed at a staff meeting early on into 2009. Following this it is claimed that Lee Churches, Lyn Duncan, Peter Harvey and Michael Auld devised a plan to use pseudonyms and vague references to people who may be the subject of FOI requests. If Churches found out staff were using people's real names in documents she would remind them that it could be obtained under FOI and not to to it again.
those complaints against staff and with a law suit pending -AS IF"
nedkelly claims -
Michael told us all that if we used psuedonyms in emails that the person wouldn't be able to do a Freedom of Information request because the department would just search for that person's name on their end. If they can't search the name they can't get the person's information.hatho claims -
Lyn got the blame for it all but Lee was really key to the FOI cover-up. Peter Harvey and Michael Auld came up with the whole idea of using initials and vague references to avoid FOI laws. Michael was concerned that complaints made could be released to journalists under FOI.For some reason unknown, staff at Carenne Special School continue to break the rules and keep getting away with it.
Lee was the standover man. If her or Lyn found out someone hadn't been using the names then Lee would go and harass them.
Lee was the one who refused to comply with FOI requests and didn't release documents where she had made a number of defamatory statements and documents where she had even gone so far as to threaten Mr Carter. Jake Rosenberg had made a complaint about this to Peter Harvey which I confirmed was true but nothing came of it.
There is no surprise here at just how stupid some staff have been. What should interest readers is those who made the early threats and intimidation now understand the computers many of which are education department or linked into the education departments server were also identified along with the users who then started using doggi names.
I expect the education department have their own records of all email traffic. Certainly others even off shore servers like google have been keeping their records. Just as police access to COPS is recorded, identifying who accessed what. It will be best for all the politicians concerned to get everything into the open and those caught out sacked.
it makes you wonder who else they have done this to.
Why are us tax payers footing these fools legal fees.
there is rule at carenne that what happen at carenne stay at carenne. i have been harass by churches for speaking to harvey on email about lots of things including things that get thing fix. there was incident in class where student got into teachers pain drug and overdosed and churches and duncan try to cover up. i expose it to harvey and it get fix.
us tax payers will be pay to defend your unfair dismissal to jenny
who is paying your fine from centrelink lucy lee churches
wheres ned
No that won't jrosenberg jennys not a dole bludger like you lucy you live of the taxpayers
whers hatho
jrosenberg hows the volunteer work going
hatho will be quiet now she is an aide. She hasn't got access to the information she used to.
April 21, 2010 7:48 PM
By calling this person a dole bludger are you claiming all people on the dole are bludgers?
Perhaps you are digging yourself a much deeper hole...or are you game to answer honestly?...oh that's right, honesty doesn't seem to come easy from those on here who criticize "whistle blowers"..
April 21, 2010 7:57 PM
Is there something wrong with someone doing volunteer work???
You people never cease to amaze me...
D April 21,2010 10:43pm
This person jrosenberg is a casual teachers aid at carenne school she is one of the saviours who has double crossed the other saviours by snitching on them to Peter Harvey,Lee Churches and telling lies.Also D she got a terms casual work last term by snitching on the good honest staff who are trying very hard to clean this school of the klan.Also while jrosenberg was working fulltime she was defrauding centrelink.As for volunteer work she does it so she can keep up her lies and abuse of the saviours and good staff and her snitching to lee churches and Peter Harvey going. This woman is a very evil person D that is why those comments were made about her also she is a trouble maker who tell lies.Please look at her other post and see how she deframes other people on there looks she is only getting back what she gives others D.
where is that thing carennetruth?
Why wasn't Michael Auld and Peter Harvey charged with this offence .
Don't forget Carole(don't blame me I wasn't in the room)McDiarmid she knows everything that goes on but will hide behind Mr Harvey when the shit hits the fan and will come out smelling like a rose.
Don't count on that Carenne School Fraud,Corruption,Abuse,of Students and Parents ,Staff is bigger than BEN HURR she won't hide behind anyone once this hits the main stream media it will close Carenne School Down
But when is it going to hit the main stream media they havent bothered about it even though they have been contacted countless times
April 22, 2010 9:59 AM
I wasnt saying she is a nice person, i dont personally know her so can not judge her. i was just asking because it is a stereotype that people on the dole are bludgers, which is highly untrue for alot of people.
And volunteer work is supposed to be for the good of the community, not for ones personal gain.
What is Michael Auld up to being at Carenne at 6:30PM while he is on long service leave?
Destroying evidence again?
April 22, 2010 8:04 PM
Lucy did it for personal gain. She did it so that she could steal from the school and get money out of Barbara for it. Hardly voluntary.
April 22, 2010 8:06 PM
Neil Moon obviously supports this.
April 22, 2010 8:06 PM
On 23.2.10 Michael Auld destroyed evidence on Simone's work computer that would have shown she was posting on here and leaking information.
Lee Churches and Michael Auld have got CARENNE SCHOOL in the mess its in today they have run it into the ground.
Mr moon is just a yes man for the DET the students best interest don't come first for him
If Simone had used her computer to post on sydneyindy media and elsewhere the information is out there and removing it from the source computer wont make the evidence of what she did go away. Dont any of you people ever consider the properties attached to every email you send ? How do you think computers identify each other.
Oh well eventually most of you will catch on. Perhaps someone from the police could explain what a forensic investigation of a computer is. All that early stuff where threats were made by big note KLAN members is out there with the source computers identifed. Unless everyone was using all sorts of incription and other means to hide the source computer, and servers? I doubt it, Lee and her crew are just not that smart you only have to look at them to see that.
Where is the KLAN members perhaps they are a bit frightened about the way things are unfolding. Somone writes the "book" is OK So publish it and lets see what it says about threapy for children and payments were the taxpayers being ripped off?
This should be reason enough to sack Lee Churches surely. WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO HIDE LEE?
What hope have the rest of the staff got when you have an ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL bypassing the rules.
It should be a criminal offence to mess with FOI.
Anonymous 7:39am
And is still doing it.
The Western Advocate can keep slagging Stannies off but they wouldn't keep employing someone of this calibre, if she had done this at Stannies she would have been shown the door. It shows the calibre of teachers in the public system when corrupt people like this who obviously have something to hide are allowed to keep working.
I'm glad my children go to Stannies.
stannies old boy 11:57am
Well said she should be sacked private or public system it does not matter she has committed a crime.I"m Glad my children go to a private school also.
Dear Stannies Old Boy
Have you ever thought while you read this rubbish that it is just not true - just people with an axe to grind - with no truth at all in all the ridiculous stories
It's not rubbish. Lee Churches has covered up for three paedophiles at Carenne!
When is the Klan going to send me some evidence that shows it is all rubbish?
I'm still waiting.
Anonymous April 28,2010 7:51 PM
You say that Lee Churches Because you and Terry Mahony are partners in crime got the school in the mess its in today.
Don't count on that Carenne School Fraud,Corruption,Abuse,of Students and Parents ,Staff is bigger than BEN HURR she won't hide behind anyone once this hits the main stream media it will close Carenne School Down
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