The publication of an advertisement in Bathurst's Western Advocate today has raised questions about how Carenne Support runs its organisation.
The advertisement claims that "Carenne Support is an independent company that uses its profits to benefit the students of Carenne Public School." Just what does Carenne Support believe an independent company to be? Would an independent company be so reliant on the Department of Education and Training?
Confusingly, Carenne Support has charitable status with a number of government organisations but has also in the past claimed it is a trading company in its failed bid to deny whistleblower Brian Carter justice. In the judgment in that case, the judge described Carenne Support as:
Carenne was established in 2004 to improve the therapy services for disabled students at Carenne School. Carenne described itself as a limited liability company having benevolent status for fund raising and taxation purposes.
The judge also noted the reasons that Mr and Mrs Salmon started Carenne Support:
Their interest arose from the needs of their son who was assessed early in his life as being developmentally delayed, mentally and physically. Mr Salmon was of the view that the level of support from therapists, particularly speech therapists, physiotherapists and occupational therapists, was inadequate to meet the needs of young people in the region who had a range of disabilities. There did not appear to be an organisation providing advocacy on behalf of disadvantaged young people and so Mr Salmon took steps to establish an independent charitable organisation that could help provide additional therapy services as well as being an organisation that could represent the interests of this particular group.Mr Salmon sought funding on the false premise that Carenne Support would provide outreach services to the wider Bathurst area in 2005, taking funding which had been allocated to the Spastic Centre in Orange away from it. This claim appears to be a blatant lie. According to evidence given to the court it was found that:
In February 2006, the Department of Disabilities began allocating funds to Carenne to provide therapy services to fill service gaps that had arisen due to vacant therapy positions in that Department. Since July 2006, Carenne had invoiced the Department for physiotherapy services provided to students attending the Carenne school as well as the student from Bathurst High School.In five years just one student from outside of Carenne Special School has received therapy from Carenne Support, yet this was the part of the reason they were provided funding by the Department of Disabilities. Mr Salmon said they would provide outreach and it is obvious that they have not.
The structure of the new bus driver/supervisor position also needs to be questioned. Have existing staff been consulted on the change? What effect will this have on existing staff? How can the supervisor supervise themselves? What happens if there is a complaint about the driver, does the driver/supervisor look at it? Why can't their paid CEO Christine Porter look after it, wouldn't it be part of the CEO's role or are they just adding another level of bureaucracy and looking to employ another friend?
As an organisation which has tax exempt and charity status who also receives its income from the government we have a democratic right to question it.
Who was it that got these crims the money? Michael Auld's mate Gerard Martin!
Why don't you stay out of it and mind your own business Julie Brown. Carenne Support is an independent company and what it does is none of your business. Get a grip
excellent work julie your questions are valid ones
It is Julie Browns Business Lee Churches 9:24pm you people are corrupt.
Keep The Bastards Honest Julie.
I'm sure they can't complain, they paid for the ad to be published in the paper, now its published on the WWW for free! Have to be happy with that.
April 2, 2010 9:35 PM
Prove it. We are waiting for it.
Mary Housler, get on here and be constructive and answer the questions
Nobody from Carenne Support reads this shit.
April 2, 2010 9:46 PM
yet you are here!
gone are the days when carenne support thought that they are not accountable for their actions ITS EVERYBODYS BUSINES
Chop Chop Sweary Mary Lee Churches Has Spoken.
Julie is it valid that Carenne Support LTD to combine the lithgow bus run with the bus suppervisor job can they do this legally when they have a wonderful bus driver already.
Mary Housler is making a joke out of Carenne Support by continuing to comment, abuse and lie on here. She needs to be sacked.
Salmon started Carenne Support for two reasons. To get three therapy for his son and to give his friend Christine (who was also a director) a paid therapists position.
How can a speech therapist do occupational therapy? It's a fraud everywhere you look.
Stolen buses, stolen funding, false pay claims to the company ran by the one who approved payment and to the SAM's son and it continues to be protected.
because Auld has Gerard Martin looking after them the same as RDA. Look at how RDA got the back paddock at Carenne (which we now need to grow) and how he siphoned trade training centre money from Carenne to RDA.
The Police who continue to do nothing need to investigate these people stealing from disabled kids.
Employing Staff as casual when they should have been pemanent part time then try and sack them.
Good to see you are back Julie. Your writing is a peg up on Libertarian's
jenny cut the shit and apply for the fucking job
I'd want to work at Carenne... NOT.
well dont fucking apply for it you idiot
Just get references from the parents to say how great you are Jenny and how much they love you
You speak beautiful Sweary Mary,.
The parents said they want Jenny gone during the survey
BULLSHIT BULLSHIT BULLSHIT tell us another one ned
These are the kind of people Carenne Support LTD employ Hope you are proud of them Terry Mahony.And there filthy mouth.
there is a fair amount of anonymous posters on here why assume its jenny
Margaret Rowe if the surveys say that they have been tempered with i can assure you.
I thought the surveys was confidential so how would Margaret Rowe know what was said in them.
10:14 Jenny is the enemy at Carenne at the moment that is why.
Yes if the surveys say that they have definitely been tampered with it wouldnt be surprising though would it who thought that the survey was above board anyway
10:18 she wouldn't she is just a liar. Ignore her.
Good on them hatho jennys not frighten of them bullies.
The only reason people dont wanna work at Carenne is bcoz of all this childish crap that is going on.... Drama being stirred up by sad outsiders who have NOTHING better to do with their time. Get a life and leave Carenne alone!
The review wasn't above board. It was a joke.
April 2, 2010 10:21 PM
You think you are so good don't you. You use the term "outsider" as though you are part of some exclusive club. What is it you have in common? That's right covering up child abuse and ripping off people using the name of disabled children.
You are so pathetic Lee
April 2, 2010 10:21 PM which one of the corrupt bastards are you?
Lee Churches you have created this mess at carenne you and the klan now you are all going to suffer the fall out.
It's drama now not lies. FUCK YOU KLAN.
Yes she should have went not barb woolfe
By outsider i was referring to people external to Carenne itself. Paranoid much. I am also an outsider by this definition, I just dont spend my time making up lies and causing problems for people.
10.30pm yet the information on this site is coming from within Carenne because it is things only staff could know. It seems one of us "insiders" are doing it then.
As for the definition, the way you and the KLAN go on you would think that you think you are better than everyone else. Margaret Rowe is a aide for peat's sake yet she thinks she runs the school!
Lee Churches you are the biggest liar and bully in the school.And cause all the problems for people then crawl up there ass making out you don't.
It would seem that some people at Carenne have dedicated their lives to ruining others. Isn't it amazing that as soon as people dare to stand up to them lies are made up about them and they are attacked.
It's like this, if there were no problems at Carenne there would be no Carenne Gate blog. That is a fact. There is a Carenne Gate blog because there is independent evidence proving some of the claims made. There is independent evidence that Carenne Support and other SNTS providers have or are ripping the government off, there is independent evidence that the CEO of Carenne Support said that nobody at Carenne is to be trusted, there is independent evidence that you make stories up about anyone who dares to challenge you, there is independent evidence that the NSW Education Minister lied to the parliament (a very serious issue), there is independent evidence that the department is defending a contractor. Just think about it for a while.
I'll also add this that your posting is very similar to that I received from your local MP saying he is intrigued as to how people outside the electorate can comment on this issue.
Let me tell you this Mary, Carenne Support only wanted you involved so when it all blows up they can scapegoat you. That is their sole intention for you looking after things but you are too naive to see that. You know I used to be one of the people staunchly defending Carenne but I have seen the light after what Rowe tried to do to me.
well said libertarian
hatho don't bother warning her she is just an egomaniac on a powertrip and a lier.
Very well said Libertarian.
How about instead of defending your KLAN buddies you answer the questions MARY.
Carenne Support doesn't have to answer questions posed by shitbags, least of all some disgruntled nut who is being replaced who is too dumb to apply for the job like we told her to do.
Who are you people you told no one anything sweary mary build a bridge and climb over it will you.
How do you know what jenny going to do mary and how dare you call her nut i hope terry mahony is reading this and can see how disgusting you are.
Oh so jenny is going to be replaced is she sweary mary we have news for you and its all bad,Jenny won't be going anywhere.
Good Friday what a roll up. Whats happening at court with the KLAN?
Julie Christine Porter ask Jenny O'neill would she be willing to do a first aid course she said yes now in the job advertisement it says first aid certificate desirable but not essential are they going to give the job to someone who has a first aid certificate and say jenny didn't have one.
Terry Mahony and Christine Porter are still on the payroll of Carenne Support LTD.
Of course Christine is you moron she is the CEO and therapy team leader.
she was a director when she was getting paid before and told everone she wasnt she is a lier and a backstabber.
Jenny shut up and apply for the job you snitch.
Anonymous 12:24pm
Thank You that was the point she is a liar.
1.14 of course she is why isnt she doing speech therapy for the government, because she is greedy and was whinging about their pay.
12:29 PM
Who would think she would get the job when "SWEARY MARY" the "ADMINISTRATOR" writes about her like this
Who is on the interview panel for the applicates of this job does anyone know.
nedkelly 12:13pm
Porter the OHS OFFICER and know nothing.
How can people apply for this job when its illegal.what are they going to tell the applicates when the rug is pull from under them.And there is no job at all.
Thank you for that advice it will be followed through.
why should jenny have to apply for this when she is already a driver if it was all above board they would have just offered the extra duties to her i smell a rat of the worst kind
Jenny this is the NSW Ombudmans Phone Number ring the first thing Tuesday Morning. 02-9286-1000.
Lucy it looks like Jenny Guardian Angel is still by her side hey.
Anonymous 5:06pm
They offered to Richard Webster the Trials Bus Driver and not Jenny and she knows the run and the students.
April 3, 2010 3:21 PM What did they tell Jenny O'Neill when she took the job?
Richard Webster is one of Brian Carter's mates and the leak back to him along with Lucy Thornton that's hilarious.
April 3, 2010 5:23 PM You fucking idiot Carenne Support is a private company, the Ombudsman can't do a thing. Call them so they can laugh at how stupid you truly are Jenny.
Well sweary mary jenny will find out won't she wether they laugh or not got this advice from someone who knows the law not like CARENNE SUPPORT LTD.
Oh sweary Mary you use beautiful words don't you think your still behind the bar do you.
Mary didn't work in a bar you fucking queero
Im guessing its your friend that Gerry told Lee all about Jenny.
Mary if Carenne Support ltd is a private company why is the det paying for your board members legal fees.
Anonymous 8:55pm
Yes you did sweary mary.
Anonymous 8:56pm
What you on about no make sens
Jenny 9:08PM because DET knows the valuable service we provide Carenne.
Is that why they let you get away with fraud?
What mary destroying good students and parents and staff lives hope you are proud of yourself.
Valuable service my arse. Claiming you are doing therapy on students you aren't and telling DOCS and DADHC that you are. You are a fucking bad joke Christine Porter you corrupt woman.
I am proud to be associated with Carenne Support.
Yes and saying they are giving all students therapy and they don't"WELL DONE"CARENNE SUPPORT LTD.
Taking Funding From DOCS AND DADHC and not doing therapy honest people alright carenne support.
When DADHC was funding your therapy program (before the ludicrously profitable Lithgow bus run) how many false pay claims did you put in?
What does Nick Packham think about Christine Porter defaming him to all the Carenne parents and telling them to complain about how bad the DADHC funded therapists were?
Backing a good teacher to leave because she revealed you were not giving therapy porter "WELL DONE"
Lee Churches and Geoff Salmon are "CRIMINALS"
When Jenny is finished with Carenne Support EVERY boss will be in jail and that I can promise you.
9:25 PM breaching the "DUTY OF CARE" Porter, you should be sued wouldnt that be a shame.
Lining your own pockets carenne support stealing from disable children "WELL DONE".
Carenne doesn't know what the "DUTY OF CARE" is
Setting up a "CHARITY" so your son can get FREE therapy and you can give Christine Porter a job because NOBODY else would "WELL DONE"
Where did you work before you were the fat bus driver at Carenne Jenny? Christine wanted a job where she could work fewer hours so she could be with her family.
You won't be working for Carenne Support after this Jenny. That I can promise.
ned you are a horrid person
yeah look after her family and screw over everyone elses we all live for the day when it comes back 10 fold to you and all the other menaces there
Ned has always been a horrid person. She is a serial WITCH
what does anonymous 8.56 mean in their post
nedkelly you will be working in the prison kitchen very shortly.
she could use her potty mouth as much as she wants then she would be in her element there
nedkelly" MARGARET ROWE"9:32
You won't be working at carenne school after a month that we can promise.
Lee Churches has spread the confidental information you told her about jeremy around the school.
Jenny ring The Disability omsbudman on 92861000 and tell them what carenne support ltd have done.
Have you rang your union jenny if not you should.
Also ring the auditor general and have them audit.
On Behalf of Jenny we would like to say thank you for all your support of her she is ever so humble and touched that so many people care about her Thank you all for your support of her.
Jennys union will be here next week and will be making phone calls too auditor general and disability omsbudman as well.
It should be a requirement in the ad that if you see something that isn't right at Carenne you can't report it, even if it involves child abuse.
Jenny dare to challenge Carenne Support ltd and the klan that is why they are shunting her ,She does not take a backward step from them she is straight down the line.The most compassionate and caring person you will ever care to meet.
Hatho 7:56am
The confidential information lee churches spread around the school about jeremy is very likely to get scott in big trouble.
11.59 and it was Molly who did the setup on him
Just remember they are shafting Jenny to save $7000 a year on wages. Where will that go - probably to their CEO/Lead Therapist. That's right CHRISTINE HOOD - take from the poor/disabled and give to the rich.
Is Carenne Fraud Limited propping up KLAN enterprises?
1:42PM You are so right, Christine is the big problem with Carenne Support. She was involved in it from day 1 because she wanted a job on her terms. She isn't much of a speech therapist and seems to think that she is an occupational therapist as well. She doesn't mind milking the department for her own gain. The sad thing is that innocent people like Simone, Terry and Lyn are going to get the blame because they signed the forms claiming from the department at her instruction and the likes of Churches, Rowe and Auld will protect her.
11:59AM Lee said it was Jenny who spread that information around. Are you telling me it was the infamous Lee Churches?
Yes it was hatho lee churches is the biggest liar going and you will find churches spread the information about jeremy futher than the school to hatho,she will get scott in big trouble be very careful.
churches and rowe and auld are very dangerous people.
hatho jenny does not gossip and does not delight in other families troubles and heartache you were a fool to be in with the klan churches will try bring you and your family down.
hatho 1:42 PM Dumpling is a lot of things, innocent is not one of them.
Anonymous 2:44pm
That is right Dumpling was right in with the klan till they did the dirty on her did some awful things to innocent people.
hatho 1:47pm
Jenny did not know that information till Lee Churches told everyone who would listen lucy told jenny.
yes and blame what jeremy did on brian carter what low lifes
2:07 PM Thank you for that I will pass it on. It comes as no surprise, Lee is a massive backstabber, she has been as long as I have been at Carenne.
Don't forget if you call the disability Ombudsman to report everything including Dwyer buying kids smokes, the pig pen, jamming hands in doors, Margaret Rowe dragging kids by hair, Simone and Jeremy, the lot.
Jenny cut your shit and apply for the fucking job, Geeez it's not that hard to understand even the letter we gave you invited you to apply. You haven't been dismissed you idiot!
Calling Terry and abusing him isn't going to help either, it was a unanimous decision of the board of directors, supported by the Administrator of the company.
If you keep going like this you will be dismissed.
If you are reading this Jenny make sure you save this because that posting above by "SWEARY MARY IT WASN'T ME HOUSLER" is valuable.
Try and prove that you didn't write it you fool. Saying your computer got hacked is as ridiculous as "LUCY THORNTON'S" hacking claim and "MICHAEL FRAUD" saying peoples emails got hacked because the things in them was on Indymedia but he knew what was in them because he hacked into them himself.
You are A-grade wankers in that place. YOU HAVE BEEN EXPOSED FOR WHAT YOU ALL ARE.
Anonymous 5:45pm
Thank you jenny will save it.
Mary Housler how did you know Jenny called terry Mahony another breech of confidential information.Adimistrator is terry mahony and don't tell jenny what to do her union rep will do that on tuesday.After the omsbudman of disability is contacted.Don't threaten jenny you might find yourself in court mary housler.
Mary you will be sacked before jenny we will assure you of that you bully.
6:45 PM
"MARY IT ISN'T ME HOUSLER" will be signing a new tune when the CPA is contacted.
what is the CPA phone number
1300 137 322
She isn't a qualified accountant and is providing financial advice for reward. That's WRONG!
She is getting payed by carenne support ltd.
jenny has competiton for the job
She is getting payed by carenne support ltd.
6:45 PM
"MARY IT ISN'T ME HOUSLER" will be signing a new tune when the CPA is contacted.
what is the CPA phone number
Anonymous 5:45pm
Thank you jenny will save it.
Is that why they let you get away with fraud?
Anonymous 8:56pm
What you on about no make sens
Im guessing its your friend that Gerry told Lee all about Jenny.
Jenny this is the NSW Ombudmans Phone Number ring the first thing Tuesday Morning. 02-9286-1000.
How can people apply for this job when its illegal.what are they going to tell the applicates when the rug is pull from under them.And there is no job at all.
1.14 of course she is why isnt she doing speech therapy for the government, because she is greedy and was whinging about their pay.
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