Carenne Special School's incompetent assistant principal, Ros Luther has once again attempted to provide information to this blog to further her own Agenda. Luther, who has a history of
leaking confidential information,
encouraging students to look at pornography, neglect of students and torture contacted Carenne Gate to inform us of allegations made against her by Cheryl Chaplin.

In her email, Luther details an incident at the school on Monday involving a student being left behind and the response by the driver and a complaint made about her by the bus driver.
It shows how Ros Luther will side with whoever she can to gain an advantage. It's time this evil woman is sacked.
Ros Luther is a liar.
The Klan are setting cheryl chaplin up ,like they did colleen leis.
No doubt the cunts are. Ros Luther and Michael Auld have told me all about her the cunts and I have since found out most of it werent even true. They are cunts.
I've been told that the slut shared a classroom with Anna Blackburn and didn't know she was fucking that kid. I've also heard about the slut and her pigpen and the slut and her room she locks kids in what a fucking joke.
Why is Ros still at the school? There have been nothing but issues with her!
The pigpen and and the room she locks kids in are all true Mr Irate,This school needs closing down and all the staff need to be sacked never to be employed by the DET again.
For the first of many stories about the bitch see my blog
Ros Luther is shit. That's all I can say about the bitch. She has been involved in EVERY drama at Carenne for the last ten fucking years.
The pig pen was removed after Peter Harvey warned the bitch there would be an investigation as a complaint was received by EPAC about it. Why the fuck did EPAC tell Harvey?
EPAC is corrupt
She knew about Anna Blackburn .
What happened to your other blog Hatho? Didn't Harvey like you admitting he gave you information to harrass parents?
Why haven't you done anything about John Chaplin's escort that I posted a week ago? It's time that is looked into because there are serious issues there.
Simone Russell is scum
You should post your other posting here so people know what you are on about
Julie Brown needs to look into why the escort on John Chaplin's bus is allowed to work when she was in a sexual relationship with a student only two years ago. Sick Sick Sick!
26/04/2012 05:12 PM Like Reply
She's not using Anna Blackburn as the escort is she Ming?
Can ANONYMOUS verify if this email is correct
Ros Luther is Neil Moon's right hand man just like Lee Chruches was Terry Mahony's. Neil Moon hasn't got the nads to do anything
Let's hope Simone narks on the bitch
So are you you filthy piece of rot
Let's hope they all nark on each other ,they are all GUILTY.
Cheryl Chaplin would have had full knowledge of this. It was common knowledge.
Isn't it funny that a few days ago at Interchange Sam Durham told me the same story.
Isn't it funny that she was at Carenne over the holidays when all the leaks happened.
Cheryl knew the circumstances and knew that she was in a sexual relationship with Kyle Edwards.
Are you leaking more information from Interchange Samantha? How is dating clients working out for you?
Do you take a special interest in the sex lives of your clients do you?
Ros Luther is the Lee Churches of the school now. She will go around and create as much drama as possible to make herself look good. She is not a person to be trusted.
Where did you get your misinformation from? The person below?
She is a big mouth. She should be banned from being anywhere near Carenne or our students.
Ming if you know these special children are in DANGER of being MOLESTED or ABUSE by this ESCORT "WHY" havn't you reported this ESCORT to SNT,Or are you another SICK GUTLESS TROUBLE MAKER
They will never stop the leaks at Carenne because Carenne is rotten to the core.
What because she revealing you creeps for what you are Child Abusers.
Lee Churches is still Terry Mahony's right hand man.
She's a creep, she had sex with a DISABLED CLIENT at Interchange Bathurst and NOTHING was done by MELINDA PHILLIPS
How come Ros Luther says its with Paul Rice then? Sounds to me like you are covering your fat fucking ass fuckwhit. Ros told me she got the information from Interchange.
Don't mind naming innocent STUDENTS,Do you Margaret Rowe"nedkelly"?
Michael Auld'Pedobear"
Pedobear you know your on the board of Interchange.
Just like Auld
I wouldn't call Paul Rice innocent. He raped a student.
Why wasn't this boy supervised properly and this would not have happened,Typical of the hopeless STAFF at Carenne Public School Bathurst.
See the RDA are ripping the Bathurst Taxpayers off once again getting money granted in a application for money to install a watering system,which was granted by Community Building Partnership Program.The grants range from $4200 to $50,000. and Bathurst MP Paul Toole last week told State Parliament they would make a huge difference to the local community.
Where's Mary H not posting her lies ?
i had sex with kyle and paul at school and the teachers knew and didnt do nothin
on the weekend mr ryan came to my house and we had sex with my fiancee and they put my on the spit. it felt good. i hope im pregnat
I wonder if this is really Ashley posting,or just another one of the disgusting klan deadshits trying to post lies on this blog?
It sounds to immature. And made : Ashley. Comment. Something a corrupt person 'attempting' to sound real.
It sounds like her. She is a slut who shouldn't be at Carenne.
A lovely way for a Deputy Principal to speak about a Special Student,You should be sacked Ros Luther.
Grow up Ashley and stop looking for sensationalism. You are a sick little girl and this sort of post shows the whole world how immature you really are.
What sort of sick warped lying piece of shit are you to say things about a young person like that. You are very very twisted indeed.
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