Friday, October 21, 2011

Neil Moon's latest Carenne Support spin

Neil Moon has once again talked Carenne Support up to parents, sending parents an update about the organisation. In the newsletter, Neil Moon mentions how Carenne Support provides the school with therapy assistance and resources and how these services could not be provided if it wasn't for the valuable support the school receives from Carenne Support.

In the mini-newsletter, Moon also expresses thanks to Christine Porter, who co-ordinates services at the school.

One parent contacted Carenne Gate to report that they were told last year that Christine Porter had stepped down as therapy co-ordinator. "It sounds like that was a blatant lie by Neil Moon," said the parent.

Porter was heavily involved in students not getting therapy and it being covered up and the defrauding of the state Department of Disabilities. nedkelly told Carenne Gate that Porter had been implicated in an investigation into services funded by ADHC. She said -
"It was found that Christine Porter herself was responsible for lying to ADHC and receiving money for therapy wasn't being done. She blamed Coleen Leis, Peter Richards, Barbara Woolfe and Angie Cranston for it but the truth is that Carenne Support was being paid to use therapists to do the therapy not the school for staff to do it,"

"Porter nearly ruined Marion Baker when she exposed the fraud going on with Carenne Support,"

"Even after Carenne Support lost ADHC funding, Christine still co-ordinated therapy involving other organisations such as GWAHS and ADHC. She interfered in their work so much that numerous complaints were made about her to the department."

Neil Moon had the opportunity as a principal from another school to come into Carenne and fix the problems, but he has instead shown that he is as corrupt as the rest of them.


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Guest said...

Yes Simone Barabra Woolfe was ,So imagine the Child ABUSE she has WITNESS and won't stand up too the plate.

Guest said...

Bathurst Western Advocate.Tuesday 25.10.2011

Contest hotting up with just days to go.

More on how RDA are ripping the Bathurst People Off.

Anon Fallacy said...

Emails between Peter Seligman, Michael Waterhouse and Peter Harvey say they were too worried to dismiss her because Peter Harvey and Carole McDiarmid had used her to get police records.

Yes, these idiots put this in emails.

Anon Fallacy said...

Who is Libertarian protecting?
Coleen Leis
Bev Masters
Jenny O'Neill
Margaret Rowe
Barbara Woolfe

Anon Fallacy said...

Perhaps Michael Auld needs to explain why he told organisers of the My Recipe Rules contest that he didn't want Andy Wheeler in the finals because he is an open homosexual.

Another Carenne employee who is stupid enough to brag about it in emails.

Anon Fallacy said...

Why are there emails going between Grant Hatch of DEC and the Western Advocate about this? Why is the government paying to promote it?

Guest said...

This is disgusting ,Why hasn't Michael Auld been sacked from CPS?

Guest said...

Please Anon Fallacy put the EMAILS up on the blog for all to see.

Guest said...

Who's Police Records Anon Fallacy

Guest said...

Anon Fallacy i thought it was Julie Brown's blog not Libertarian"Kym Tattlesall".

Libertarian said...

We have received your email Anon Fallacy. We will be publishing a story

Libertarian said...

You were more interested in gathering information to assist corrupt Police such as Joel Fawkner and Scott Russell than you were in using it for your son's benefit.

Perhaps you should ask Joel why the serious complaint you made about a staff member at Carenne was never investigated? Actually, he won't tell you the truth but I will.

A report was made by someone at district office to EPAC about the conduct of Terry Neal. Within days, Joel Fawkner contacted Neil Moon and Peter Harvey and told them there would be a police investigation into Terry Neal, which never happened. Because of the police investigation the EPAC investigation was sunk.

Libertarian said...

You say this yet I had a good chat to Joel Fawkner on the phone and he told me how you had made a number of incorrect allegations and how you were having a "spray".

Guest said...

What is Libertarian protecting them from Anon Fallacy?

Guest said...

Fancy calling a student open homosexual hope childs parents read this story.

Guest said...

And they are in charge of our childrens future "SCARY".

Guest said...

Margaret Rowe"nedkelly" Teacher Aid one of thr KLAN who the DEC have proof she is nedkelly and she is still employed at CPS.

Shane said...

You got one thing right I dont believe the crap that you write the truth will come out you just go back to what your good at backstabbing.

Shane said...

I love how you keep changing your story you will get it right one day my story hasnt changed and it wont.

Guest said...

Margaret Rowe is Kym Tattlesall"Libertarian" Best Friend this is why she protecting her.

Guest said...

Same as Simone Russell the DEC have proof she is hatho and is still employed at South Bathurst Public School.

Henry The Hamster said...

You like talking about dildos don't you Jenny? Do you have a collection of dildos? Are you sexually deprived? Is this why you make up these sick stories?

Guest said...

Another disgusting klan member.

Guest said...

keep guesing auld

Guest said...

These are the DISGUSTING People working at Carenne ,Fancy having them near our children.

Guest said...

Libertarian why don't you tell the blog why you wouldn't meet Shane French or Jenny O'neill when they ask you too,They would have been able too identify you Kym Tattlesall that is why and you would have been sacked.You are one of the KLAN Kym along with Margaret Rowe "nedkelly" both playing the innocent Parents and Ex Staff off against the KLAN and CSL on this blog. It is,Julie Brown's blog she should never had you near it.

Guest said...

Kym Tattlesall"Libertarian" help knife Jenny O'Neill too and god knows who else.

Guest said...

Good Chat to Simone and Scott Russell your good friends you mean "Libertarian" Kym Tattlesall and they told you these lies about Shane French

Guest said...

Ha Ha it wasn't Jenny's Post Moron.

Guest said...

Anon Fallacy are you going put the EMAILS up between Peter Seligman,Michael Waterhouse and Peter Harvey,Please do.

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