What did Mrs Bird learn about Carenne Support while she was a director that she didn't like and made her bow out?
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Catherine Bird resigns from Carenne Support
On June 13, Lee Churches bragged on this blog that Carenne Support had bought in a well respected member of the Bathurst community, Catherine Bird as a director. It seems as though the relationship between Bird and Carenne Support was shortlived with Bird resigning as a director on 22 June 2011.
According to records held by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, Catherine Bird was a director from 1 March 2011 to 22 June 2011. Documents were sent to ASIC by Carenne Support on 30 June 2011 indicating that Mrs Bird was no longer a director.
What did Mrs Bird learn about Carenne Support while she was a director that she didn't like and made her bow out?
What did Mrs Bird learn about Carenne Support while she was a director that she didn't like and made her bow out?
carenne support,
catherine bird
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Catherine Bird didn't resign, she was thrown off the board for trying to do things illegally.
At least someone has a brain!
July 6, 2011 10:13 PM
Please Explain.
July 6, 2011 10:13 PM
Why is salmon fish and chips still there then he would have to be the most corrupt piece of shit on the board and in bathurst in general besides yourself carennetruth, and illegal thats what carenne stands for both the so called charity and school and we know harvey has no balls because your still there same as moon he is just a fucking puppet he should have a sore ass from having everyones fists up his ass.
Or what has bird taken the fall for the boards fuck ups and illegal practices because you fuckwits were fiddling with the books before she got there hey mary h? or did she want to make carenne support an honest company fuck couldnt have that she was probably the only honest board member so she had to go or she had seen the poor influence the klan has over carenne and got out before the hatchet falls and drags her name through the shit we know as carenne.
And fish and chips salmon want to talk you know where I live come around for a chat atleast one of you so called males show you have some balls left, I cant believe this shit owes over 6 mil and probably most of it to bathurst businesses and this fuckwit still has the cheek to sit on carenne supports board how much do you owe carenne supports books salmon and chips you should of done the right thing and resigned off the board before ASIC removes your dumb ass.
Shane 7:58 PM
Catherine Bird is a wonderful woman and a respected member of the Bathurst ,Fancy Lee Churches "carennetruth" making out they threw her off the Carenne Support Board For being Corrupt,I hope she gets Bird Legal to sue the ass of Carenne Support Limited and Lee Churches"carennetruth".
Shane 8:19 AM
Yes and Geoff Salmon is still a member of CARENNE SUPPORT BOARD.
July 7, 2011 8:31 AM
No one leaves carennes employment happy or thanking them. The TRUTH about why she left will be revealed I am sure and you can bet it will be nothing like carennelies version.
July 6,2011 10:13 PM
More lies out of your mouth Lee Churches no doubt you are a chip off the old block ain't you Leeanne Churches ?
July 7, 2011 8:31 AM
I hope she uses all the resources she has at her disposal to expose carenne and the klan.
Shane 8:59 AM
I pray she does,These corrupt people have to be stopped.
It didn't take Catherine long to see how corrupt the Carenne Support Board Members are,Glad she no longer on Carenne Support Limited Board.
Anonymous 9:11 AM
I couldn't imagine Catherine being woman of her standing,Being in the Company of Sweary Mary Housler for too long,Which if you read this story on the blog my thoughts are correct,Less then 3 months.
carennetruth Said
July 6,2011 10:13 PM
Catherine Bird didn't resign,she was thrown off the board for trying to do this illegally.
Lee Churches you are saying Catherine Bird is Corrupt.
carennetruth Said
July 6,2011 10:13 PM
Catherine Bird didn't resign,she was thrown off the board for doing things illegally.
Lee Churches you are saying Catherine Bird is Corrupt.
Anonymous 10:19 AM
Yes she is and on a blog that's been read not just in Australia but all around the world,"Well done carennetruth"you low life.
Catherine there is proof at the Bathurst Court House that Lee Churches is carennetruth,Should be helpful to your solicitor.
Catherine there is proof at the Bathurst Court House that Lee Churches is carennetruth,Should be helpful to your solicitor.
Anonymous 11:48 AM
You have to be a KLAN or Carenne Support MEMBER you disgusting bit of shit.
Someone ought ring Catherine Bird and tell her what Lee Churches carennetruth has posted about her.
July 7, 2011 12:31 PM
Why would you be a board member for three months if you weren't sacked?
Anonymous 1:46 PM
Maybe Catherine found out how corrupt Carenne Support Are and resigned.
July 7, 2011 2:04 PM
Wouldn't you look into that before you joined. I'd say she messed up just like Lee said.
Anonymous 2:05 and 2:06
Keep Guesing Mary H
July 7, 2011 2:22 PM
Piss of Jenny
Mary H 8:17 PM
Ha Ha keep guessing Mary H!
Maybe Catherine Bird read about all the problems at Carenne Support and ran the other way!
July 7, 2011 7:58 AM
You are just a sheep aren't you Shane? You can only regurgitate what your mates the Carters, O'Neills and Cheryl tell you.
July 7, 2011 8:19 AM
You all want to attack Geoff for his dealings with Salmon and Speck Pty Ltd but say nothing about Geoff's other company G & G Salmon Pty Ltd which has no problems.
July 7, 2011 8:31 AM
They couldn't get Craig Graham off
July 7, 2011 10:40 AM
About time you fuckwits realise that. It's OK for you to defame, bully and harass people but as soon as it happens to you you cry foul don't you fuckwits.
July 7, 2011 9:58 PM
Even Jock Roxborough ran the other way years ago! He was one of the ones who started Carenne Support and he bailed because of Christine Porter's corruption!
July 7, 2011 9:58 PM
The supposed problems at Carenne Support are made up by the likes of the Carters, Jenny O'Neil and cunts who are trying to get our bus runs.
I have news for you, nobody gives a fuck about this blog or anything on it. Everyone knows it is bullshit.
July 7, 2011 10:35 PM
Geoff Salmon, the $6 million man!
July 7, 2011 10:40 PM
How is your Lithgow Bus run going stupid?
Everyone knows your a puppet mary h and will be in the unemployment queue real soon.
July 7, 2011 10:35 PM
He is fucked you know it we know it.
July 7, 2011 10:40 PM
Thats why you and your klan fuckwits cant help posting and seem to get quite pissed when the TRUTH is posted about one of you scum you seem to feel the need to defend yourselves hey mary h and I am not after a bus run fuckhead I am on here to defend my child from you fuckwits.
You want to get your facts straight mary h its because of dog ass cunts like you there is a blog.
July 7, 2011 10:35 PM
I am so glad you dont do my books fuckwit where do you think they are going to get funds to recoup the 6 million + dollars he owes dont you think your sorry your not allowed to think for yourself I forgot what will happen is mary h an administrator has already been appointed and you can bet the farm they will sell off his assets to see how many cents in the dollar they will get back because of cunts like him not being able to pay his debts the people he owes if lucky might get 20-30 cents in the dollar that sucks he should not be allowed to trade again until every red cent is paid back but he will go bankrupt and screw everyone over its the carenne support way.
July 7, 2011 10:33 PM
Thanks to you I get my info from other parents these days so you know fuck all but there is nothing new about that hey dickhead and I really dont need that you fuckwits are that obvious with your bullshit all people have to do is open their eyes and mine are wide open.
Anyway not letting you destroy my holiday taking the kids camping will see you again fuckwit when I get back to everyone fighting the good fight keep up the good work will see you all again after the holidays. Later.
Mary h
July 7,2011 10:40 PM
The courts won't think this blog is bullshit i can assure you Mary Housler.
Mary H
July 7,2011 10:35 PM
Mary housler Peter Keogh will know about Geoff& Gillian Salmon Pty Ltd now thanks for thr tip off Mary.
Mary H
July 7,2011 10:33 PM
Mary Housler i notice your not game to Name Catherine Bird in your list,She discovered how corrupt Carenne Supprt Limited were didn't she Mary Housler?
Mary H
July 7,2011 10:37 PM
Mary Housler it was you and Carenne Support and the klan who told lies on this blog, Deframed Parents,Ex Staff By putting PARENTS PRIVATE IMFORMATION on this blog that only the Carenne School excutives should know and accusing them of rapeing ,molesting and abuseing students and of fraud on this blog just to cover up for Carenne Support and the KLANS Criminal Crimes.Justice will be done Mary Housler.
Mary H
No matter how long it takes,,The TRUTH always comes out.
Funny isn't it the like's of hatho and mary h and carenntruth don't post on this blog till late at night,Do they have to have a few half strater's to give them gut courage to post their lies on here?
While I was at Carenne I soon learned that you never let the truth get in the way of a good story. Even when something is so ridiculous that it isn't possibly believable, the sheep at Carenne still believe it.
The school was swept for listening devices because Michael Auld said the only way information could have been coming out of the school was for it to have been bugged. Of course none were found! Then, he said that people's e-mails were being hacked but no proof could be found for that either.
Anyone with common sense can tell that the leaks are coming from within at Carenne, but people like Michael Auld, Margaret Rowe and Simone Russell just make up stories to avoid scrutiny themselves.
Mother Goose 7:26 PM
Very Very True and this did happen,People's emails were hacked by Michael Auld ,Just look at Christine Porter's email it was pass around the school by Michael Auld.And you have Margaret Rowe,"nedkelly'Simone Russell"hatho" feeding Libertarian with school information.
July 7, 2011 2:04 PM
It doesn't take long to work that out. In Lyn Duncan's first week she was forced to lie and cover-up for Carenne Support's negligence.
On the first day Jenny O'Neill worked for Carenne Support, the bus she was driving had bald tyres. Someone, presumably Brian Carter reported this to Special Transport. Lyn was told by Terry Mahony that the bus runs were needed to support programmes at the school and that if Special Transport found out that the tyres were bald they could risk losing their bus runs. Lyn was told to lie to Special Transport and say that there were no problems with the bus and that Lyn would get a letter from Clancy's.
Both buses were taken to Clancy's through the day and the wheels off the non-hoist bus were put on the hoist bus. The non-hoist bus was parked there for two days until the new tyres came.
Then Lyn Duncan was made lie about the damaged wheelchair restraints in the trails bus, which the RTA came out and inspected and gave Carenne Support 14 days to clear the defect. When Lyn was contacted by Michelle McInnery at Special Transport she again had to lie because she was worried about damaging Carenne Support.
What Lyn didn't know at the time was that Carenne Support did nothing anyway!
July 8, 2011 7:45 PM
The only people who could have done this were Nathan Carter, Michael Auld and the department's own IT people. The leaks continued after Nathan Carter left so that rules him out.
The department's IT people wouldn't be bothered so you can tell who the one was that was getting into things he shouldn't of. It might explain why he has been replaced as the school's CCO.
Mother Goose 7:45 PM
Lyn Duncan signed a letter for Jenny O'Neill stating what was wrong with the hoist bus that she reported time and time again to Porter and Carennne office staff and it was never fixed and i'm told she still has this letter.
Fuck off Lyn, you were the worst principal Carenne has ever had. You were fucking pathetic.
hatho 7:58 PM
Yes because you couldn't stand over her could you Simone Russell?
July 8, 2011 7:53 PM
Carenne Support don't give a shit about the buses because they didn't pay for them. As soon as they can there will be another bus appeal for some new buses for Carenne Support to use and abuse! Much in the same way as they use and abuse students!
July 8, 2011 7:58 PM
How about you being so incompetent that you were writing cheques out for an account that had been closed? Is it any wonder you are no longer the SAM
July 8, 2011 7:58 PM
The same could be said about your time as SAM Simone. What did you do? That's right spoke on the phone to your kids all day instead of doing work!
Anonymous 8:01 PM
I bet they won't get any help from Bathurst People again they are a Fraud.
Mother Goose 8:03 PM
And handing Money out of petty Cash to her not so famous Step son Jeremy Russell.
July 8, 2011 8:04 PM
Who is going to help a school where a teacher was having sex with a student?
July 8, 2011 8:06 PM
Sadly most people in Bathurst don't know about that because Grant Hatch did his usual media wizardry and had the Western Advocate toss it aside.
The public had a right to know what the court found but of course, the public were failed by the local rag again.
July 8, 2011 7:46 AM
Geoff will just start selling pot again to make the money he needs!
July 8, 2011 7:46 AM
What's sad is that he is still a director of a "charity" even though his company is fucked and in administration.
July 8, 2011 9:05 PM
Peter Richards and Mary Housler will buy some!
July 8, 2011 8:51 AM
You really are a fuckwit aren't you Jenny. If Peter Keogh is owed money by Salmon & Speck he can't get any out of G & G Salmon.
You get on here pretending you know what you are talking about but you are just a dumb fuck.
July 8, 2011 7:29 AM
You wouldn't have the intelligence to run a bus run. You are just a fucking sheep, listening to everything your cunts of friends tell you and regurgitating it on this blog. It doesn't matter if it's true or not, you will repost it won't you Shane?
July 8, 2011 7:46 AM
Carenne Support isn't bankrupt you fuckwit
July 8, 2011 8:47 AM
I am sure they will when everybody else does. Why do you think nothing has been done? Because everyone knows this blog is bullshit and that it is just a place for losers like you and Brian Carter to vent your bullshit.
Mary H 9:12 PM
Yes he can Mary Housler,Geoff Salmon can be made too sell up his property "AMBLESIDE" Oberon to pay who he owe's 6 million too.
July 8, 2011 8:54 AM
Learn to write Jenny
Mary H
Did Carenne Support ever get Professional Indemmity Insurance sice Christine Porter said they had none,They going to need it very shortly.lmao
July 8, 2011 7:45 PM
Bullshit and I'm sure Clancys would have verified it too.
If the department believed any of this shit about Carenne Support would we have been given another run?
Anonymous 9:09 PM
And jeremy!
July 8, 2011 7:49 PM
Tell me this Lyn, didn't that vehicle go through a pink slip just months before that? You are a fucking liar.
Mary H 9:28 PM
Not Bullshit Mary just ask Bill at Clancy Motors Service Dept.!
July 8, 2011 8:01 PM
I bet you couldn't find one parent who's child has received therapy from CSL who would agree with us "using and abusing" students.
July 8, 2011 9:07 PM
July 8, 2011 9:17 PM
Oh how little you poor uneducated monkeys know.
Mary H 9:31 PM
MA student.
July 8, 2011 9:34 PM
July 8, 2011 9:35 PM
So you admit they didn't receive therapy that ADHC paid you for? THIS IS GOLD!
Carenne Support will be broke soon enough, all the poor bastards they owe money to will get nothing. It's not like their piece of shit buses are worth anything.
July 8, 2011 9:36 PM
LOL who is the moron now?
July 8, 2011 9:36 PM
Porter ripped off ADHC. She didnt do therapy just took the cash. What a lowlife ripping off disabled children.
Mary H 9:31 PM
Oh Dear Mary looks like you fucked
Anonymous 9:38 PM
No CSL didn't supply therapy and they are going to pay dearly for it.
Mary H you didn't answer my question at 9:25 PM,so i take CSL have none.
Mary H 9:35 PM
The only a chosen few got therapy and Janelle Kemp's and Melinda Gavin children.
Mary H where have you gone it was just getting interesting ,To much TRUTH for you Mary?
Mary h 9:35 PM
Oh Lee and Geoff will be annoyed with you Mary H fucking up LMAO
Mary H
July 8,2011 9:32 PM
Irrelevant morsh
Mary H
July 8,2011 9:35 PM
Look's like CSL will wish they got Professional Indemmity Insurance that Christine Porter said CSL didn't have, After your post at 9:35 PM Mary H.
Notice big mouth Mary H has no lies to blog tonight.
That Grant Hatch oughta be careful cause people still remember his name being bandied around in relation to the child pornography ring in Blayney and his involvement in cover ups there too. HIs own daughter has been on a murder charge and disgraced him and he is the nastiest slimiest man around. He may yet go for a roll over those activities cause there's no statute of limitations on criminal activities you know.
July 9, 2011 9:27 PM
That's why he doesn't work inside schools now, just at state office!
mary housler you lier you not tell truth about anything
jrosenberg 8:11 PM
Stirring shit again Lucy?
jrosenberg 8:11 PM
Stirring shit again Lucy?
Mary H 9:31 PM
Oh Dear Mary looks like you fucked
Carenne Support will be broke soon enough, all the poor bastards they owe money to will get nothing. It's not like their piece of shit buses are worth anything.
Mary h 9:35 PM
Oh Lee and Geoff will be annoyed with you Mary H fucking up LMAO
July 8, 2011 9:17 PM
Oh how little you poor uneducated monkeys know.
July 8, 2011 7:45 PM
Bullshit and I'm sure Clancys would have verified it too.
If the department believed any of this shit about Carenne Support would we have been given another run?
July 8, 2011 8:54 AM
Learn to write Jenny
July 8, 2011 8:47 AM
I am sure they will when everybody else does. Why do you think nothing has been done? Because everyone knows this blog is bullshit and that it is just a place for losers like you and Brian Carter to vent your bullshit.
July 8, 2011 7:29 AM
You wouldn't have the intelligence to run a bus run. You are just a fucking sheep, listening to everything your cunts of friends tell you and regurgitating it on this blog. It doesn't matter if it's true or not, you will repost it won't you Shane?
July 8, 2011 7:46 AM
Geoff will just start selling pot again to make the money he needs!
July 8, 2011 8:04 PM
Who is going to help a school where a teacher was having sex with a student?
July 8, 2011 7:58 PM
The same could be said about your time as SAM Simone. What did you do? That's right spoke on the phone to your kids all day instead of doing work!
Then Lyn Duncan was made lie about the damaged wheelchair restraints in the trails bus, which the RTA came out and inspected and gave Carenne Support 14 days to clear the defect. When Lyn was contacted by Michelle McInnery at Special Transport she again had to lie because she was worried about damaging Carenne Support.
What Lyn didn't know at the time was that Carenne Support did nothing anyway!
Mother Goose 7:26 PM
Very Very True and this did happen,People's emails were hacked by Michael Auld ,Just look at Christine Porter's email it was pass around the school by Michael Auld.And you have Margaret Rowe,"nedkelly'Simone Russell"hatho" feeding Libertarian with school information.
Mary H
No matter how long it takes,,The TRUTH always comes out.
Mary H
July 7,2011 10:35 PM
Mary housler Peter Keogh will know about Geoff& Gillian Salmon Pty Ltd now thanks for thr tip off Mary.
July 7, 2011 10:35 PM
He is fucked you know it we know it.
July 7, 2011 10:40 AM
About time you fuckwits realise that. It's OK for you to defame, bully and harass people but as soon as it happens to you you cry foul don't you fuckwits.
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