Last evening, Carenne Support secretary and employee - Mary Housler posted on this blog refuting allegations that she had posed as Carole McDiarmid and put a letter to the school community about the claimed death of Terry Neal. She challenged me to provide evidence that it was in fact her that posted it, so here is the evidence for all to see.
In her posting she also claims:
- That she has not posted since January 2010. This is false, there are a number of documented postings by Mary Housler, usually under the name "Mary H", but some also under "Anonymous" and "Guest" on this blog which are associated with her IP and email addresses.
- That Malcolm Barnett, Peter Harvey, Neil Moon, Paul Knight and herself have invited me to meet with them. This is not true. I have requested a meeting with Lyn Duncan, Neil Moon, Peter Harvey, Carole McDiarmid and Peter Riordan in the past. All of them have declined for me to meet with them. Malcolm Barnett contacted me after the site was hacked by Anonymous requesting a meeting, however I declined his meeting as I saw it as a case of too little too late. If Mr Barnett was serious he would have met with me sooner. I have never spoken to Mary Housler or Paul Knight.
- That nobody who posts on this blog is of the caliber of Carenne's staff. This is probably true as most of the people who post on this blog are against child sexual abuse, assaulting disabled students, corruption and down right incompetence. It takes a special sort of person to be able to do this to the level that Carenne staff do.